
时间:2013-04-07 06:18:24
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Li Xiaolong Introduction in English - Part 1

Li Xiaolong, also known as Bruce Lee, was a legendary martial artist, actor, and filmmaker. Born on November 27, 1940, in San Francisco, California, he is widely regarded as one of the most influential martial artists of all time.

Li Xiaolong grew up in Hong Kong, where he began his training in martial arts at a young age. He studied Wing Chun under the guidance of renowned master Yip Man. Li Xiaolong quickly mastered the art and developed his own unique style, which he later named Jeet Kune Do.

In 1959, Li Xiaolong moved to the United States to pursue higher education. He enrolled at the University of Washington and studied philosophy. During his time in the U.S., he continued to train in martial arts and started to gain recognition for his skills.

Li Xiaolong's breakthrough came in 1971 when he starred in the film "The Big Boss." The movie was a huge success, and it catapulted him to international fame. He went on to star in several more iconic films, including "Fist of Fury," "Way of the Dragon," and "Enter the Dragon." His incredible martial arts skills and charismatic on-screen presence made him a global superstar.

In addition to his successful acting career, Li Xiaolong was a dedicated martial arts instructor. He opened several schools, where he taught his philosophy of martial arts and trained numerous students.

Unfortunately, Li Xiaolong's life was cut short at the age of 32. He passed away on July 20, 1973, due to a cerebral edema. Despite his premature death, his legacy continues to live on. Li Xiaolong's impact on martial arts and popular culture is immeasurable. He inspired a generation of martial artists and left a lasting influence on the film industry.

Li Xiaolong will always be remembered as a true martial arts icon. His dedication, passion, and talent have made him a legend in the world of martial arts.

Li Xiaolong Introduction in English - Part 2

Li Xiaolong, widely known as Bruce Lee, was not just a martial artist and actor but also a philosopher and a cultural icon. Born on November 27, 1940, in San Francisco, California, he left an indelible mark on the world through his contributions to martial arts and his philosophy of life.

Li Xiaolong's approach to martial arts was revolutionary. He believed in the concept of "using no way as way" and "having no limitation as limitation." This philosophy formed the basis of his own martial arts style, Jeet Kune Do. Li Xiaolong emphasized the importance of adaptability, self-expression, and constant self-improvement in martial arts.

Beyond his physical prowess, Li Xiaolong was an intellectual and had a deep interest in philosophy. He studied various philosophical systems, including Taoism and Zen Buddhism, and incorporated their principles into his own philosophy of life. He believed in the power of the mind and the importance of self-awareness and self-actualization.

Li Xiaolong's impact on popular culture cannot be understated. He challenged the stereotypes surrounding Asian actors and martial artists in Hollywood and paved the way for future generations. His charisma, charm, and incredible martial arts skills made him a beloved figure worldwide.

Tragically, Li Xiaolong's life was cut short at the age of 32. However, his legacy lives on. His films continue to inspire and entertain audiences, and his philosophy continues to resonate with people around the world.

Li Xiaolong will forever be remembered as a cultural icon and a martial arts legend. His influence on martial arts, film, and popular culture will continue to be felt for generations to come.

李小龙英文介绍范文200字 篇三

李小龙简介 李小龙英文简介 李小龙传奇简介

姓名:李小龙 妮称:细凤 英文名字:Bruce lee 生日:1940年11月27日;籍贯:广东顺德;星座:射手座;身高:173CM;体重:65KG;血型:O;学历:西雅图华盛顿州立大学;婚姻状况:已婚;讨厌的地方:虚伪的社交场合;常到的地方:健身房,图书馆,公园;最喜欢的运动:技击术;最喜欢的动物:狗;最喜爱的国家:中国;嗜好:练武,冥想,跳舞,阅读;优点:正直善良,智慧超群;缺点:至今没发现;其它:妻子:琳达;儿子:李国豪;女儿:李香凝;个人座右铭:以无法为有法,以无限为有限;最喜欢的歌曲:《当我死去时》李小龙葬礼上就播了此曲,天妒英才,悲哉! 六十年代后期,李小龙回香港发展电影事业,先后主演了《唐山大兄》、《精武门》、《龙争虎斗》、《猛龙过江》等电影,引起世界轰动;最后一部电影是《死亡游戏》。1973年7月20日因病逝世。李小龙的逝世,不仅是武术界的损失,而且是电影界的损失。遗着有《截拳道》、《功夫纪录》、《双节棍法》、《截拳道研究》。世界各地成立了李小龙学会,研究李小龙的武术造诣。 1999年李小龙获《时代》杂志评为“二十世纪的英雄与偶像”。他一生短暂、充满传奇,功夫盖世、流芳千秋! 李小龙的一生是短暂的,但却如同一颗耀眼的彗星划过国际武坛的上空,对现代技击术和电影表演艺术的发展作出了巨大的贡献。他主演的功夫片风行海外,中国功夫也随之闻名于世界。许多外文字典和词典里都出现了一个新词:“功夫”。在不少外国人心目中的功夫就是中国武术,李小龙也成了功夫的化身 。

Hong Kong kungfu star Bruce Lee's family plans to shoot a new movie about the martial arts and film legend to dispel the myths that have arisen since his death 33 years ago. Speaking at a gathering to mark the anniversary of the star's death in 1973, younger brother Robert Lee Chun-fai said the legend had never faded but few people knew the real Bruce Lee. He said this year the whole family decided to launch a book to mark his birthday in November and they would record a film to show the other side of Bruce, how he was growing up, his secrets and his philosophy from the never-seen perspective of his brothers and sisters. The film will be shot next year by JA Media in co-operation with brothers Robert and Peter and sisters Phoebe and Agnes, and is scheduled to air on the 35th anniversary of Bruce Lee's death in 2008. JA Media movie producer Stephen Shin Kei-yin said they would trawl the world to find the right actor to portray Lee

