有趣的英语经济名词 篇一
标题:From Unicorn to Zombie: The Fascinating World of English Economic Terms
English economic terms can often be dry and technical, but there are some terms that stand out for their interesting and quirky nature. In this article, we will explore a few of these terms and delve into their meanings and origins.
1. Unicorn:
In the world of finance, a unicorn refers to a privately held startup company that has a valuation of over $1 billion. The term was coined by venture capitalist Aileen Lee in 2013, and it has since become a popular way to describe these rare and mythical creatures of the business world. Just like the mythical unicorn, these companies are often seen as magical and unique, with the potential for extraordinary success.
2. Zombie Company:
While unicorns represent success and potential, zombie companies are at the other end of the spectrum. A zombie company refers to a business that is able to continue operating only by relying on government support or low-interest rates. These companies are often heavily indebted and have low profitability, but they manage to stay afloat due to external factors. The term was first used in the 1980s to describe companies in Japan that were kept alive through loans from banks, even though they were not generating enough revenue to cover their debts.
3. Blue Sky Laws:
Blue sky laws are regulations that aim to protect investors from securities fraud. The term originated from an early 20th-century Supreme Court case in the United States, where a judge stated that a company's claims were "as vague and uncertain as a description of the sky." The laws require companies to disclose relevant information about their operations and financials to potential investors, ensuring transparency and preventing fraudulent activities.
NIMBY stands for "Not In My Backyard" and is often used in discussions about urban development and infrastructure projects. It refers to the resistance or opposition from local residents to have certain projects, such as power plants or waste management facilities, built near their homes or in their communities. This term highlights the tension between the need for economic development and the desire for a clean and peaceful living environment.
English economic terms can be fascinating and even entertaining. From unicorns to zombie companies, these terms provide insights into the ever-evolving world of finance and business. As we continue to navigate the complexities of the global economy, it is worth appreciating the unique and interesting language that accompanies it.
Word Count: 449
有趣的英语经济名词 篇二
标题:From Bull Market to Tulip Mania: Unraveling the Intriguing Vocabulary of Economics
Economics is a field filled with interesting and often peculiar terms. In this article, we will explore a few of these terms and uncover their meanings and origins, shedding light on the fascinating world of economic vocabulary.
1. Bull Market:
A bull market refers to a period of time when stock prices are consistently rising, and investor confidence is high. The term "bull" comes from the way a bull attacks its opponents by thrusting its horns upward, symbolizing an upward trend in the market. This term is often associated with optimism and positive economic conditions.
2. Tulip Mania:
Tulip mania is a term used to describe a period in the 17th century when the price of tulip bulbs in the Netherlands soared to extraordinary levels before collapsing dramatically. At the height of the craze, tulip bulbs were traded for astronomical sums of money and became a speculative bubble. This term serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of speculative trading and the irrational exuberance that can drive market behavior.
3. Invisible Hand:
Coined by economist Adam Smith, the term "invisible hand" refers to the concept that individuals, in pursuing their own self-interest, unintentionally promote the greater good of society. Smith argued that when individuals act in their own best interests, they are led by an invisible hand to promote economic growth and efficiency. This term highlights the importance of individual decision-making in shaping the overall economy.
4. Luddite:
A luddite is a term used to describe someone who opposes or is resistant to technological advancements, particularly in the context of automation and labor-saving devices. The term originated from a group of early 19th-century English textile workers who destroyed machinery in protest against automation. This term is often used to convey skepticism or resistance towards technological progress.
The vocabulary of economics is filled with intriguing and thought-provoking terms. From bull markets to tulip mania, these terms encapsulate the complexities and idiosyncrasies of the economic world. By understanding and appreciating these terms, we gain insights into the forces that shape our global economy and society.
Word Count: 409
有趣的英语经济名词 篇三
1、air pocket气囊:指一种股票的显而易见的极其虚弱性。2、backdoor listing后门上市:一家公司因其自身未能符合交易所上市规定,便买进一个上市公司,将自身并入其中而使自己能够上市。
3、basket pur
4、bear trap空头陷阱:当股票下跌时,引起大量抛售,然后价格又上涨。
5、bed and breakfast deals床头和早餐交易:卖空骗局,个人或公司根据事先安排的交易,先卖出股票,继而在第二天买回,以此形成一个抵消资本收益的税损。本做法仅存于英国。
6、bottom fisher底部钓鱼人:寻找那些价格已跌至最底点,即将发生转机的商品或股票投资者。在有些情况指购买破产或濒临破产组织的股票或债券的'人们。
7、butterfly spread蝴蝶差:同时在相同或不同的市场上买或卖三种期货合同,产生利润和借贷权。
8、Chinese Wall中国墙:不可逾越的障碍物,用以阻止华尔街商行的交易区不公正地使用投资银行家们从客户那里秘密获得的信息。
9、fallen angle下坠天使:大公司的高价证券因某些不利的负面消息而使价格突然下跌。
10、golden handcuffs金手铐:将经纪人和经纪人事务所连结起来的合同;是
11、gold brick假金砖:毫无价值的带有欺诈特点的证券。
12、gray knight灰骑士:公司收购中并非收购对象所寻求的投机性二次投标者,只想利用收购对象和原投标者之间的问题而牟利。
13、graveyard market墓地市场:一种在其中的不能出来,而在外面的不能进去的证券市场。
14、lame duck跛脚鸭:冒险失败的投机者或股票交易中资不抵债的人。
15、long leg长脚:期权价差合同中表明购买基础证券许诺的部分。
16、Mother Goose鹅妈妈:募股章程简述,位于募股说明书的最前面。
17、poison pill毒丸:公司发行新认股权证或对优先股授权,使收购公司的成本极大,从而阻止不友好的收购兼并企图。
18、shark watcher鲨变监察者:专门观察和监视接管活动的公司。
19、sunrise industry朝阳工业:有很大增长潜力及出口潜力的、高风险的高科技企业。
20、sunshine trading阳光贸易:无障碍地从事大宗贸易。
21、turtle blood龟血:流动性很底,不可能很快升值的证券。
22、war babies战争宝宝:以为美国国防部制造产品为业务的公司的证券。
23、white elephant白象:需要高额成本维护而实际上无利可图的资产或损失已成定局的资产。
24、white knight白色骑士:为鼓