英文摘要的写作要求 -(最新3篇)

时间:2015-09-05 08:30:18
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英文摘要的写作要求 - 篇一

Abstract Writing Requirements in English

Abstracts are concise summaries of research papers or articles that provide an overview of the study's purpose, methods, results, and conclusion. They serve as a snapshot of the entire work and are often the first section readers encounter. Writing an effective abstract requires careful consideration of several key elements. This article will discuss the requirements for writing an abstract in English.

1. Length: Abstracts should be brief and concise. While there is no specific word count requirement, it is generally recommended to keep the abstract between 150-250 words. This ensures that the essential information is included while maintaining a succinct format.

2. Structure: Abstracts typically follow a specific structure, including an introduction, methods, results, and conclusion. The introduction should provide background information and state the research question. The methods section should briefly describe the study design and methodology. The results section presents the key findings, and the conclusion summarizes the implications and significance of the study.

3. Language: Abstracts should be written in clear and concise language. Avoid using jargon, complex terminology, or excessive technical details. Instead, use simple and straightforward language that can be easily understood by a wide range of readers.

4. Content: The abstract should accurately and comprehensively summarize the main points of the research paper. It should provide a clear statement of the research question or objective, describe the methods used, present the key findings, and discuss the implications and significance of the results.

5. Accuracy: Ensure that the information presented in the abstract is consistent with the main paper. Avoid including any information or results that are not mentioned in the main body of the research.

6. Proofreading: Like any piece of writing, abstracts should be carefully proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. A well-written and error-free abstract demonstrates professionalism and enhances the credibility of the research.

In conclusion, writing an abstract in English requires attention to length, structure, language, content accuracy, and proofreading. By following these requirements, researchers can effectively communicate the essence of their work and attract readers' interest.

英文摘要的写作要求 - 篇二

Guidelines for Writing an Effective English Abstract

Abstracts are concise summaries that provide an overview of a research study. They serve as a crucial element in academic writing, allowing readers to quickly understand the main points of a paper. Writing an effective abstract in English requires adherence to specific guidelines. This article will discuss the key requirements for creating an impactful abstract.

1. Clarity and Conciseness: Abstracts should be written in clear and concise language. Avoid unnecessary details and focus on conveying the main message of the research. Use simple language that can be easily understood by a broad readership.

2. Length: While there is no strict word limit, abstracts are typically around 150-250 words. This constraint forces authors to condense their study's most important aspects into a brief summary. Ensure that all relevant information, including the purpose, methods, results, and conclusion, is adequately covered within the given word count.

3. Structure: Abstracts generally follow a specific structure. Begin with a concise introduction that provides background information and states the research question or objective. Then, briefly describe the methodology and key findings. Finally, present a succinct conclusion that summarizes the implications and significance of the study.

4. Accuracy: Abstracts should accurately represent the main paper. Avoid including information or results that are not discussed in the full study. Ensure that the abstract aligns with the content of the research and does not mislead or misrepresent the findings.

5. Keyword Inclusion: Keywords are essential for indexing and searching purposes. Include relevant keywords in the abstract to help readers and researchers identify the study's main focus. These keywords should reflect the essential aspects of the research and highlight its relevance within the field.

6. Proofreading: Like any piece of writing, abstracts should be carefully proofread for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. A well-written and error-free abstract demonstrates professionalism and enhances the overall quality of the research.

In summary, writing an effective English abstract requires clarity, conciseness, adherence to structure, accuracy, inclusion of keywords, and thorough proofreading. Following these guidelines will help researchers create impactful abstracts that accurately represent their work and attract interested readers.

英文摘要的写作要求 - 篇三

英文摘要的写作要求 -范文



。这一方面是由于作者英文写作水平有限;另一方面也由于大多数作者对英文摘要的写作要求和国际惯例不甚了解。下面就根据《EI》对英文摘要的写作要求,谈谈如何写好科技论文的英文摘要。目前,由作者写作的英文摘要,绝大多数都比较粗糙,离参与国际交流的要求相距甚远,需要进行大的修改,有时甚至是重写。这一方面是由于作者英文写作水平有限;另一方面也由于大多数作者对英文摘要的写作要求和国际惯例不甚了解。下面就根据《EI》对英文摘要的写作要求,谈谈如何写好科技论文的英文摘要。      《EI》中国信息部要求信息性文摘(Information Abstract)应该用简洁、明确的语言(一般不超过150 words)将论文的"目的(Purposes)",主要的研究"过程(Procedures)"及所采用的"方法(Methods)",由此得到的主要 "结果(Results)"和得出的重要"结论(Conclusions)"表达清楚。如有可能,还应尽量提一句论文结果和结论的应用范围和应用情况。也就是说,要写好英文摘要,作者必须回答好以下几个问题:      1) 本文的目的或要解决的问题(What I want to do?)      2) 解决问题的方法及过程(How I did it?)      3) 主要结果及结论(What results did I get and what conclusions can I draw?)      4) 本文的创新、独到之处(What is new and original in this paper?)    5.3 英文摘要各部分的写作      根据《EI》对英文摘要的写作要求,英文摘要的写作并没有一成不变的格式,但一般来说,英文摘要是对原始文献不加诠释或评论的准确而简短的概括,并要求它能反映原始文献的主要信息。    5.3.1 目的(What I want to do?)      目的。主要说明作者写作此

英文摘要的写作要求 -(最新3篇)

