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英语四级翻译题目及答案 篇一


答案:Chinese Traditional Festival - Spring Festival

Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It marks the beginning of a new lunar year and is celebrated by Chinese people all over the world. The festival usually falls in late January or early February.

During the Spring Festival, people clean their houses and decorate them with red lanterns, couplets, and paper-cuttings. They also buy new clothes and prepare special food for the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve. The festival is a time for family gatherings, and people give each other gifts and red envelopes containing money as a symbol of good luck.

One of the most popular customs during the Spring Festival is the dragon and lion dances. These performances are believed to bring good luck and prosperity for the coming year. In addition, fireworks and firecrackers are set off to drive away evil spirits.

The Spring Festival is a time for joy, happiness, and renewal. It is a time to honor family traditions and ancestors, and to look forward to a new beginning in the coming year.

英语四级翻译题目及答案 篇二


答案:The Great Wall of China

The Great Wall of China is one of the most famous landmarks in the world. It is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials, built along the northern borders of China to protect the Chinese states and empires against invasions from the nomadic tribes of the Eurasian Steppe.

Construction of the Great Wall began as early as the 7th century BC during the Warring States period. The most well-known sections of the wall were built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) to defend against Mongol invasions. The wall stretches over 13,000 miles and includes various branches and sections, some of which are in ruins while others have been restored and are open to tourists.

The Great Wall is not only a symbol of China's ancient civilization and military prowess, but also a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of the Chinese people. It has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the world.

Visiting the Great Wall offers a glimpse into China's rich history and culture, and provides a breathtaking view of the majestic landscape surrounding it. It is a must-see destination for travelers from around the globe who seek to marvel at the wonders of human achievement.

英语四级翻译题目及答案 篇三

  1.___________(我本该将此事告诉他),but I was so focused on my experiment that I forgot.

  2.These people did nothing _______________(除了整日在街上闲逛),which causes a lot of concern.

  3.Now that you are planning to move to England,you must try to _________________(适应多变的气候).

  4.Tom is an experienced businessman ____________(从事国际贸易)for nearly twenty years.

  5._________________(既然你对唱歌那么有激情),I will treat you to KTV this afternoon.


  1.I should have told him about this//I ought to have informed him of this

  此处but引导的虚拟语气属暗含的虚拟语气,前一部分是虚拟语气,后一部分是陈述语气。由于后部分是过去式的陈述句,故前半句的虚拟语气用完成时态,表示“过去未做之事”,用“should/ought to have+过去分词”结构。

  “将…告诉…”的表达是tell sb. about sth.或inform sb.of sth.。

  2.except/but hang around on/in the street all day long

  “除了”的表达是except或but,do nothing but/except后面用动词原形。But用于nobody,nothing,no one,all等词后面表示“除…以外”。“闲逛”译作hang around;“整日”的表达是all day long。

  3.adapt to its changeable weather

  adapt to 意思是“适合,适应”。“多变的”译作changeable。

  4.who has engaged in international trade

  考查定语从句:待译部分修饰businessman,应由who引导定语从句。由for nearly twenty years一词提示应用现在完成时。“从事”译为engaged in,为四级常考词汇;“国际贸易”的表达是international trade,也可以用foreign trade。

  5.Now that you are so passionate fo singing

  “既然”用now that或since表达,引导原因状语从句。“对…有激情”的表达是be passionate for或have passion for。指示代词:so用于形容词前,such用于名词前。


  1._____________(正如食物能给身体提供营养),reading can enrich the mind .

  2.Effective measures should be taken to _____________(降低不断增长的失业率).

  3.__________(抱怨是没有意义的)since nothing can be changed.

  4.After supper,I always feel like ___________(和露露在公园散步).

  5.To such an extent _____________(西安的气温降低)that people all stayed home to keep warm.


  1.Just as food provides nutrition for the body

  比较状语从句:(just)as…意为“正如…”,表示同等程度的比较。“给身体提供营养”还可以译为provides the body with nutrition.


ease the rising unemployment rate

  现在分词修饰名词结构:“不断增长的”可用rising或increasing来表达。“失业率”的表达应为unemployment rate或the rate of unemployment。

  3.It's no sense(in) complaining//It's not sensible to complain

  It is no sense(in)doing“做…是没有意义的”。“抱怨”用complain表达。

  4.taking a walk in the park with Lulu

  固定搭配:“想要做某事”的固定搭配为feel like doing sth.。“散步”的表达为take a walk,也可用go for a walk。

  5.did the temperature in Xi'an go down

  考查倒装:当so和such及其介词短语位于句首时,主句需要部分倒装,把助动词移至主语前。“降低”的表达为go down或decrease。时态一致:主从句的时态要一致,从句用过去时,故主句也用过去时。


  1.You would have been better now if ___________(你过去坚持吃药).

  2.In______________(鉴于他违背了妈妈的意愿),his father gave him a little hard work to do.

  3.The police warned citizens against keeping a large sum of cash at home ____________(以防被盗).

  4._____________(当谈及代购问题),all students are eager to say something about their experience.

  5.It is common konwledge ____________(在经济上中国仅次于美国) at present.


