
时间:2014-03-08 03:47:22
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到公园捡垃圾英语作文 篇一

Title: Cleaning up the Park

One sunny Saturday morning, my friends and I decided to do something meaningful and help clean up the park in our neighborhood. We gathered our gloves, garbage bags, and enthusiasm, ready to tackle the litter problem that had been plaguing our beloved park.

As soon as we arrived at the park, we split into groups and began our cleanup mission. Armed with our garbage bags, we scoured the area, picking up every piece of litter we could find. It was disheartening to see how much trash had been irresponsibly discarded, but we were determined to make a difference.

We started by focusing on the more visible areas of the park, such as the pathways and picnic areas. We picked up candy wrappers, plastic bottles, and cigarette butts. It was surprising to see how many people had been careless with their trash, not realizing the harm it could cause to the environment and wildlife.

After cleaning the main areas, we moved on to the more secluded parts of the park. We carefully combed through the bushes and under trees, collecting hidden trash that had been forgotten or overlooked. The teamwork and camaraderie amongst our group were inspiring, as we encouraged and cheered each other on.

Throughout the cleanup, we also took note of the types of litter we were finding. It was alarming to see the amount of single-use plastic that had been discarded, such as straws, bags, and cutlery. This experience only reinforced our determination to spread awareness about the importance of reducing plastic waste and promoting recycling.

After a few hours of hard work, we had filled several large garbage bags with trash. Despite the physical exhaustion, we felt a sense of accomplishment and pride in knowing that we had made a positive impact on our community. The park looked much cleaner and more inviting, ready to be enjoyed by its visitors.

Cleaning up the park was not only about picking up trash; it was also about educating others on the importance of taking care of our environment. We created posters and flyers, urging people to dispose of their waste properly and reduce their plastic consumption. We also organized a community event to raise awareness about the issue and encourage others to join us in our efforts.

In conclusion, our experience of cleaning up the park was both challenging and rewarding. It opened our eyes to the environmental issues caused by litter and motivated us to take action. We hope that our efforts inspire others to do the same and create a cleaner, greener future for our community and the planet.

到公园捡垃圾英语作文 篇二

Title: A Day of Environmental Responsibility

Last weekend, I participated in a community event that involved cleaning up the park in our town. The purpose of this activity was to raise awareness about the importance of environmental responsibility and the detrimental effects of littering. It was an eye-opening experience that taught me valuable lessons about the impact of our actions on the environment.

When I arrived at the park, I was amazed at the number of volunteers who had shown up to help. There were people of all ages, from young children to elderly individuals, united by a common goal – to make our community cleaner and more sustainable. The positive energy and enthusiasm were contagious, making me even more excited to get started.

Equipped with gloves and garbage bags, we split into groups and began our cleanup mission. As we combed through the park, picking up litter, I was shocked by the amount of trash that had been carelessly discarded. Plastic bottles, food wrappers, and cigarette butts were just a few of the items we found scattered around the park. It was disheartening to see how such small actions could have such a significant impact on the environment.

As we continued our cleanup, we encountered many curious onlookers who were interested in our initiative. We took the opportunity to explain the purpose of the event and the importance of taking care of our environment. Some people even joined us on the spot, realizing the power of collective action and the positive change it could bring.

Throughout the day, we also had the chance to interact with local residents who frequented the park. We asked them about their thoughts on littering and shared tips on how they could reduce their waste. It was encouraging to see their willingness to change their habits and make a difference in their daily lives.

By the end of the day, the park was transformed. What was once a littered and neglected space had become a clean and inviting environment. The sense of accomplishment and pride among the volunteers was palpable, knowing that we had made a tangible impact on our community.

Looking back on this experience, I am reminded of the power of collective action and the importance of individual responsibility. Our actions, no matter how small, can have a significant impact on the environment. It is up to each one of us to take responsibility for our actions and make conscious choices that promote a cleaner and greener future.

