英语选修八第四单元课文翻译 篇一
The Silk Road
The Silk Road was an ancient trade route that connected the East and West, stretching from China to the Mediterranean Sea. It got its name from the valuable silk that was traded along the route. The Silk Road played a significant role in the exchange of goods, ideas, and culture between different civilizations.
The Silk Road began during the Han Dynasty in China around 200 BCE and continued for over a thousand years. It was not a single road, but rather a network of trade routes that spanned over 6,000 miles. Merchants and travelers would travel through deserts, mountains, and grasslands, facing various challenges and dangers along the way.
The Silk Road was not just about trade and economic exchange. It also facilitated the exchange of knowledge, religion, and technology. Buddhism, for example, spread from India to China through the Silk Road. Chinese inventions such as papermaking, compasses, and gunpowder also made their way to the West through this route.
One of the most famous travelers along the Silk Road was the Italian merchant Marco Polo. His detailed accounts of his journey to China in the 13th century sparked great interest in the West about the East. His descriptions of the luxurious goods, advanced civilizations, and exotic cultures he encountered fascinated people and inspired further exploration and trade along the Silk Road.
The Silk Road had a profound impact on the development of civilizations along its route. It promoted cultural exchange and the blending of different traditions, leading to the emergence of new art forms, architectural styles, and religious practices. It also contributed to the spread of diseases, such as the Black Death, which devastated Europe in the 14th century.
Today, the Silk Road is no longer a major trade route, but its historical significance is still recognized. Efforts have been made to preserve and promote the heritage of the Silk Road, including the establishment of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the Maritime Silk Road initiatives by the Chinese government. These initiatives aim to revive the ancient trade routes and promote cooperation among countries along the route in areas such as trade, investment, and cultural exchange.
In conclusion, the Silk Road was a vital link between the East and West, facilitating trade, cultural exchange, and the spread of knowledge and technology. Its impact on civilizations along its route cannot be underestimated, and its legacy continues to be celebrated and explored today.
英语选修八第四单元课文翻译 篇二
The Great Wall of China
The Great Wall of China is one of the most iconic and impressive architectural wonders in the world. It is a series of fortifications that stretches over 13,000 miles across the northern part of China. Built over several centuries, the Great Wall served as a defensive barrier to protect China from invasions and attacks.
Construction of the Great Wall began as early as the 7th century BCE and continued until the 17th century CE. It was not a single continuous wall, but rather a network of walls, watchtowers, and fortresses that were built and expanded by different dynasties over time. The most well-known sections of the Great Wall were built during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 CE).
The Great Wall was constructed using various materials, including stone, brick, tamped earth, and wood. It was built on mountain ridges, plateaus, and plains, taking advantage of the natural terrain for defense. The wall was designed to be wide enough for soldiers to patrol and guard the border, with watchtowers strategically placed along its length for surveillance.
The Great Wall not only served as a physical barrier, but it also had symbolic and cultural significance. It represented the strength and unity of the Chinese people and their determination to protect their homeland. It has become a symbol of Chinese civilization and a testament to the ingenuity and engineering skills of the ancient Chinese.
Today, the Great Wall of China is a popular tourist attraction and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Millions of visitors from around the world come to marvel at its grandeur and walk along its ancient pathways. However, the Great Wall has also faced challenges, such as erosion, vandalism, and unauthorized construction. Efforts have been made to preserve and restore the wall, ensuring that future generations can continue to appreciate its historical and cultural value.
In conclusion, the Great Wall of China is a remarkable feat of human engineering and a symbol of China's rich history and culture. It stands as a testament to the ingenuity and perseverance of the ancient Chinese people. Its significance goes beyond its defensive purpose, as it represents the unity and pride of the Chinese nation. The Great Wall continues to captivate and inspire people from all corners of the globe, reminding us of the power of human creativity and the importance of preserving our shared heritage.