  1.you had kept taking/having this medicine before

  考查虚拟语气:表示与过去事实相反的假设需用虚拟语气,从句中的谓语动词用“had+过去分词”,主句中的谓语动词用“should(第一人称)或would(第二,三人称)have+过去分词”。“坚持做某事”的表达是keep doing sth。

  “吃药”的表达是take/have medicine。

  2.view of his going against his mother's will

  “鉴于”的表达是in view of,后面跟名词性成分。“违背”的表达是go against。“意愿”的表达为will。

  3.lest it (should) be stolen//in case it (should)/will be stolen

  考查目的状语从句:lest意思是“以防,以免”,其引导的从句通常用sb.(should)do 的形式表示虚拟,句中指“钱财被盗”,用被动语态。In case “以防”也可以引导目的状语从句,但从句的谓语可用虚拟语气,也可用直陈语气。


  4.When it comes to generation gap//When talking about generation gap

  考查“当谈及…”这一常考固定结构:when it comes to+sb./sth或者when talking about +sb./sth.。“代沟”的表达:generation gap。

  5.that China is next to America in terms of economy

  that引导的主语从句既可放于句首,也可放在句末,但为了保持句子平衡,常用it作形式主语,把真正的主语从句放在句后。“仅次于”的表达为be next/second to。“在…上”可表达为in terms of或者直接用介词in。


  1.By the end of this year ___________(这本书将出版).

  2.That advantages of bicycle outweigh its disadvantages and it will ________________(在现代社会发挥重要作用).

  3.After days of heavy rains,the sun ______________(终于从云层后面露出来了).

  4.He has got into the habit of __________________(在房间乱扔东西).

  5.______(凡是对油画感兴趣的人)may get a free ticket to the art show.


  1.the book will have been published // the book will have come out

  考查时态和被动语态:由by the end of this year“今年年底”判断要用将来完成时,而book与publish之间是被动关系,所以用将来完成时的被动语态will have been published。如果用come out 表达的话不必用被动式。

  “出版”的表达常用publish或come out。

  2.play an important/essential role in modern society

  “发挥作用”的表达为play a role in。“重要的”表达可以用important或essential;“现代社会”的表达为modern society。

  3.emerged from behind the clouds at last

  为了准确表达方位,from后面可接另外一个介词宾语,behind the clouds整体表示一个位置;云层后面。本句叙述的是过去的事情,所以用过去式。“露出来”的表达为emerge或come out。

  4.答案:leaving things about/everywhere in his room

  “养成某习惯”的固定搭配为get into the habit of doing sth。“乱扔东西”的表达为leave things about/everywhere。

  5.Whoever is interested in oil painting

  考查主语从句:Whoever意思是“无论是谁”,它在引导的主语从句中可作主语或宾语。作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数。“对…感兴趣”的表达是be interested in或have/take an interest in。“油画”的表达是oilpainting。


  1.By the end of this year ___________(这本书将出版).

  2.That advantages of bicycle outweigh its disadvantages and it will ________________(在现代社会发挥重要作用).

  3.After days of heavy rains,the sun ______________(终于从云层后面露出来了).

  4.He has got into the habit of __________________(在房间乱扔东西).

  5.An enclosed,smoke-filled room has levels of harmful gas ________________(是平时的50倍).


  1.the book will have been published // the book will have come out

  时态和被动语态:由by the end of this year“今年年底”判断要用将来完成时,而book与publish之间是被动关系,所以用将来完成时的被动语态will have been published。如果用come out 表达的话不必用被动式。“出版”的表达常用publish或come out。

  2.play an important/essential role in modern society

  “发挥作用”的表达为play a role in。“重要的”表达可以用important或essential;“现代社会”的表达为modern society。

  3.emerged from behind the clouds at last

  考查介词:为了准确表达方位,from后面可接另外一个介词宾语,behind the clouds整体表示一个位置;云层后面。考查时态:本句叙述的是过去的事情,所以用过去式。“露出来”的表达为emerge或come out。

  4.leaving things about/everywhere in his room

  “养成某习惯”的固定搭配为get into the habit of doing sth。“乱扔东西”的表达为leave things about/everywhere。

  5.50 times as high as normal // 49 times higher than normal

  考查比较级:表示倍数的比较级常用“A is…times as + 形容词原级+as B”或“A is … times +形容词比较级+ than B”。“平时”的表达为normal。


  1.Such practice of ________________(考试前熬夜学习)will not necessarily work for every student.

  2.George arrived at the office ahead of time _______________(只为了给老板留下好印象).

  3.The resolution that ___________(他调到总部)was approved by General Manager.

  4.He didn't like this job _____________(尽管条件比之前的好).

  5.___________________(我宁愿你不要宣布决定)on the issue for the time being.


  1.staying up studying before an examination

  “熬夜”的表达为stay up,“熬夜学习”就是stay up studying。空前出现的of是介词,跟在其后的动词词组“熬夜学习”要变成动名词的形式,修饰名词practice。

  2.only to make a good impression on his/the boss

  “给…留下印象”译作make an impression on…。“印象”之前的修饰语good在翻译时不能遗漏。“只为了”的表达为only to,其结构为only to do sth.表示目的。

  3.he (should)be transferred to headquarter


  4.though the condition was better than the previous one

  考查让步状语从句:在句子中所以用though。比较级:“比…好” 用be better than。one的用法:句子前面已经提到了job,为了避免重复,用one代替。

  5.I'd rather you didn't declare/announce this decision

  考查虚拟语气:would rather,would sooner,had rather,would(just) as soon,would prefer用来表达主观愿望,它们之后的宾语从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用一般过去时表示现在或将来的事情,用过去完成时表示与过去事实相反的事情。本句中for the time being“目前”表示这是现在的事情,所以系动词用一般过去时didn't。“宣布决定”的表达常用declare或announce the decision。












