
时间:2012-07-05 04:43:13
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办公室对老板开口英语 篇一

Title: Effective Communication Strategies for Employees to Approach Their Boss in the Office


In the modern workplace, effective communication between employees and their boss is crucial for a harmonious and productive working environment. However, approaching the boss can sometimes be intimidating for employees, especially when it comes to discussing sensitive topics or making requests. This article will provide some useful strategies and tips for employees to effectively communicate with their boss in the office.

1. Be prepared:

Before approaching the boss, it is essential to be well-prepared. Do your research, gather all the necessary information, and anticipate any questions or objections your boss may have. This will not only demonstrate your professionalism but also make your conversation more productive and efficient.

2. Choose the right time and place:

Timing and location play a significant role in effective communication. Find a suitable time when your boss is not busy or stressed. Avoid approaching them during their busiest periods or right before important meetings. Additionally, choose a private and comfortable place where you can have a focused conversation without distractions.

3. Be respectful and professional:

When speaking to your boss, always maintain a respectful and professional tone. Use appropriate language and avoid slang or jargon that might confuse or offend. Address your boss with their preferred title, such as Mr., Ms., or Dr., unless instructed otherwise. This will show your respect and professionalism towards them.

4. Clearly state your purpose:

To ensure effective communication, clearly state the purpose of your conversation from the beginning. Whether it is to discuss a problem, seek guidance, or make a request, be concise and direct. This will help your boss understand the purpose and focus on the relevant issue.

5. Use active listening skills:

Effective communication is a two-way process. Practice active listening by paying full attention to your boss's response and body language. Show genuine interest and ask follow-up questions to clarify any uncertainties. This will not only improve your understanding but also demonstrate your commitment to the conversation.

6. Be open to feedback:

Receiving feedback is an essential part of effective communication. Be open to constructive criticism or suggestions from your boss. Avoid becoming defensive or argumentative. Instead, listen carefully and reflect on their input. This will show your willingness to grow and improve as an employee.


Effective communication between employees and their boss is vital for a successful and productive work environment. By following these strategies and tips, employees can approach their boss with confidence, ensuring clear and productive conversations. Remember, effective communication is a skill that can be developed and improved with practice and experience.

办公室对老板开口英语 篇二

Title: Negotiation Techniques for Employees to Communicate with Their Boss in the Office


Negotiation is a crucial skill in the workplace, especially when it comes to communicating with your boss. Whether it is negotiating a raise, discussing work arrangements, or seeking approval for a project, having effective negotiation techniques can greatly enhance your chances of success. This article will provide some useful strategies and tips for employees to negotiate effectively with their boss in the office.

1. Understand your boss's perspective:

Before entering into a negotiation, it is essential to understand your boss's perspective. Put yourself in their shoes and try to anticipate their concerns, needs, and priorities. By understanding their point of view, you can tailor your arguments and proposals to align with their interests, increasing the likelihood of a positive outcome.

2. Prepare your arguments:

Effective negotiation requires careful preparation. Identify your key points, gather supporting evidence or data, and anticipate any counterarguments. By preparing well in advance, you will feel more confident and be able to present your case convincingly.

3. Focus on mutual benefits:

When negotiating with your boss, it is essential to emphasize the mutual benefits of your proposal. Highlight how your request aligns with the organization's goals and objectives, and how it can contribute to the overall success of the team or company. By framing your negotiation in terms of shared benefits, you are more likely to gain your boss's support.

4. Use persuasive communication techniques:

During the negotiation, employ persuasive communication techniques to enhance your arguments. Use storytelling to make your points more relatable and compelling. Provide examples or case studies to support your claims. Use positive language and avoid negative or confrontational tones. These techniques will make your negotiation more effective and persuasive.

5. Be flexible and open to alternatives:

Negotiation is a process of give and take. Be prepared to offer alternatives or compromises if your initial proposal is not accepted. Show your boss that you are willing to work together to find a mutually beneficial solution. This flexibility and openness will make your negotiation more collaborative and increase the chances of reaching a satisfactory outcome.

6. Maintain a positive and professional attitude:

Throughout the negotiation process, it is crucial to maintain a positive and professional attitude. Stay calm, composed, and respectful, even if the discussion becomes challenging or intense. Avoid personal attacks or emotional outbursts, as these can hinder productive communication. Instead, focus on the issues at hand and work towards finding a solution that benefits both parties.


Effective negotiation skills are essential for employees to communicate effectively with their boss in the office. By understanding your boss's perspective, preparing your arguments, focusing on mutual benefits, using persuasive communication techniques, being flexible, and maintaining a positive attitude, you can enhance your negotiation outcomes. Remember, negotiation is a skill that can be developed and refined with practice and experience.

办公室对老板开口英语 篇三



  总是要避免命令的口气出现。说"give me some time off"你的老板听到后决不会感到高兴。取而代之,礼貌的开始你的请求,例如"i'd like to request some annual leave"或是"i'd appreciate it if you could give me your feedback."

  不要在使用"i need"


eed"的会让你显得很霸道并且容易得罪人,因此试着用问讯的口气取而代之。象"could you please...?" and "would you be able to...?" 的短语是表达你的请求的最佳礼貌的方式。


  如果你的老板很酷的话,你可以试试,说 "i'm going to leave a bit early today,"。但是最好不要以控制人的语气并假设老板绝对不会为难你"would it be ok if i slipped out a bit early today?"或是 "would you be opposed to my taking off around 4:30?"是请求批准的绝佳的方式。


  如果你的经理好象把你的申请给忘了,不要指责他或她没有尽责任, "where are those figures i asked for?" 作为简单有效的提醒,你可以只是说,例如"i was wondering if you've had the chance to calculate those figures."这是对你老板善意的提醒他答应的事的好方法。


  如果你的经理拒绝了你的一项请求,放弃可能是最简单的解决方法。但是,如果你真的非常期望得到某项批准时,清晰的表达你的理由并说"please reconsider my request."