英语选修八第四单元课文翻译 篇三
Unit4 皮格马利翁主要人物:伊菜扎·杜利特尔(伊):穷苦的卖花姑
娘,立志要改善自己的生活希金斯教授(希):语音学专家,坚信一个人的英语水平决定这个人的社会地位皮克林上校(皮):陆军军官,后来成了希金斯教授的朋友,并给他安排了一项任务第一幕 决定性的会面1914年的某日晚上11点15分,在英国伦敦某剧场夕。正下着倾盆大雨,四处响着出租车的鸣笛声。有一位男士在躲雨,边听人们谈话边观察着人们的反应。他一边观察,一边作记录。附近一个穿着黑色衣裙围着羊毛围巾的卖花姑娘也在躲雨。这时有位先生(先)从这儿路过,他迟疑了片刻。伊:长官,过这边来呀,买我这个苦命的孩子一束花吧!先:对不起,我没有零钱,伊:长官,我可以给你找零钱呀。先:(惊奇地)一个英镑你找得开吗?没有再小的钱了。伊:(带有希望的神色)啊!好啦,从我这买一束吧。拿这一束,只要三个便士o(举起一些已经枯萎的花)先:(不舒服地)现在别烦我,好姑娘。(在他的口袋里找什么,这时语气好些了)等一等,这儿有几个零钱。这点钱对你有用吗?雨下大了,不是吗?(说完就走了)伊:(对先生付的钱表现出失望的样子,但是有总比没有好)先生,谢谢了。(看到有人在记什么,感到担心)嗨,我跟那位先生讲话,又没做错什么事。我有权卖花吧,我有权嘛!我不是小偷,我是个老实姑娘,老老实实的!(开始哭起来)希:(友善地)好啦,好啦!谁伤害你了,傻姑娘?你把我当成什么人了?(递给她一条手帕)伊:我还以为你是一个便衣警察呢。希:我像警察吗?伊:(仍在担心)那你为啥要把我说的话记下来呢?我怎么知道你是不是写对了呢?那你把你写的关于我的东西给我看看。希:你看吧!(把写满字的纸递给她)伊:这是什么呀?不像规规矩矩的字,我看不懂。(把纸退回给他)希:我懂。(模仿伊的声音读)长官,过这边来呀,买我这个苦命孩子一束花吧!(改用自己的声音)好了吧,你呀,如果我没有弄错的话,你出生在里森格罗佛:伊:(困惑不解的)如果我是又怎样呢?跟你有什么关系呢?皮:(本来是一直望着这个姑娘的,这时跟希金斯说话了)太棒了!请问你是怎么知道的呢?希:对人的发音进行研究、分类,如此而已。这是我的专业,也是我的业余爱好。你可以根据几句话判定是哪个地方的人。我可以根据任何谈话来判定他们是哪个地方的`人,差距不过六英里,有时候在伦敦甚至不超过两个街区呢。皮:恭喜你了!不过,你这样做有收入吗?希:当然有哆,还挺高呢。这是个致富的年代 人们从伦敦的穷人区开始工作,年收入才80英镑,最后到了富人区工作,年收入就是10万英镑了,但是他们一张嘴就会露出马脚(暴露自己的身份)。如今如果让我一教,她就会变成一个上层阶级的淑女……皮:是吗?那太妙了!希:(粗鲁地)你瞧这个姑娘,英语说得那样糟糕,使她注定要在贫民窟里待上一辈子。不过,先生,(高傲地)要是一旦有人教她把英语说好了,她就可以在三个月以内冒充公爵夫人出席大使主办的花园晚会了。说不定我还可 以给她找份工作,当一名贵夫人的侍女或商店的店员。这些工作都要求英语说得好呢。伊:你说啥来着?店员?这正是我想要做的,真的!希:(不理睬她)你相信我说的话吗?皮:当然相信。我自己就学了好多种印度方言,而且……希:真的吗?那你认不认得皮克林上校呢?皮:当然认得,皮克林就是我。那么请问您是谁?希:我是亨利·希金斯。我还打算要去印度见你呢:皮:我也正是到英国来找你的!伊:我呢?你们怎么帮助我呢?希:啊,拿去吧!(漫不经心地朝她的篮子里扔去一把钱)好老兄,我们该美美地庆祝一番了。(一道离去)伊:(惊奇地看着收集起来的钱)啊,我还从来没有见过!整整一个英镑呢!一笔财富呀!这的确给我帮大忙了,真的。明天我一定去找你,亨利·希金斯。等着瞧吧!你那口(模仿他的声音)“真正的英语”……(用自己的声音)我倒要看看你能不能帮我找到……(离去)