
时间:2016-01-05 09:13:19
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英语人物细节描写范文初中 篇一:My Best Friend

My best friend is named Lily. She has long, straight black hair that falls gracefully down her back. Her almond-shaped eyes are a deep shade of brown, and they sparkle with intelligence and curiosity. Lily has a warm, friendly smile that lights up her face and makes everyone around her feel instantly comfortable.

Lily is of average height and has a slender figure. She always stands tall and carries herself with confidence. She has a graceful way of walking, as if she is gliding effortlessly through the air. Her movements are fluid and elegant, reflecting her graceful personality.

One of the things that sets Lily apart from others is her impeccable sense of style. She always dresses fashionably and has an eye for the latest trends. Whether she is wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans or a stunning dress for a special occasion, she always looks put-together and stylish. Lily has a knack for accessorizing, and she knows how to choose the perfect accessories to complete her outfits.

Lily is not only beautiful on the outside, but she also has a beautiful personality. She is kind, caring, and always willing to lend a helping hand. She is a great listener and is always there for me when I need someone to talk to. Lily is also incredibly intelligent and excels in her academics. She is dedicated to her studies and always strives for excellence.

In addition to her academic achievements, Lily is also a talented musician. She plays the piano with ease and skill, and her music always brings joy to those who listen. Lily's passion for music is evident in the way she plays, putting her heart and soul into every note.

Overall, Lily is not only my best friend, but she is also an amazing person. Her beauty, both inside and out, is truly captivating. Her sense of style, grace, intelligence, and talent make her a truly unique and wonderful individual. I am grateful to have her in my life, and I cherish our friendship deeply.

英语人物细节描写范文初中 篇二:My Favorite Teacher

My favorite teacher is Mr. Johnson. He is a middle-aged man with short, greying hair and a friendly smile. His glasses sit perched on the bridge of his nose, and he often adjusts them when he is deep in thought. Mr. Johnson has a calm and composed demeanor that instantly puts his students at ease.

Mr. Johnson is of average height and has a slightly rounded figure. He always dresses professionally in a suit and tie, and his clothes are always neatly pressed. He carries himself with confidence and walks with purpose, making him a commanding presence in the classroom.

One of the things that sets Mr. Johnson apart from other teachers is his passion for teaching. He has a natural ability to explain complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand. He is patient and always takes the time to ensure that every student grasps the material before moving on. Mr. Johnson's dedication to his students is evident in the extra time he spends outside of class, offering additional support and guidance.

Mr. Johnson has a great sense of humor and often uses it to engage his students in the learning process. He knows how to make the classroom lively and interactive, creating a positive and enjoyable learning environment. His enthusiasm for his subject is contagious, and it inspires his students to develop a love for learning.

In addition to being a great teacher, Mr. Johnson is also a compassionate mentor. He genuinely cares about his students' well-being and is always there to offer advice and support. He is a good listener and is approachable, making him someone that students can trust and confide in. Mr. Johnson's guidance and encouragement have had a profound impact on my personal and academic growth.

Overall, Mr. Johnson is not only my favorite teacher, but he is also an exceptional educator. His passion for teaching, sense of humor, and compassion make him a truly remarkable individual. I am grateful for the opportunity to have him as my teacher, and I will always remember the valuable lessons he has taught me both inside and outside the classroom.

英语人物细节描写范文初中 篇三

My English teacher is Ms. szhu. She is very beautiful and tall.

She lives in an apartment near the school. Her favorite color is white. Her favorite food is dumplings.

She is very kind to us. I love her very much.




英语人物细节描写范文初中 篇四

.世上赞美父母爱的句子有很多。有人说,伟大的母爱如同一潭湖水,柔波荡漾。深沉的父爱如同苍茫的草原,广阔无垠;有人说,父母 的爱一眼清泉,默默地流淌‘有人说,我们的成长饱含这父母的辛勤养育。他们脸上的道道皱纹,头上的缕缕白发,无不诉说着他们为我们辛勤奔波的点点滴滴……





英语人物细节描写范文初中 篇五




Asking a Friend to the Concert

Saturday morning

Dear Al,

May I have the pleasure of taking you to the concert this evening? The music promises to be good, as two famous violinists are coming to take part in the performance.

If it is convenient for you to go, I shall call at 8 p. m.. I'm waiting for your reply.

Zhang Ming


邀请留言条(invitation message note)与邀请信写法类似,只是不如后者那样正规。其中信头可以只写星期几,结尾可以不要。

英语人物细节描写范文初中 篇六

My mother is a Chinese woman, she was born in, has been years old, but she will never be old in my heart. She has a cheerful huand and a smart boy. My lovely mother's name is first of all, my mother is not a beautiful woman, but she is the most beautiful woman in my life.

She is a little fat, I love every part of her. My mother has a thick short hair, she has a pair of lovely eyes and charming smile. She always smiles, even when she meets difficulties or does not open In my heart, my mother's voice is like a spring flowing through my body.

Her body is like a tree to protect my shadow. When I make mistakes, she looks like a tiger, but when I hear that mom Hermie is a friendly woman, she looks like a panda. She always helps her friends or brothers when they are in trouble, and she never lies to her friends.

My mother is a smart woman, because she is a succesul businessman, she does not have a lot of money when she was young, so she told me that success depends on determination. She is also a responsible person because she takes care of me and loves her parents. She is the greatest woman in my mind.

She is friendly, honest, intelt and great. My mother is a good listener She always knows my heart. I admire my cheerful mother because she is a succesul businessman and takes care of her workers.

She smiles very happily. If you see my mother, you will feel relaxed. I really admire my mother.

When she is free or has free money, she really likes shopping and traveling. She will go shopping with me. She really likes LV bags, but she does She always spends money on travel.

She doesn't like sports, so she's a little fat. My greedy mother likes to eat chocolate, but she shouldn't eat so much. My mother is a decisive woman.

If she wants to do something, no one can stop her. Maybe she has faith. She not only thinks but also does it.

She told me it was right, but I often disagreed with her. In addition, she works too hard, she always works until midnight, so my father and I always worry that if my family loses her, mom Hermie is the most important person in my family, and we will lose a real home. She is our spiritual support and air.

If my family does not have her, we will leave the water like a fish. My mother is a woman, but she is also My greatest mother. This is my mother.

Her name is.





