
时间:2011-07-03 05:30:13
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Jane Eyre: A Journey of Self-Discovery (Part 1)

Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Bronte, is a timeless classic that tells the story of a young orphan girl named Jane who overcomes numerous obstacles and challenges to find her own voice and identity. After finishing this novel, I was left with a deep sense of admiration for Jane's resilience and strength, as well as a newfound appreciation for the power of self-discovery.

Throughout the novel, Jane's journey towards self-discovery is evident. From her early years at Gateshead Hall, where she is mistreated and belittled by her aunt and cousins, to her time at Lowood School, where she endures harsh conditions and the loss of her best friend, Helen Burns, Jane faces adversity at every turn. However, it is through these experiences that she begins to understand her own worth and the importance of staying true to herself.

One of the most striking aspects of Jane's character is her unwavering sense of morality and integrity. Despite the hardships she faces, she remains true to her own beliefs and values, refusing to compromise her principles or succumb to societal expectations. This is demonstrated through her refusal to marry Mr. Rochester when she discovers his secret marriage to Bertha Mason. Instead of settling for a life of convenience and wealth, Jane chooses to follow her own moral compass and leaves Thornfield Hall, even though it means losing the man she loves.

Furthermore, Jane's journey towards self-discovery is also intertwined with her quest for independence and equality. As a woman in Victorian England, Jane is constantly reminded of her inferior social status and limited opportunities. However, she refuses to accept these limitations and strives to create a life for herself that is based on her own abilities and merits. This is evident when she becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall and later inherits a fortune from her uncle. These accomplishments not only provide Jane with financial independence but also serve as a testament to her determination and resilience.

In conclusion, Jane Eyre is a captivating novel that explores the themes of self-discovery, integrity, and independence. Through Jane's journey, readers are reminded of the importance of staying true to oneself, even in the face of adversity. Jane's unwavering sense of morality and her refusal to accept societal limitations serve as an inspiration to all, encouraging us to embrace our own individuality and strive for personal growth. This novel is a timeless reminder that true happiness and fulfillment can only be found when we are true to ourselves.

Jane Eyre: A Love Story Unlike Any Other (Part 2)

Jane Eyre, a novel by Charlotte Bronte, is a tale that goes beyond the conventional love story. While romance plays a significant role in the plot, the novel delves deeper into the complexities of love, exploring themes of equality, self-acceptance, and the power of inner strength.

The relationship between Jane and Mr. Rochester is unconventional from the start. Jane, a young and plain governess, finds herself drawn to the brooding and mysterious Mr. Rochester, despite their differences in social status and appearance. Their connection grows as they engage in intellectual conversations and discover a shared sense of humor and understanding. However, it is not their physical attraction or societal expectations that make their love story remarkable; it is their ability to see past these superficialities and connect on a deeper, emotional level.

What sets Jane and Mr. Rochester apart is their mutual respect and the genuine partnership they form. Mr. Rochester sees Jane as his intellectual equal and values her opinions and insights. He admires her strength and independence, qualities that were not often celebrated in Victorian society. Likewise, Jane sees Mr. Rochester's vulnerability and recognizes the goodness within him, even when faced with his flaws and mistakes. Their love transcends societal norms and expectations, emphasizing the importance of equality in any relationship.

Moreover, Jane Eyre is not a typical damsel-in-distress waiting for a hero to rescue her. Jane is a strong and resilient woman who refuses to compromise her principles or settle for a life that does not align with her values. This strength is exemplified in her decision to leave Thornfield Hall when she discovers Mr. Rochester's secret marriage. She refuses to be a mistress and chooses to prioritize her own self-worth and integrity over her love for him. This act of self-love and self-respect is a powerful message that resonates with readers and challenges traditional notions of love and sacrifice.

In conclusion, Jane Eyre is more than just a love story. It is a tale of two individuals who defy societal expectations and find love and acceptance in each other. Jane and Mr. Rochester's relationship is built on mutual respect, equality, and a deep understanding of one another. Their love story serves as a reminder that true love is not about physical appearance or social status, but about finding someone who sees and accepts us for who we truly are. Jane Eyre is a timeless masterpiece that celebrates the power of love and self-acceptance, leaving readers with a sense of hope and belief in the transformative power of genuine connections.

简爱的英文读后感 篇三

  Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens’, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century.

  The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London.

  The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings. I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill. To my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end. One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs. Maylie and Rose and began a new life. He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. He felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty.

  How can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? The reason is the nature of goodness. I think it is the most important information implied in the novel by Dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. Although I don’t think goodness is omnipotent, yet I do believe that those who are kind-hearted live more happily than those who are evil-minded.

  For me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person. Goodness is to humans what water is to fish. He who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person. On the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ‘The fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose’, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person. People receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.

  To my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity. They look down on people’s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted. As a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others. On the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit. In their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility. If they cannot get profit from showing their ‘kindness’, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down. They are one of the sorts that I really detest.