In conclusion, participating in the park cleanup event was an enlightening experience that taught me the importance of environmental responsibility. It motivated me to be more conscious of my actions and to spread awareness about the impact of littering. Together, we can create a cleaner and more sustainable world for future generations.

到公园捡垃圾英语作文 篇三

Title: The Impact of Park Cleanup on the Community

In this essay, I will discuss the positive impact of a park cleanup event on the community. This event not only beautified the park but also brought the community together, fostering a sense of unity and responsibility.

The park cleanup event was organized by a local environmental organization in collaboration with the community council. It aimed to raise awareness about the importance of keeping public spaces clean and to encourage community members to take an active role in preserving the environment.

On the day of the event, people of all ages gathered at the park. Families, students, and even local businesses sent volunteers to join the cleanup effort. The event started with a briefing on safety guidelines and the importance of proper waste disposal. It was heartwarming to see the enthusiasm and determination of the participants.

Divided into teams, we set out to clean different areas of the park. Some focused on the picnic areas, while others tackled the walking trails or the playground. The sense of teamwork was evident as we worked side by side, picking up litter and restoring the park's beauty.

During the cleanup, we interacted with park visitors who expressed their appreciation for our efforts. Many shared stories about their fond memories of the park and their concerns about its declining cleanliness. This exchange of experiences and perspectives created a stronger sense of community and reminded us of the park's importance to everyone.

The impact of the park cleanup was not limited to the physical appearance of the park. It also had a positive effect on the community's mindset. By actively participating in the cleanup, community members felt a sense of ownership and responsibility towards the park. It instilled a culture of cleanliness and environmental consciousness that would extend beyond the event.

Moreover, the park cleanup event served as a catalyst for future initiatives. Inspired by the success of this event, community members discussed the possibility of organizing regular cleanups and implementing recycling programs in the park. The event sparked a passion for environmental activism and encouraged individuals to take individual actions to reduce waste and protect the park.

In conclusion, the park cleanup event had a significant impact on the community. It not only improved the physical appearance of the park but also brought community members together and fostered a sense of unity and responsibility. The event served as a stepping stone towards a cleaner and greener community, inspiring individuals to take further actions to protect the environment.

到公园捡垃圾英语作文 篇四

  dear friend

  how is everything going

  i write to you to show you my plan today.I'll go to the park to pick up the rubbish.I think that is meaningfull.then I will do the homework,Studay is the most important thing to me now.after finish my home work I will go to the hospital to see my friend who is sick.

  that's all my today's plan.what about you?

  best wishes!

  your dear friend

到公园捡垃圾英语作文 篇五

  Tuesday,August 28,Today our school had an environmental protection activity.Our class has be assigned with the job of cleaning the River Bank Park of our city.We set off at 8 o'clock in the morning by bus.

  When got there,we saw children were climbing trees.Few were scribbling on some of the park's building walls.There were litter all over the place,what a mess!

  We went to work right away.Frist,we picked rubbish up from the ground then we scrubbed off the paints from the buildings' walls.It was such a hard work but everyone of us was very happy to do it.We finally had finished the cleaning jobs in the afternoon.

  I think all people,not just chilfren should pay more attention to our environmental problems these days.Because recently we have be seriously damaging it and still are.If we don't take actions to protect our environment now,the world will be in serious trouble,and finally,it will be destroyed totally.So please everyone,be wise,be concern,do your parts!Do hurt our living world anymore!

到公园捡垃圾英语作文 篇六

  yesterday. Our class teachers and students to carry out environmental campaigns Star Park. The teacher pided us into two groups, the first group for publicity, the second set of garbage, the layout of the task, we split up open. Some students passers promote the importance of environmental protection, allowing people to increase awareness of environmental protection, actively involved in environmental protection activities, to protect our living environment, improve our living space; some students so that passers-fill "green Knowledge Questionnaire" survey people on environmental protection knowledge level of understanding; passers-by to send some students to promote environmental awareness in an open letter to the people around them publicity, snowball so that more people grasp environmental knowledge. The exercise of my campaign, I also learned a lot of knowledge, we have this large class society a vivid lesson.


