
时间:2014-06-08 06:32:36
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近日,世界知识产权组织公布了2016年世界知识产权日的主题数字创意 重塑文化。






繁忙热闹的春节假期生活很快要结束了,各位朋友是否还在留恋着和回味着春节期间的欢歌笑语、美乐佳肴和温情生活?不过,IPRdaily已经开始为各位朋友开启2016年新的征途了。今年的世界知识产权日主题已经公布,主题就是“数字创意重塑文化(DigitalCreativity: Culture Reimagined”,同时还有宣传海报。







WorldIP Day 2016 Digital Creativity:Culture Reimagined

Sunrise inCaracas, a writer awakens, inspired, and reaches for her tablet. Her idea landswith her collaborator in London, rehearsing in a West End theatre. Words,images, plot-lines and dialogue flash back and forth. A treatment for a newseries a global pandemic, drugcartels, high level corruption hits the inbox of aHollywood showrunner, who calls contacts in Dubai, Mumbai, Beijing and Berlin.Deals are cut, funds secured, distribution channels agreed.

Shootingbegins: Outside scenes in Ouarzazate, interiors in Brooklyn, special effectsfrom Bangkok. A soundtrack is added: a sizzling gumbo of rhythms from Rio andhorns from Lagos, with a topping of Prague strings. The theme tune goes viralas fans stream the show on screens of every size, in every corner of theglobe...

Films, TV,music, books, art, video-games cultural

works, in short have long crossed borders. But theWiFi era is transforming how consumable culture is created, distributed andenjoyed in markets that are expanding far beyond national boundaries. Ever moreaccessible digital technologies have swept away physical constraints, placing aworld of cross-cultural collaboration at the fingertips of every artist andcreator, feeding the imagination in new ways. And with this blooming of digitalcreativity comes the boon to the digital consumer. We read, watch and listen tothe works of countless creators across the world wherever, whenever and howeverwe want.

Reimaginingculture how we create it, how weaccess it, and how we finance it isnot without challenges. And the challenge of a flexible, adaptive intellectualproperty system is to help ensure that the artists and creative industries inour digital universe can be properly paid for their work, so they can keepcreating. So for World IP Day this year, we’reexploring some of the issues surrounding our cultural future. We’ll be talking to experts on creativityin the digital market, and to creators themselves, to find out where they thinkwe’re heading.


