生气用英语怎么说 篇一
When it comes to expressing anger in English, there are various phrases and idioms that can be used to convey this emotion effectively. One common way to say "I'm angry" is simply to use the word "angry" itself. However, if you want to express your anger more strongly, you can use phrases like "I'm furious" or "I'm livid."
Another way to express anger in English is to use idioms and expressions. For example, you can say "I'm boiling mad" or "I'm seeing red" to convey a sense of intense anger. Similarly, you can use phrases like "I'm at the end of my tether" or "I'm about to blow my top" to indicate that you are very close to losing your temper.
In addition to these phrases and idioms, there are also more colorful expressions that can be used to express anger in English. For example, you can say "I'm fit to be tied" or "I'm hopping mad" to show that you are extremely upset. Similarly, you can use phrases like "I'm spitting nails" or "I'm steaming" to indicate that you are boiling with rage.
Overall, there are many ways to express anger in English, ranging from simple phrases like "I'm angry" to more colorful expressions like "I'm fit to be tied." By using a variety of words and idioms, you can convey your emotions effectively and let others know when you are feeling upset.
生气用英语怎么说 篇二
Anger is a common emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives. When it comes to expressing anger in English, there are a variety of phrases and idioms that can be used to convey this feeling effectively.
One way to express anger in English is to use direct language. For example, you can simply say "I'm mad" or "I'm really angry" to let others know how you are feeling. Similarly, you can use phrases like "I'm upset" or "I'm annoyed" to indicate that you are feeling frustrated or irritated.
Another way to express anger in English is to use more colorful language. For example, you can say "I'm seeing red" or "I'm fit to be tied" to convey a sense of intense anger. Similarly, you can use phrases like "I'm at the end of my rope" or "I'm about to lose it" to show that you are very close to losing your temper.
In addition to these phrases and idioms, there are also more creative ways to express anger in English. For example, you can say "I'm fuming" or "I'm steaming" to indicate that you are boiling with rage. Similarly, you can use expressions like "I'm on fire" or "I'm ready to explode" to show that you are feeling extremely angry.
Overall, there are many ways to express anger in English, from simple phrases like "I'm mad" to more colorful expressions like "I'm seeing red." By using a variety of language and idioms, you can effectively convey your emotions and let others know when you are feeling upset.
生气用英语怎么说 篇三
生气[shēng qì ]
take offence; get angry; be offended with; be angry at; animal spirits
生气 [shēng qì]
(1) [vitality]∶活力;生命力
夭其稚枝,锄其直,遏其生气。--清. 龚自珍《病梅馆记》
(2) [angry]∶发怒;因不合心意而不愉快
I like him. Though he makes me angry sometimes。
It's ridiculous to play it cool if someone you're mad about is mad about you too.
I just think it's rude and it's ticking me off
Steve shouted at her. He was really worked up now.
Jane's always annoying her and she takes it out on me sometimes.
Granny was astounded and a little piqued, I think, because it ha
Poems which had seemed dull and boring suddenly came to life.
The women are cross and bored.
Alex bridled at the shortness of Pamela's tone.
She sometimes angers with little or no provocation.