  Francis Bacon said in his essay, ‘Goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the Deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.’

  That is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything. Therefore, I, a kind person, want to tell those ‘vermin-to-be’ to learn from the kind Oliver and regain the nature of goodness.

简爱的英文读后感 篇四

  In the world history of literature, some many classical famous works are going to be immortal, but Jane Eyre deeply enters people's soul deeply, it by irresistible intrinsic deep has attracted the tens of thousands of readers deeply, has affected people's inner world, is in the world history of literature the eternal classics.

  Jane Eyre's author Charlotte Bronte and howls the mountain village author Amy Li · Bronte is sisters. Although two people live in the identical family and the social environment, but disposition actually entirely different. Charlotte Bronte the natural disposition is arrogant, pursues and yearns for all fine things. She from has slightly lost the maternal love, obtains the father likes very being also few, her appearance is thin and small, also is unattractive, Jane Eyre's contour is completely Charlotte Bronte the real portrayal. Charlotte Bronte perhaps on because own appearance is not conspicuous, created her innermost soul depth to feel inferior deeply, reflected in hers disposition was the sensitive self-respect.

  Jane Eyre double perishes from the little parents, lives under subjugation, not only cousins' insult, despising which the aunt not covers up, to has lodged the school, but also must receive teacher the unfair treatment. Is precisely all these, let Jane Eyre practice on the self-confident spirit which stood buffer, caused Mr. Rochester to shock for it, regarded as her to be possible with own energetic equality conversation person, and deep has fallen in love with her deeply. His sincerity lets her be moved, she decided entrusts for his life. But in the marriage that one day, the accident knew actually in addition has madame who contracts neurosis, life in Sand field’s top layer. She said righteously to that, “You thought I poor, mean, am not beautiful, am diminutive, I do not have the soul, has not had the heart? - - You thought mistakenly! - - Jan · likes with you having the soul - - also completely to have a heart equally! … I not am relying on the custom, the convention now, even not relies on the human body every tire bead heel you to converse, but is my mind in with yours mind speech, as soon as probably we all leave the world, two people stand equally in front of God - - because we are originally equal!”

  This also is Jane Eyre tells her to have to leave his reason: “I must defend this standpoint firmly.” Deeper one is Jane Eyre thought oneself received own to trust human's deceit. Asked which woman can withstand oneself human's deceit which most intimate, most trusts. In such situation, Jane Eyre has also made an unusual rational decision. Has unusual strength love surrounding in such one, but also has under the wealthy life enticement, she still must persist from already inpidual dignity.

  I thought, if it is me, I definitely at that time forgave , I could use each reason to convince oneself remain down, But Jan does not have, she chose resolutely left. This also is precisely Jane Eyre is most lovable, the most valuable place - - persists own principle.

  The novel has designed a very bright ending. 's manor has destroyed; he has also become a disabled person. Between such situation, Jane Eyre no longer and loves the contradiction in the dignity. But simultaneously obtains satisfies-------She and 's marriage has the dignity, simultaneously also has the love.

  In the modern society, the very few some people can look like Jane Eyre to be same, is love, gets rid all for the personality, moreover is duty-bound not to turn back. The pursue entire heart pays, moreover a pure like ice water.

简爱的英文读后感 篇五

  One hundred and sixty years ago,when Charlotte Bronte created Jane Eyre,she could have never thought that it would become eternal.As a matter of fact, in the world of today,there are tens of thousands of Jane Eyre,each living in a reader's heart,breathing with him the same air and sharing with him the same happiness and sorrow.Her rich mental world has become an inexhaustible resource of spirtual power.From Jane Eyre,people who are timid and shy get confidence and self-respect;people who feel imprisoned get independence and freedom;people who are lonesome get love and care.However, what I get from Jane Eyre is the courage of inner qestioning and self-exploring.

  Jane Eyre is a young orphan being raised by Mrs. Reed, her cruel, wealthy aunt. A servant named Bessie provides Jane with some of the few kindnesses she receives, telling her stories and singing songs to her. One day, as punishment for fighting with her bullying cousin John Reed, Jane’s aunt imprisons Jane in the red-room, the room in which Jane’s Uncle Reed died. While locked in, Jane, believing that she sees her uncle’s ghost, screams and faints. She wakes to find herself in the care of Bessie and the kindly apothecary Mr. Lloyd, who suggests to Mrs. Reed that Jane be sent away to school. To Jane’s delight, Mrs. Reed concurs.

