PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 WE LOVE ANIMALS,(经典3篇)

时间:2016-09-06 02:15:48
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PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 WE LOVE ANIMALS, 篇一

Title: Our Favorite Animals

Hello everyone! In Unit 4 of our English textbook, we have been learning about animals and how to express our preferences. Today, I want to share with you some of our favorite animals.

1. The Lion:

The lion is the king of the jungle, and it is my favorite animal. It has a majestic mane and a powerful roar. I love how it looks so strong and brave. Lions are also known for their hunting skills, and they are excellent at working together in groups called prides. I enjoy learning about lions and their habitats.

2. The Elephant:

Another animal that we love is the elephant. Elephants are the largest land animals, and they have a long trunk and big ears. They are known for their intelligence and their ability to remember things for a long time. We find it fascinating how they use their trunks to eat, drink, and communicate with each other. Elephants are also very social animals and live in herds. We enjoy watching videos of elephants playing in the water and taking care of their young ones.

3. The Dolphin:

Dolphins are incredible creatures, and they are our favorite marine animals. They are known for their intelligence and their ability to communicate using clicks and whistles. Dolphins are also famous for their acrobatic skills and their playful nature. We love watching videos of dolphins jumping out of the water and swimming alongside boats. It is amazing to see how they interact with humans and even help fishermen catch fish.

4. The Panda:

Last but not least, we cannot forget about the adorable panda. Pandas are native to China and are known for their black and white fur. They are peaceful animals and spend most of their time eating bamboo. Pandas are an endangered species, and efforts are being made to protect them. We love pandas because they are so cute and cuddly. It is always a delight to see them rolling around and playing in the snow.

These are just a few of our favorite animals. We love learning about different animals and their habitats. Each animal is unique and has its own special characteristics. Animals are an important part of our world, and we should do our best to protect and care for them.

PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 WE LOVE ANIMALS, 篇二

Title: A Day at the Zoo

Hello, everyone! In Unit 4, we have been learning about animals and how to express our likes and dislikes. Today, I want to take you on a virtual tour of our visit to the zoo.

First, we visited the lion enclosure. It was amazing to see the lions up close. They were resting under the shade of a tree, and their majestic manes were blowing in the wind. We learned that lions are carnivores and hunt in groups called prides. We even heard the powerful roar of a lion, which sent shivers down our spines!

Next, we headed to the elephant exhibit. The elephants were bathing in a pool of water and spraying water on themselves using their trunks. It was fascinating to see how they used their trunks to eat leaves and branches. We also learned that elephants are intelligent animals and have a strong sense of family. We watched as a mother elephant took care of her baby, and it was such a heartwarming sight.

After that, we made our way to the dolphin show. The dolphins were so graceful as they jumped out of the water and performed tricks. We were amazed by their acrobatic skills and their ability to communicate using clicks and whistles. We even got a chance to touch a dolphin and feel its smooth skin. It was an unforgettable experience!

Finally, we visited the panda enclosure. The pandas were munching on bamboo and rolling around in the snow. They looked so adorable and cuddly. We learned that pandas are an endangered species and efforts are being made to protect them. We felt lucky to see these beautiful creatures up close and to learn more about their conservation.

Our day at the zoo was filled with excitement and learning. We saw so many different animals and learned interesting facts about each one. It was a reminder of the importance of conservation and protecting wildlife. We left the zoo with a newfound appreciation for animals and a desire to do our part in protecting their habitats.

That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed our virtual tour of the zoo. Remember, we should always love and respect animals because they are an important part of our world.

PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 WE LOVE ANIMALS, 篇三

PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 4 WE LOVE ANIMALS,A Let’s learn教案(董因)

Ⅰ、Aims and requirements A. Knowledge a. To grasp the words: rabbit,cat,panda,duck.monkey,dog. b. Enable the pupils to understand the instructions and do the actions. B. Ability a. To be able to use the new words correctly. b. Improve the pupils’ ability in listening and speaking. C. Ideological Education To cultivate emotion of loving and protective animals. Ⅱ、Main points a. To grasp the words: rabbit,cat,panda,duck.monkey,dog. c. Enable the pupils to understand the instructions and do the actions. Ⅲ、Diffi