李小龙英文介绍范文200字 篇四

==========Jeet Kune Do==========Jeet Kune Do is a martial arts system and philosophy developed by martial artist and actor Bruce Lee. It is the name Bruce Lee gave to his combat system and philosophy in 1967. Originally, when Lee began researching various fighting styles, he gave his martial art his own name of Jun Fan Gung Fu. However not wanting to create another style that would share the limitations that all styles have, he instead gave us the process that created 2004, the Bruce Lee Foundation decided to use the name Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do to refer to the martial arts system that Lee founded. xxxJun Fanxxx was Lee's Chinese given name, so the literal translation is xxxBruce Lee's Way of the Intercepting Fist.xxx。

李小龙英文介绍范文200字 篇五

Bruce Lee cmkgo Hong Kong kung fu star Bruce Lee plans to make a new film about martial arts and movie legends to dispel the myth since his death. A few years ago, at a gathering on the anniversary of his brother Robert Lee chunfai's death, Bruce Lee said the legend never faded, but few people knew about it. Bruce Lee said that in November, the family decided to launch a book to commemorate his birthday.

They will record a film to show the other side of Bruce, how he grew up, his secrets and his philosophy. From the perspective of his brothers and sisters, the film will be shot by Ja media next year in collaboration with Robert and Peter brothers and Phoebe and Agnes sisters, and plans to be in Lee On the anniversary of Bruce Lee's death, JA media Filmmaker Stephen Schengen said they would air it on the 10th anniversary of Bruce Lee's death, and the world was looking for the right actor to play Lee.


李小龙CMKGO功夫明星李小龙计划拍摄一部新的关于武术和电影传奇的电影,以消解自从他逝世以来的神话,几年前在弟弟Robert Lee Chunfai逝世纪念日的一次上说,传说从未褪色,但很少有人知道。李小龙说,今年xx月,全家人决定推出一本书来纪念他的生日,他们将录制一部电影来展示布鲁斯的另一面,他是如何成长的,他的秘密和他的哲学从他兄弟姐妹的角度看这部电影将于明年由JA传媒与罗伯特和彼得兄弟以及菲比和阿格尼斯姐妹合作拍摄,并计划在李小龙逝世周年之际在JA传媒电影制作人xxx·申基因表示,他们将在李小龙去世十周年之际播出全世界都在寻找合适的演员来扮演李。

李小龙英文介绍范文200字 篇六

你在里面挑些适用的吧Bruce Lee November 27, 1940, Bruce Lee was born in San Francisco, his father gave him the name of Li Zhenfan in the hope that he one day be able to vibration of San Francisco. Bruce Lee childhood thin body, in order to make the body strong, at the age of 7 began to practice tai chi. 13-year-old, Bruce Lee began to follow the teacher Yip Man Wing Chun study. He has been practicing Hong Quan, white crane boxing, Tan legs, Shaolin boxing, and so on Quanzhong stamp feet, was created as Jeet Kune Do has laid a solid foundation. 18-year-old, Bruce Lee to leave their parents and teacher, came to the United States alone, admitted to the Washington State University Department of Philosophy. Enter the universities, in addition to his study, concentrating their efforts on learning the martial arts. In 1964, to be held in California, the nation's karate competition, as young as 24-year-old Bruce Lee Kye-gwan made sweeping all the players. Bruce Lee martial arts love almost obsessed with the degree of improvement after the Qianxiu hard, he's increasingly skilled efforts to achieve a high level. In addition to a variety of Chinese boxing master, he is also good at Chang Gun, truncheons, and 2 sticks and other equipment, study hard and Qi Gong Gong, and from actual combat, with China-based martial arts, boxing absorption, karate, taekwondo, Thailand Fist operation, and other art of attack and defense strengths and expertise to sum up years of experience and created a kind of Chinese boxing - Jeet Kune Do. Back to the Hong Kong Bruce Lee ushered in the Longtenghuyue his acting career. In 1971, starring the xxxShanghai Affairsxxx, set in Hong Kong since early 1840, the highest since the film box office record: more than 310 million Hong Kong dollars. He fights with his film in the style of a night combat jump up the whole red South-East Asia, Southeast Asia, set off an upsurge of martial arts. In 1972, starring the xxxFist of Furyxxx and another million at the box office success. xxxBruce Lee-stylexxx fighting moves in the film was shown was recognized, and he stared at the enemy's sharp eyes and Guaijiao also fighting at the time of the film after his xxxregistered trademark.xxx Also in the film, Little Dragons for the first time the use of two sticks, and as the xxxthree-legged Lee.xxx Bruce Lee in order to cool the strong legs and impressive double karate club will be home to one of the knockout. And then the xxxSick Man of East Asiaxxx torn words, xxxtell you that Chinese people are not sick man.xxx Bruce Lee left, a national hero's image began to emerge. With the end of the year, Lee wrote, self-directed, self-martial and served as his guide, as the full talents of Bruce Lee movies film xxxMenglongguojiangxxx refresh xxxFist of Furyxxx at the box office record, the first round of screening would be crazy to sell more than 530 million Hong Kong dollars. Bruce Lee in the film fighting free without detention, the strengths being, and xxxthere is no law forxxx the spirit of Jeet Kune Do performance of the head.。









