FY-3A Launched Atop A LM-4C Launch V

时间:2016-02-08 01:15:21
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FY-3A Launched Atop A LM-4C Launch Vehicle

FY-3A,the first satellite of China's new generation of polar-orbiting meteorological satellites,was launched into space atop a modified LM-4C launch vehicle.The satellite separated from the rocket 19 minutes after

the takeoff.Flying at an altitude of 807km with an inclination of 98.8 degrees,the satellite circles in polar orbit 14 times everyday,covering the whole globe twice a day.

作 者: Rain.L 作者单位: 刊 名: 中国航天(英文版) 英文刊名: AEROSPACE CHINA 年,卷(期): 20089(2) 分类号: V4 关键词:
FY-3A Launched Atop A LM-4C Launch V

