
时间:2011-09-09 02:18:40
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抱怨的英语短句 篇一

Complaining English Phrases

1. I can't believe how long the line is at the grocery store.

2. This traffic is absolutely unbearable.

3. The service at this restaurant is incredibly slow.

4. I'm tired of my noisy neighbors.

5. I can't stand how messy my roommate is.

6. The Wi-Fi in this café is terrible.

7. I'm fed up with my boss's constant criticism.

8. This weather is driving me crazy.

9. I'm so frustrated with my computer crashing all the time.

10. Why does everything always go wrong for me?

In our daily lives, we often encounter situations that frustrate or irritate us. It is natural to want to express our complaints and dissatisfaction. Here are some English phrases that you can use to complain about various situations.

Firstly, when you are waiting in a long line at the grocery store, you can express your frustration by saying, "I can't believe how long the line is at the grocery store." This phrase conveys your annoyance at the inconvenience and the time wasted.

Secondly, when you are stuck in heavy traffic, you can exclaim, "This traffic is absolutely unbearable." This phrase expresses your frustration at the slow movement and the delay it causes.

Next, if you are dining at a restaurant with slow service, you can complain by saying, "The service at this restaurant is incredibly slow." This phrase communicates your dissatisfaction with the lack of efficiency and attentiveness from the staff.

Furthermore, if you have noisy neighbors disturbing your peace, you can express your irritation by saying, "I'm tired of my noisy neighbors." This phrase conveys your annoyance at the constant noise and disruption.

Moreover, if you have a messy roommate, you can complain by saying, "I can't stand how messy my roommate is." This phrase expresses your frustration with the untidiness and lack of cleanliness in your living space.

Additionally, if you are experiencing poor Wi-Fi connection in a café, you can express your dissatisfaction by saying, "The Wi-Fi in this café is terrible." This phrase conveys your disappointment with the slow or unreliable internet service.

Furthermore, if you are constantly criticized by your boss, you can express your frustration by saying, "I'm fed up with my boss's constant criticism." This phrase communicates your annoyance at the continuous negative feedback and lack of support.

Moreover, if you are unhappy with the current weather conditions, you can complain by saying, "This weather is driving me crazy." This phrase expresses your frustration or discomfort with the extreme temperatures, rainfall, or other weather-related issues.

Additionally, if your computer keeps crashing, you can express your frustration by saying, "I'm so frustrated with my computer crashing all the time." This phrase communicates your annoyance at the technical issues and the disruption it causes to your work or leisure activities.

Lastly, if you feel like everything always goes wrong for you, you can express your dissatisfaction by saying, "Why does everything always go wrong for me?" This phrase conveys your frustration and sense of unfairness regarding the continuous string of negative events or circumstances in your life.

In conclusion, these English phrases can be used to express complaints and dissatisfaction in various situations. It is important to remember to use them appropriately and respectfully, ensuring effective communication while addressing your concerns.

抱怨的英语短句 篇三


  1. Price is soaring. If it goes on like this, we shall not be able to keep the pot boiling.


  2. Prices are running w


