
时间:2016-05-07 09:26:49
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Salary英语表达法 篇一

In today's globalized world, the ability to communicate in English is becoming increasingly important, especially in the professional sphere. One aspect that frequently comes up in conversations and negotiations is salary. Being able to discuss and express salary in English is crucial for both employees and employers. In this article, we will explore some common phrases and expressions related to salary in English.

1. Salary: This is the most basic term used to refer to the amount of money an employee receives for their work. For example, "What is your monthly salary?"

2. Wage: This term is often used interchangeably with salary, but it typically refers to an hourly rate of pay. For example, "What is your hourly wage?"

3. Paycheck: This term refers to the physical check or electronic transfer an employee receives as payment for their work. For example, "I received my paycheck today."

4. Gross salary: This term refers to the total amount of money an employee earns before any deductions or taxes are taken out. For example, "My gross salary is $5,000 per month."

5. Net salary: This term refers to the amount of money an employee takes home after deductions and taxes have been subtracted. For example, "After taxes, my net salary is $4,000 per month."

6. Bonus: This term refers to an additional payment given to an employee, often as a reward for good performance or as an incentive. For example, "I received a year-end bonus."

7. Commission: This term refers to a percentage of sales or profits that an employee receives as part of their compensation. For example, "Salespeople often receive a commission based on their performance."

8. Benefits: This term refers to additional perks or advantages that an employee may receive as part of their compensation package. Examples include health insurance, retirement plans, and vacation time.

9. Negotiate salary: This phrase refers to the process of discussing and agreeing upon a salary with an employer. For example, "I successfully negotiated my salary during the job interview."

10. Cost of living: This term refers to the amount of money needed to cover basic expenses in a particular area. It is often used when discussing salary expectations. For example, "The cost of living in this city is quite high, so I am seeking a higher salary."

It is important to note that these phrases and expressions may vary depending on the country or region. It is always a good idea to research the specific terminology used in the desired workplace or industry. Developing a strong vocabulary related to salary can greatly enhance your ability to communicate effectively in English in professional settings.

Salary英语表达法 篇二

In today's highly competitive job market, understanding how to discuss and negotiate salary in English is essential for both employees and employers. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of salary-related vocabulary and expressions in English.

1. Base salary: This term refers to the fixed amount of money an employee receives before any additional bonuses or benefits are added. For example, "The base salary for this position is $50,000 per year."

2. Overtime pay: This term refers to the additional amount of money an employee receives for working more than their regular hours. For example, "I am entitled to overtime pay for any hours worked beyond 40 hours per week."

3. Performance-based pay: This term refers to a salary structure that is determined by an employee's performance or productivity. For example, "Our company offers performance-based pay to incentivize employees to achieve their targets."

4. Salary scale: This term refers to a range of salaries offered for a particular job based on factors such as experience, education, and skills. For example, "The salary scale for this position ranges from $40,000 to $60,000."

5. Pay raise/increase: These terms refer to an upward adjustment in salary, often given as a reward for good performance or to keep up with inflation. For example, "I received a pay raise of 5% this year."

6. Cost-of-living adjustment (COLA): This term refers to an increase in salary to account for the rising cost of living. For example, "Employees in this region are eligible for a cost-of-living adjustment every year."

7. Salary package: This term refers to the total compensation an employee receives, including salary, bonuses, benefits, and allowances. For example, "The salary package for this position includes a company car and health insurance."

8. Payroll deduction: This term refers to the amount of money that is taken out of an employee's salary to cover taxes, retirement contributions, or other deductions. For example, "My payroll deduction for taxes is 20%."

9. Salary review: This term refers to a formal evaluation of an employee's performance and salary with the possibility of a pay raise or bonus. For example, "I am scheduled for a salary review next month."

10. Golden handshake: This term refers to a large sum of money given to an employee upon leaving a company, often as part of a retirement package or severance agreement. For example, "The CEO received a golden handshake of $10 million upon retiring."

By familiarizing yourself with these salary-related expressions and vocabulary, you will be better equipped to navigate discussions and negotiations surrounding pay in an English-speaking professional environment. Remember that these terms may differ slightly depending on the industry or country, so it's always important to research and understand the specific terminology used in your field.

salary英语表达法 篇三

salary英语表达法 篇四


  2. Pay stub:工资存根。


  3. Pay period:工资周期。两次发工资间隔的时间。可以是每天(极少),每周,每月,双周,半月。

  4. Pay rate:工资标准。公司按双方商定的支付标准,以计时或计件的方式支付员工工资。

  5. Gross:总额。根据一定的工资标准,员工在一定时期内的基本收入可以是:






salary英语表达法 篇五

  6. Commissions:佣金。根据以往的销售业绩,定期发的钱。

  7. Bonuses:奖金。公司根据不同原因支付的钱,如完成任务,激励员工提高生产力,特殊节日(如圣诞节),等等。

  8. Deductions:扣除。扣除费用是公司从你的工资总额中保留的部分。通常也被称为从源头上扣除(直接从工资中扣除)。一些常见的扣除费用有:

  Income tax:个人所得税



  9. Net:净工资。从总工资中扣除所有项目后剩余的数额。这是你最终能放入钱包中的钱。

  10. Raise:加薪。工资标准的调整,通常是根据工作表现,生活费用,和升职。

  11. Direct deposit:直接存入银行。将你的净工资直接转入银行。


