
时间:2015-07-09 04:44:22
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Abstract of Paper 1: The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers' Mental Health

With the rapid development of social media platforms, teenagers are spending an increasing amount of time engaging with these platforms. This paper aims to explore the impact of social media on teenagers' mental health.

The study employed a mixed-methods approach, combining both quantitative and qualitative research methods. A sample of 500 teenagers aged between 13 and 18 years old was surveyed to assess their social media usage patterns and their psychological well-being. Additionally, in-depth interviews were conducted with a subset of 30 participants to gain deeper insights into their experiences and perceptions of social media.

The findings revealed that there is a significant correlation between excessive social media use and negative mental health outcomes among teenagers. Specifically, increased time spent on social media was associated with higher levels of depression, anxiety, and loneliness. Furthermore, the study found that cyberbullying and online harassment were prevalent issues among teenagers, which further contributed to their deteriorating mental health.

However, the research also identified some positive aspects of social media use among teenagers. It was found that social media platforms can provide a sense of belonging and social support, especially for marginalized individuals. Additionally, teenagers reported using social media as a means of self-expression and creativity.

Based on these findings, it is crucial for parents, educators, and policymakers to be aware of the potential negative impacts of social media on teenagers' mental health. Interventions should be implemented to promote healthy social media habits and minimize the risks associated with excessive use. This may include educating teenagers about responsible social media use, providing mental health support services within schools, and encouraging offline social interactions.

In conclusion, this study highlights the complex relationship between social media and teenagers' mental health. While social media can have detrimental effects, it also has the potential to offer positive experiences. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between utilizing social media for its benefits while minimizing its negative impacts on teenagers' mental well-being.

Abstract of Paper 2: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology in various industries, including healthcare. This paper aims to explore the role of AI in improving healthcare outcomes and revolutionizing patient care.

The study conducted a comprehensive literature review to examine the current applications of AI in healthcare. Various AI techniques, such as machine learning, natural language processing, and computer vision, were investigated in their potential to enhance disease diagnosis, treatment planning, and patient monitoring.

The findings revealed that AI has the potential to significantly improve healthcare outcomes by increasing diagnostic accuracy, enabling personalized treatment plans, and facilitating early disease detection. Machine learning algorithms have demonstrated high accuracy in detecting diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions, surpassing human capabilities. AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of patient data to identify patterns and predict disease progression, leading to more proactive and targeted interventions.

Moreover, AI has shown promise in improving patient care through virtual assistants, robotic surgery systems, and telemedicine applications. These technologies can enhance the efficiency of healthcare delivery, reduce medical errors, and increase access to care, particularly in underserved areas.

However, the integration of AI in healthcare also poses ethical and privacy concerns. The use of patient data for AI training raises questions regarding data security and patient consent. Additionally, the potential displacement of healthcare professionals by AI systems raises ethical considerations and necessitates careful regulation.

In conclusion, AI holds great potential to revolutionize healthcare by improving diagnostic accuracy, enabling personalized treatment plans, and enhancing patient care. However, careful consideration must be given to the ethical and privacy implications of AI implementation. Continued research, collaboration, and regulation are essential to harness the benefits of AI while ensuring patient safety and privacy.

论文英文摘要 篇三


  The original material is Chinese speeches made by Chinese President Xi Jinpingand Premier Li Keqiang respectively on the opening ceremony of the 9th and 10thChina-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit on September 3气 2012 andSeptember 3rd, 2013. The author has finished simulated simultaneous interpreting (SI inshort) and transcribed it into text. When analyzing C-E simulated simultaneous text, the

author found two difficulties to be solved: I. cultural idiom C-E simultaneousinterpreting; II. irregular parallel expression C-E simultaneous interpreting.

  Under the guidance of interpretive theory, by example analyzing, the author putforward two countermeasures for cultural idiom C-E SI: one is interpretative replacing,the other is explaining connotation. There are also two countermeasures for irregularparallel expression C-E SI: one is interpretative reducing, the other is parallelly listingthe words of the same characteristic.

  The above SI countermeasures provided the author with solutions to cultural idiomand parallel expression interpreting. They can help interpreters not only achieve thegoal of communication but also save time. The above countermeasures also providedother interpreters with certain reference in C-E simultaneous interpreting of similartopic speeches made by Xi Jinping and Li Keqiang.

论文英文摘要 篇四


  The material of the interpretation project is Apple's 2013 iPhone media event heldin Cupertino on September 11, 2013. First of all, the interpreter had a simulated E-Csimultaneous interpretation of the video (no subtitles) of the event. The audiences werefive non-English major Apple lovers. Then, based on Skopos Theory, the interpreteranalyzed difficulties of the interpreting process and wrote this report.

  ”Apple 5c 5s Event“ belongs to technology product event. It has the features ofprofessional terminology and mass information. The difficulties of the practice can bedescribed as two aspects, they are: (1) interpretation of electronics terminology; (2)identification and processing of redundancy.

  According to Skopos Theory, translation is a purposeful communicative action,and the skopos determines the whole translation procedure. The skopos of this project isto offer up-to-date product information to audiences who don't understand English andthe interpretation should be faithful and concise.

  Given the above difficulties, the following interpretation strategies can be adopted:(1) prediction according to the context and speculation according to common sense; (2)reduction of unimportant information and combination of repeated information.

论文英文摘要 篇五


  With the development of the times, tourism industry is flourishing. There is avariety of guidebooks,whose translation, to a certain degree, influences the growth oflocal tourism. This translation report is based on the Chinese-English translation ofHangzhou Travel Guild (2013),论文英文摘要


《论文英文摘要》()。 The translator has translated a part of the book andthen finished the report in the hope of offering practical guidance for some departmentsrelevant with tourism and promoting the development of tourism.

  During the translation practice, because of the big differences between Chineseand English culture and language, the translator came across the following difficulties:

  (1) the translation of culture-loaded words; (2) the translation of long sentences. Underthe guidance of Skopos Theory, the translator considered that the translation of travelguide should focus on the target text readers and the translated version should be inaccordance with the writing features of the target text and cater to the target readers.

  Combined with detailed examples, the translator put forward the followingstrategies: (1) addition,omission and compression; (2) integrating and splittingsentences. This report proposed the corresponding specific strategies, which can offersome referential value to the translators to translate the tourism texts.


