英语常用的20个拟声词 篇一
1. Buzz:蜜蜂嗡嗡的声音。例如:The bees buzzed around the flowers.
2. Cuckoo:布谷鸟的叫声。例如:The cuckoo sang in the forest.
3. Sizzle:食物在油锅中煎炸时发出的嘶嘶声。例如:The bacon sizzled in the pan.
4. Hiss:蛇发出的嘶嘶声。例如:The snake hissed at the intruder.
5. Chirp:鸟儿的鸣叫声。例如:The birds chirped in the early morning.
6. Roar:狮子的吼叫声。例如:The lion roared in the zoo.
7. Clang:金属撞击时发出的响声。例如:The bell clangs when it is rung.
8. Whistle:口哨声。例如:The referee blew the whistle to start the game.
9. Ding-dong:门铃声。例如:The doorbell went ding-dong.
10. Splash:水花飞溅的声音。例如:The children splashed in the pool.
11. Creak:门或地板发出的吱吱声。例如:The old door creaked when it was opened.
12. Thud:沉重物体撞击地面时的声音。例如:The book fell off the shelf with a thud.
13. Gurgling:水流发出的潺潺声。例如:The stream gurgled as it flowed over the rocks.
14. Hoot:猫头鹰的叫声。例如:The owl hooted in the dark forest.
15. Zoom:快速移动时发出的嗡嗡声。例如:The cars zoomed past on the highway.
16. Squeak:老鼠发出的吱吱声。例如:The mouse squeaked as it ran across the floor.
17. Purr:猫发出的呼噜声。例如:The cat purred as it was stroked.
18. Pop:气球破裂的声音。例如:The balloon popped suddenly.
19. Tick-tock:时钟的滴答声。例如:The clock tick-tocked on the wall.
20. Slurp:用吸管吸食物时发出的声音。例如:The child slurped his drink.
英语常用的20个拟声词 篇二
1. Splash:水花飞溅的声音。例如:The children splashed in the pool.
2. Buzz:蜜蜂嗡嗡的声音。例如:The bees buzzed around the flowers.
3. Cuckoo:布谷鸟的叫声。例如:The cuckoo sang in the forest.
4. Hiss:蛇发出的嘶嘶声。例如:The snake hissed at the intruder.
5. Chirp:鸟儿的鸣叫声。例如:The birds chirped in the early morning.
6. Roar:狮子的吼叫声。例如:The lion roared in the zoo.
7. Clang:金属撞击时发出的响声。例如:The bell clangs when it is rung.
8. Whistle:口哨声。例如:The referee blew the whistle to start the game.
9. Ding-dong:门铃声。例如:The doorbell went ding-dong.
10. Sizzle:食物在油锅中煎炸时发出的嘶嘶声。例如:The bacon sizzled in the pan.
11. Creak:门或地板发出的吱吱声。例如:The old door creaked when it was opened.
12. Thud:沉重物体撞击地面时的声音。例如:The book fell off the shelf with a thud.
13. Gurgling:水流发出的潺潺声。例如:The stream gurgled as it flowed over the rocks.
14. Hoot:猫头鹰的叫声。例如:The owl hooted in the dark forest.
15. Zoom:快速移动时发出的嗡嗡声。例如:The cars zoomed past on the highway.
16. Squeak:老鼠发出的吱吱声。例如:The mouse squeaked as it ran across the floor.
17. Purr:猫发出的呼噜声。例如:The cat purred as it was stroked.
18. Pop:气球破裂的声音。例如:The balloon popped suddenly.
19. Tick-tock:时钟的滴答声。例如:The clock tick-tocked on the wall.
20. Slurp:用吸管吸食物时发出的声音。例如:The child slurped his drink.
英语常用的20个拟声词 篇三
以前学现代汉语时,老师告诉我们:汉语是所有语言里拟声词最多的,其实英语里也有很多拟声词哦。1. Oink 猪叫声
2. Meow 猫叫声
3. Tick tock
4. Splash 泼水
5. Bang 重击,巨响
6. Beep 嘟嘟响
7. Quack 鸭叫声
8. Chomp 咬牙声
9. Atchoo! 疼痛声
10. Tweet tweet 鸟叫声
11. Bow wow 狗叫声(汪汪汪)
12. Cock a doodle doo 公鸡叫声(喔喔喔)
13. Twit twoo 鸟叫声
14. Moo 牛叫声
15. Ouch 哎呦
16. Gulp 大口地吸,哽住
17. Pow 嘭,乒
18. Knock knock 敲打声
19. Crash 破碎
20. Splat 啪嗒声