cult points To pronounce the new words correctly. Ⅳ、Teaching aids CAI,cards,pictures,etc. Ⅴ、Teaching methods Situational teaching method. Ⅵ、Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming-up 1. Free talk. T:Hello,boys and girls. S:Hello,Miss Dong. T:How are you? S:Very well,thanks.And you? T:I’m fine.Thank you. T:Do you like singing? S:Yes. T:Oh,I like singing,too.Now,let’s sing a song,OK? S:Yes. (设计意图:课前师生之间进行互相问候,锻炼学生的日常口语交际能力,促进英语思维习惯的养成。) 2. Sing a song: Who is wearing yellow today?(由此曲引出另一首改编歌曲Who is wearing red today?,师生齐唱。) (设计意图:低年级的学生喜欢唱英语歌曲,英语歌曲能够活跃课堂气氛,调动学生情绪,为新课的学习作铺垫。) 3. Ask and answer: ①利用课件呈现图片Zoom。 T:Who is he? S:Zoom. T:Yes,you are right. Who is wearing red today? S:Zoom is wearing red today. ②利用课件呈现Zoom生日情境图。 T: Yes. Zoom is wearing red today. Why?Because today is Zoom’s birthday. Look! A big birthday party. Zoom is so happy. Many friends will come to Zoom’s birthday party. Who are they? Now,let’s go and have a look. (设计意图:以Zoom办生日宴会,其他小动物要去参加宴会为由,自然引出本课的学习重点,即一些小动物,激发学生的.好奇心,为新课导入创设情景。) Step2. Presentation ( 1 )Teach the word:cat. ① 利用课件呈现一张幻灯片,以guessing game的形式让学生猜第一种动物:cat。 T:The first animal is coming.It likes fish.It can catch the mouse. Who is it? ②学生猜中动物cat后,让学生先听录音读cat,接着老师拿起动物单词卡片教读单词。 T:cat,cat.Please look at my mouth. a/ / ,cat, / t / ,cat,cat,cat. 以个人,小组、开小火车或者大小声等形式操练学生拼读单词。 ③操练完单词后,继续让学生跟老师读单词并配上动作。 T:Follow me,cat,cat,cat.Act like a cat.Act like a cat. (设计意图:以guessing game的形式导入新单词,能够吸引学生的注意力,调动学生对新课内容的兴趣;在教授单词时,强调单词的拼读,培养了学生良好的语音基础;操练单词时,将单词深透进句子,让学生初步感知句型“Act like a…”。) (2)Teach the other five words. T:Now,the next animal is coming. Let’s go on to see them.(Use the same way to learn the words: duck, panda,monkey,rabbit and dog.) Step3. Consolidation ( 1 )Let’s learn. ①Listen and follow. ②Play a guessing game. (设计意图:通过游戏活动强化单词的认读。单词的操练向来是一个比较枯燥乏味的过程,通过“猜”可以大大地调动学生的积极性,激发学生学习的内趋力,保持学生旺盛的活力来参与活动,让单词操练更具吸引力和乐趣。) ( 2 )Let’s do ① I say you do ②Group work. (设计意图:听口令做动作,接着分小组自由操练,循序渐进,加强学生对Act like a...的理解以及对口令做出反应。) ( 3 )Do some exercises. (设计意图:考查学生对单词、句子的掌握程度,做到讲练结合。) ( 4 )Let’s chant. Act like a dog, dog, dog, dog. Act like a cat, cat, cat, cat. Act like a duck, duck, duck, duck, Act like a rabbit, rabbit, rabbit, rabbit. Act like a panda, panda, panda, panda, Act like a monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey. (设计意图:英语歌谣朗朗上口,深受小学生们喜欢。本环节通过让学生听简洁明快的节奏,跟着节奏朗读歌谣并做动作,从而培养学生对单词的认读能力、对Act like a….句型的快速反应能力。) ( 5 )Let’s sing. Hello Hello, cat! Do oh do. Hello, duck! Do oh do. Hello, panda! Do oh do. Hello, Hello, Hello. Hello, monkey! Do oh do. Hello, rabbit! Do oh do. Hello, dog! Do oh do. Hello, Hello, Hello. (设计意图:通过改编学生熟悉的歌曲Hello,让学生在欢快的歌声中总结所学的六个动物单词。) Step 4. Summary Wehavelearned six animals. Animals are our friends, we should love and protect them. Step 5 Homework 1. Listen to the tape,read let’s learn and let’s do. 2. Act the animals. Ⅶ、Blackboard work Unit 4 We love animals A Let’s learn 图片 图片 图片 图片 图片 图片 cat duck panda monkey rabbit dog
PEP小学英语三年级上册Unit 4  WE LOVE ANIMALS,(经典3篇)

