
时间:2015-05-03 08:33:17
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Description of an Owl

Article One

Owls are fascinating creatures that have captured the imagination of humans for centuries. With their unique appearance and mysterious behavior, these nocturnal birds have become symbols of wisdom and intelligence. In this article, we will explore the physical characteristics and habits of owls, focusing on the majestic and enigmatic owl species known as the "Great Horned Owl."

The Great Horned Owl, scientifically known as Bubo virginianus, is one of the largest owls found in North and South America. It is named after the prominent feathered "horns" on its head, which are actually tufts of feathers and not true horns. These tufts help to camouflage the owl, blending in with its surroundings and making it appear larger and more intimidating to potential predators.

With a wingspan of up to five feet, the Great Horned Owl is a skilled hunter and can silently soar through the night sky in search of its prey. Its feathers are specially adapted to allow for silent flight, enabling it to surprise its victims without making a sound. This silent flight is facilitated by the unique structure of its feathers, which have fringed edges that break up the air turbulence and reduce noise.

The Great Horned Owl has excellent vision, with eyes that are adapted for night vision and enhanced depth perception. Its large, forward-facing eyes are fixed in their sockets, meaning it must turn its whole head to change its field of vision. This ability allows the owl to have a wide range of sight, almost 270 degrees, without needing to move its body.

In terms of diet, the Great Horned Owl is an opportunistic predator and will hunt a wide variety of prey, including rodents, birds, reptiles, and even other owls. It possesses strong talons and a powerful beak, both of which are essential for capturing and killing its prey. The owl's strong grip allows it to carry prey larger than its own body weight, making it a formidable predator in its ecosystem.

In conclusion, the Great Horned Owl is a magnificent creature that commands respect and awe. Its unique physical characteristics and hunting skills make it a successful predator in its environment. As humans, we should appreciate and protect these majestic birds, ensuring their continued existence and the ecological balance they contribute to.

描述猫头鹰英文作文200字 篇三







描述猫头鹰英文作文200字 篇四




描述猫头鹰英文作文200字 篇五

[M ā t ó u y ī ng] owls: owls sleep during the day and work at night. I can hear the owls. You can hardly see owls during the day.

The animals that move at night, such as bats and owls, only come out at night. Owls pe on mice. Owls go to the barn to rest.


:[māo tóu yīng]猫头鹰:猫头鹰白天睡觉,晚上工作我能听到猫头鹰的叫声你白天几乎看不到猫头鹰,夜间活动的动物如蝙蝠和猫头鹰只在晚上出来猫头鹰俯冲在老鼠身上猫头鹰去谷仓休息。

描述猫头鹰英文作文200字 篇六

Owls are nearly noiseless hunters, swooping down on prey without any warning whoosh.


How do they do it?


We’ve known that the leading edge of an owl's wing has a comb of stiff feathers.


And the trailing edge has a flexible fringe, unlike the rigid trailing edge of a conventional bird wing.


These two features contribute to a structure that produces almost no noise as it rushes through the air.


Now it appears that these predators have a third trick up their sleeves—or rather, wings—that allow them to be so silent but deadly.


Researchers modeled the effect of the layer of down on the wing’s top surface.


And it looks like that fluffy stuff absorbs sound too.


The work was presented at a meeting of the American Physical Society's Division of Fluid Dynamics.


Mimicking owl wing down may lead to new sound-proofing materials.


Down and the other silencing features could inspire wind turbines and plane engines that produce less noise and fewer vibrations.


So that all we hear is silence.



