军训常用口令英文怎么写? 篇一
In military training, command words play a crucial role in conveying instructions, maintaining discipline, and coordinating actions. Here, we will introduce some common command words used during military training in English.
1. Attention! - This command is used to bring soldiers to a state of alertness and readiness. It signals them to stand up straight, maintain a proper posture, and focus their attention.
2. Stand at ease! - This command allows soldiers to relax slightly while still maintaining their position. They are allowed to move their arms and legs but must remain standing upright.
3. Stand easy! - This command is given to provide soldiers with a more relaxed break. They can move around, talk quietly, or adjust their equipment, but must still remain attentive.
4. Fall in! - This command instructs soldiers to form a line or a formation. They must align themselves in an orderly manner and stand at attention.
5. Fall out! - This command dismisses soldiers from their formation. They are allowed to move freely but must remain nearby and be prepared to fall in again when instructed.
6. Forward march! - This command signals soldiers to start marching forward. They must step off with their left foot and maintain proper marching technique.
7. Halt! - This command orders soldiers to stop marching or any other movement immediately. They must come to a complete standstill and remain at attention.
8. About face! - This command instructs soldiers to turn around 180 degrees to face the opposite direction. They must pivot on their left foot and bring their right foot to meet the left.
9. Left/right face! - These commands are used to make soldiers turn 90 degrees to the left or right, respectively. They pivot on their left foot and bring their right foot to meet the left at a right angle.
10. Eyes right/left! - These commands are given during a march or parade to instruct soldiers to turn their heads to the right or left, respectively, while keeping their bodies facing forward.
11. Present arms! - This command is used during formal occasions to instruct soldiers to bring their rifles or weapons to a position of salute. They must hold the weapon with both hands and present it in front of their body.
12. Order arms! - This command orders soldiers to return their rifles or weapons to the carry position. They must bring the weapon down to their side with one hand while keeping the other hand on the handle or trigger guard.
These are just a few examples of the command words commonly used during military training in English. Mastering these commands is essential for soldiers to follow instructions accurately and maintain discipline within the ranks.
军训常用口令英文怎么写? 篇二
In military training, command words are essential for effective communication and coordination among soldiers. They ensure that orders are understood and executed promptly and accurately. In this article, we will introduce another set of common command words used during military training in English.
1. Dress right/left! - These commands are given to soldiers in formation to align themselves with the person next to them. They must adjust their position to maintain a straight line, either to the right or left.
2. Cover! - This command instructs soldiers to align themselves directly behind the person in front of them. They must maintain the appropriate distance and follow the movements of the person in front.
3. Double time! - This command orders soldiers to increase their pace to a faster jog or run. They must maintain the same formation and stay in sync with each other.
4. To the rear, march! - This command is used to make soldiers execute an about-face and march in the opposite direction. They must pivot on their right foot and bring their left foot to meet the right.
5. At ease! - This command allows soldiers to relax further during a break. They can move around, talk, or sit down, but must still remain attentive to any further instructions.
6. Dismissed! - This command signals the end of a training session or formation. Soldiers are free to leave and go about their individual activities.
7. Fix bayonets! - This command is given to soldiers carrying rifles with bayonets. They must attach the bayonets to the rifles securely, preparing for close combat or other specific drills.
8. Cease fire! - This command orders soldiers to stop firing their weapons immediately. It is used during training exercises or in combat situations to ensure the safety of all personnel.
9. Stand by! - This command instructs soldiers to be ready and prepared for further instructions or actions. They must remain in their current position and be attentive to any upcoming commands.
10. Break ranks! - This command dismisses soldiers from their formation. They are allowed to disperse and go about their individual activities.
11. On your feet! - This command is given to soldiers who are seated or lying down. It instructs them to stand up quickly and be prepared for further instructions.
12. Take cover! - This command is used during combat or training exercises to instruct soldiers to find shelter or protection from enemy fire. They must seek appropriate cover to ensure their safety.
These command words are crucial for maintaining discipline, coordination, and effectiveness during military training. Soldiers must understand and respond to these commands promptly and accurately to ensure the success of their training missions.
军训常用口令英文怎么写? 篇三
新高一同学们,掌握了军训英文口令,在军训同时,是不是更能好好表现自己呢。常用口令 Common Orders
起床! Get up!
上操 attention drill
快点儿! Be quick!
集合! Fall in!
一(二)列队 On one rank (two ranks)
立正! Attention
稍息! At ease!
报数! Count off!
点名! Call the roll!rol
到! Here!
立定! Halt!
靠拢! Close!
向右看-齐! Right-dress!
向左看-齐! Left-dress!
向前-看! Eyes-front!
向左-转! Left-face(Left turn)!
向右-转! Right-face(Right turn)!
向后-转! About-face(About turn)!
齐步-走! Forward- march(March off)!
踏步! Mark time-march!
跑步-走! Double (time)-march!
便步-走! At ease-march!
右转弯-走! Right-wheel!
左转弯-走! Left-wheel!
前进! Advance!
取(拿)枪! Take arms!
肩枪! Shoulder arms!
枪放下! Order arms!
卧到! Down!
装子弹! Load!
退子弹! Unload!
射击! Fire!
起立! Get up (Stand up)!
解散! Dismiss!
用炮 Prepare for action!
收炮 March order!
架炮 Seat/Mount gun!
置炮 Lay gun!
就炮 Take posts!
炮后集合 Fall in in rear of piece!