出国 在职证明(优秀3篇)

时间:2012-06-08 03:27:20
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出国 在职证明 篇一

作为一个在职人员,如果你计划出国旅行或者参与一项国际项目,你可能会需要一份出国 在职证明。这个证明文件是你的雇主或者公司为你提供的一封信函,证明你的在职状态,并说明你计划出国旅行的原因和时间。这篇文章将帮助你了解出国 在职证明的重要性以及如何撰写一份有效的证明文件。

首先,出国 在职证明对于你的出国计划非常重要。在许多国家,入境政府部门会要求你提供一份在职证明,以证明你不是试图非法居留或者工作。这份证明可以证明你在国外停留期间仍然与你的雇主或公司保持着雇佣关系,以及你计划在国外停留的时间。这样一份正式的证明文件可以帮助你顺利通过入境检查,并且在国外期间也能保护你的权益。

其次,你应该知道如何撰写一份有效的出国 在职证明。首先,你需要明确证明你是该公司的在职员工,包括提供你的职位、雇佣日期和工作合同等信息。其次,你需要说明你计划出国的原因和时间,以及出国期间你是否会继续与公司保持联系。最后,你需要由相关负责人签署这份证明文件,并加盖公司的公章。

最后,出国 在职证明的撰写需要谨慎和及时。你应该提前向公司申请这份证明文件,以确保有足够的时间来处理并签署文件。同时,你需要保证证明文件的准确性和完整性,以避免在入境时遇到麻烦。如果你有任何疑问或需要帮助,你可以咨询你的人力资源部门或者公司的法务部门。

总之,出国 在职证明对于计划出国旅行或参与国际项目的在职人员来说非常重要。这份证明文件可以有效地证明你的在职状态,并帮助你顺利通过入境检查。因此,你应该了解出国 在职证明的重要性,并且知道如何撰写一份有效的证明文件。同时,你也需要注意证明文件的撰写时间和准确性,以确保在出国时不会遇到任何问题。

出国 在职证明 篇二

作为一名在职人员,如果你计划出国旅行或参与一项国际项目,你将需要一份出国 在职证明。这篇文章将帮助你了解出国 在职证明的具体内容和要求,并提供一些建议来撰写一份有效的证明文件。

首先,你需要明确出国 在职证明的内容。这份证明文件应该包括你的个人信息,如姓名、职位、工作合同等。此外,它还应该明确指出你计划出国旅行的原因和时间,以及你在国外期间是否会与公司保持联系。如果你有任何其他特殊需求,如在国外期间需要接收公司的邮件或者参加远程会议等,也应该在证明文件中明确说明。


最后,你需要确保证明文件的准确性和完整性。在撰写证明文件之前,你可以咨询你的人力资源部门或者公司的法务部门,了解公司对于出国 在职证明的具体要求和规定。你也可以参考一些范例或者模板来撰写证明文件,以确保你提供的信息完整、准确,并且符合公司的要求。

总之,出国 在职证明对于计划出国旅行或参与国际项目的在职人员来说是必不可少的。这份证明文件可以帮助你顺利通过入境检查,并保护你在国外期间的权益。因此,你需要了解出国 在职证明的具体内容和要求,并且谨慎撰写一份有效的证明文件。同时,你也可以咨询公司的相关部门或者参考范例来确保证明文件的准确性和完整性。

出国 在职证明 篇三

Embassy of Beijing in China,

Mr. Zhou Han Che is the 职务 of our corporation. She began to work in our company since 来此单位工作日期 and has been in our company for来此单位工作时间, mainly charging of the affairs of 工作范围 , with a salary of around RMB月薪 /month.

Now, she has been permitted to take a vacation from 假期开始时间 to 假期结束时间, and she will take a journey to 国家名称 for 假期天数 days during this period.

All the expenses including travel, board and lodging, and any miscellaneous expe

nditure would be borne by . We hereby guarantee that Ms. 姓名 will obey the laws in and will come back to China on time before the expiry date of visa.

Yours sincerely,





Certificate of incumbency

Indonesia Embassy in china:

I have my staff passport number: XXX, G0XXXXXXX, duties as deputy general manager, a monthly income of $XXXX; in March 9th to 12 days of traveling to Indonesia for businevisits, I guarantee the company returned on time, do not violate local laws and regulations. My company retained their positions, please give the visa facilitation.

Company address: XXXX

Phone: XXXX

XXXX company

In 2010 February 25


Embassy / General Consulate of Indonesia

February 25, 2010

Dear Visa Officer,

This is to certify that Mr . XX XX is an employee of our company, he will visit Indonesia from March 9th-12th, 2010 for 4 ( four ) days.

Our company will be responsible for all the expenses related to Mr XX XX 's stay in Indonesia, including but not limited to board, lodging and airf-are.

Please be informed that below is his important information:

Passport: G0XXXX No.

Date of Birth: 22 July, 1962

Gender: Male

Position: Deputy General Manager

Salary: XXX RMB / Month

Our Company hereby guarantees that the applicant will obey all the laws and regulations of the countries to be visited, and return to China on time . We keep his position upon the trip is finished.

Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.

Sincerely yours.



Date: Date

The Embassy ( General Consulate ) of Beijing ( Shanghai / Guangzhou /... )

This is to certify that are employees of our company names, units or inpiduals introduced, they will visit, city in visit date days days . During they stay for in the travel expenses will, all be covered by our company.

Sex Name Date of birth Passport No . Profession

( personal data )

Our Company hereby guarantees that the applicants will obey all the laws and regulations of the countries to be visited, and return to China on time . We keep their position upon the trip is finished.

Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.

Company name

Leadership position



This is the common businevisa working certificate.

Tourist visa certificate of incumbency in some countries require job, monthly pay


Date: Date

The Embassy ( General Consulate ) of Beijing ( Shanghai / Guangzhou /... )

This is to certify that are employees of our name, company, they ( he / she ) will visit, city in visit date for stay days.

Our Company hereby guarantees that the applicants will obey all the laws and regulations of the countries to be visited, and return to China on time . We keep their position upon the trip is finished.

Salary: XXXX / month position:

Thank you very much for your kindly consideration.

Company name

Leadership position



The visa working certificate / guarantee pattern generally similar, but that the identity, position, salary, the unit will retain the position, the rise of pa-pe-r signed OK

Beijing send signed by embassy beijing

Shanghai / Guangzhou send signed with general consulate Shanghai / guangzhou

出国 在职证明(优秀3篇)