  Once at the Lowood School, Jane finds that her life is far from idyllic. The school’s headmaster is Mr. Brocklehurst, a cruel, hypocritical, and abusive man. Brocklehurst preaches a doctrine of poverty and privation to his students while using the school’s funds to provide a wealthy and opulent lifestyle for his own family. At Lowood, Jane befriends a young girl named Helen Burns, whose strong, martyrlike attitude toward the school’s miseries is both helpful and displeasing to Jane. A massive typhus epidemic sweeps Lowood, and Helen dies of consumption. The epidemic also results in the departure of Mr. Brocklehurst by attracting attention to the insalubrious conditions at Lowood. After a group of more sympathetic gentlemen takes Brocklehurst’s place, Jane’s life improves dramatically. She spends eight more years at Lowood, six as a student and two as a teacher.

  After teaching for two years, Jane yearns for new experiences. She accepts a governess position at a manor called Thornfield, where she teaches a lively French girl named Adèle. The distinguished housekeeper Mrs. Fairfax presides over the estate. Jane’s employer at Thornfield is a dark, impassioned man named Rochester, with whom Jane finds herself falling secretly in love. She saves Rochester from a fire one night, which he claims was started by a drunken servant named Grace Poole. But because Grace Poole continues to work at Thornfield, Jane concludes that she has not been told the entire story. Jane sinks into despondency when Rochester brings home a beautiful but vicious woman named Blanche Ingram. Jane expects Rochester to propose to Blanche. But Rochester instead proposes to Jane, who accepts almost disbelievingly.

  The wedding day arrives, and as Jane and Mr. Rochester prepare to exchange their vows, the voice of Mr. Mason cries out that Rochester already has a wife. Mason introduces himself as the brother of that wife—a woman named Bertha. Mr. Mason testifies that Bertha, whom Rochester married when he was a young man in Jamaica, is still alive. Rochester does not deny Mason’s claims, but he explains that Bertha has gone mad. He takes the wedding party back to Thornfield, where they witness the insane Bertha Mason scurrying around on all fours and growling like an animal. Rochester keeps Bertha hidden on the third story of Thornfield and pays Grace Poole to keep his wife under control. Bertha was the real cause of the mysterious fire earlier in the story. Knowing that it is impossible for her to be with Rochester, Jane flees Thornfield.

  Penniless and hungry, Jane is forced to sleep outdoors and beg for food. At last, three siblings who live in a manor alternatively called Marsh End and Moor House take her in. Their names are Mary, Diana, and St. John (pronounced “Sinjin”) Rivers, and Jane quickly becomes friends with them. St. John is a clergyman, and he finds Jane a job teaching at a charity school in Morton. He surprises her one day by declaring that her uncle, John Eyre, has died and left her a large fortune: 20,000 pounds. When Jane asks how he received this news, he shocks her further by declaring that her uncle was also his uncle: Jane and the Riverses are cousins. Jane immediately decides to share her inheritance equally with her three newfound relatives.

  St. John decides to travel to India as a missionary, and he urges Jane to accompany him—as his wife. Jane agrees to go to India but refuses to marry her cousin because she does not love him. St. John pressures her to reconsider, and she nearly gives in. However, she realizes that she cannot abandon forever the man she truly loves when one night she hears Rochester’s voice calling her name over the moors. Jane immediately hurries back to Thornfield and finds that it has been burned to the ground by Bertha Mason, who lost her life in the fire. Rochester saved the servants but lost his eyesight and one of his hands. Jane travels on to Rochester’s new residence, Ferndean, where he lives with two servants named John and Mary.

  At Ferndean, Rochester and Jane rebuild their relationship and soon marry. At the end of her story, Jane writes that she has been married for ten blissful years and that she and Rochester enjoy perfect equality in their life together. She says that after two years of blindness, Rochester regained sight in one eye and was able to behold their first son at his birth.

  Actually,not only do I inspired by Jane Eyre's character,but also I am moved by the love of Rochester.I believe that every one of us may have thought about our Mr.Right after reading this book.He doesn't need to be so handsome .However,he must be good to us and take our things as the most important things.Yes, we are all expecting...

简爱的英文读后感 篇六

  《Jane Eyre》is a great novel which was written by Charotte Bronte,the famous woman author,in1847.Jane Eyre was an orphan and she have to lived in her aunt's home.

  She was terribly treated by her aunt.She is longing for freedom.After graduated from Lowood,a boarding school,she became a tutor and began to teach in Thornfield.

  At Thornfield,the owner of the hall,Mr.Rochester and Jane began to love each ether.But when they were at the wedding,someone brought a message which said that Mr.Rochester has married.Jane got a shock and leave Mr.Rochester.After suffered much misfortune.

  She became rich and gentility.But she went back to the side of Mr.Rochester who needed help and love. Jane Eyre is neither gentility nor beautiful at first.But she is full of love and abhor evil as a deadly foe.

  She excused her aunt and Mr.Rochester.She pursued true love,so she refused St.John's proposing.Jane Eyre's rough live was very similar with Charlotte Bronte's.Charlotte used Jane's mouth expatiated her idea-freedom,true love,equality,respect.and peaceful life.

  These seems easy to get,but they are the most valuable things in the world.


