
时间:2015-06-06 09:50:16
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呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇一

Wuthering Heights is a novel written by Emily Bronte, a prominent British author. The story revolves around the tumultuous relationship between Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw and the destructive effects of their love on those around them. After reading this classic piece of literature, I was left with a mixture of emotions and a deep appreciation for Bronte's storytelling skills.

One of the aspects that struck me the most about Wuthering Heights is Bronte's ability to create a dark and haunting atmosphere throughout the novel. The moors surrounding the isolated estate of Wuthering Heights serve as a metaphor for the characters' tumultuous emotions. The relentless winds and harsh weather mirror the turbulent and passionate nature of the story. Bronte's vivid descriptions of the landscape and the house itself contribute to the overall sense of foreboding and unease.

Moreover, the characters in Wuthering Heights are complex and deeply flawed, making them both relatable and repulsive at the same time. Heathcliff, in particular, is a fascinating character study. His intense love for Catherine fuels his desire for revenge and ultimately leads to his own downfall. Despite his cruel actions, Bronte manages to evoke sympathy for Heathcliff by delving into his tragic past and the abuse he suffered as a child. The complexities of his character make him one of the most unforgettable literary figures of all time.

Another aspect of Wuthering Heights that captivated me is the exploration of themes such as love, revenge, and social class. Bronte challenges the traditional notions of love and portrays it as a destructive force that can consume and destroy individuals. The theme of revenge is also prevalent throughout the novel, as Heathcliff seeks vengeance on those who have wronged him. Additionally, Bronte delves into the social class divide of the time, highlighting the inequalities and prejudices that existed within society.

In conclusion, Wuthering Heights is a haunting and powerful novel that delves into the depths of human emotions. Emily Bronte's skillful storytelling and complex characters make this a timeless classic. The dark and atmospheric setting, along with the exploration of themes such as love, revenge, and social class, make Wuthering Heights a thought-provoking read. This novel has left a lasting impression on me, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a captivating and emotionally charged literary experience.

呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇二

Upon finishing Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, I was left in awe of the author's remarkable ability to create a story so intense and emotionally charged. This classic novel is a true masterpiece that explores the depths of love, passion, and the destructive power of obsession.

One of the aspects that struck me the most about Wuthering Heights is its unconventional narrative structure. The story is narrated by a servant named Nelly Dean, who recounts the events that have taken place at Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange. Through Nelly's perspective, we gain insight into the complex relationships between the characters, as well as their motivations and desires. This narrative technique adds depth to the story and allows the reader to experience the events from multiple viewpoints.

Furthermore, the theme of love in Wuthering Heights is portrayed in a raw and visceral manner. The love between Heathcliff and Catherine is passionate and all-consuming, yet it is also destructive and toxic. Bronte challenges the conventional notions of love and presents it as a force that can bring both joy and devastation. The intense emotions depicted in the novel make it a deeply moving and thought-provoking read.

Another aspect of Wuthering Heights that fascinated me is the exploration of social class and its impact on the characters' lives. The story takes place in 19th-century England, a time when social class determined one's status and opportunities. Heathcliff, as an outsider and a dark-skinned gypsy, faces discrimination and prejudice from the upper-class characters. Bronte exposes the hypocrisy and cruelty of the upper-class society, while also highlighting the resilience and strength of the working class.

Moreover, the vivid descriptions of the Yorkshire moors serve as a backdrop for the story and contribute to its atmospheric and haunting nature. The wild and untamed landscape mirrors the passions and conflicts of the characters. Bronte's evocative language and detailed descriptions bring the moors to life and transport the reader into the world of Wuthering Heights.

In conclusion, Wuthering Heights is a literary masterpiece that explores the complexities of human emotions and the destructive power of love and obsession. Emily Bronte's skillful storytelling, unconventional narrative structure, and vivid descriptions make this novel a timeless classic. The exploration of themes such as love, social class, and the impact of one's environment make Wuthering Heights a thought-provoking and unforgettable read. I highly recommend this novel to anyone seeking a profound and emotionally charged literary experience.

呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇三

  Between Love and hatred -----on Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights told the story happened between two old families, the Earnshawn family living in Wuthering Heights and the Linton family living in Thrushcross Grange. The story began when old Mr. Earnshawn one day took home an orphan who he adopted on his way to Liverpool. He named the boy Heathcliff.

  From the very beginning, Mr. Earnshawn’s son Hindley hated Heathcliff for he shared Mr. Earnshawn’s love. Hindley often beat Heathcliff. Though Heathcliff never complained, quiet anger grew inside. On the contrary, Mr. Earnshawn’s daughter Catherine became Heathcliff’s close friend soon after his arrival. They played together and grew up together. As time went by, their affection towards each other became increasingly deep. Years later, Old Mr. Earnshawn passed away. Hindley became the head of the family. He began to abuse Heathcliff, treated him as a servant and forbade Catherine from being together with him. Heathcliff sliently tolerated all these insults, but inside his heart anger turned into extreme hatred, which made his character more twisted. Then, an accident happened. One evening, Catherine and Heathcliff slinked into Thrushcross Grange to have fun. Unfortunately, they were discovered and Catherine was bitten by a dog. The master of Thrushcross Grange Mr. Linton drove away Heathcliff and kept Catherine to recover from the wound for 5 weeks. During her stay at Thrushcross Grange, Catherine became friends with Mr. Linton’s son Edgar and daughter Isabella. The brother and sister not only took good care of Catherine but also taught her good manners which changed her from a vulgar girl into a graceful lady. However, at the same time Catherine’s affection towards Heathcliff also underwent a subtle change. Although she knew she still loved Heathcliff very much, she came to feel it a shame to marry him, a servant. When Edgar, a handsome wealthy kind but sheepish young man proposed to her, she betrayed her true feelings and accepted the proposal. Hearing the news of Catherine’s engagement by chance, Heathcliff left angrily and sadly.

  Three years later, Catherine married Edgar and led a peaceful and happy life. But the happiness ended when Heathcliff suddenly came back. He had made his fortune and acted like a gentleman. Catherine was quite delighted and wanted her husband and Heathcliff to be friends, but Heathcliff came back only to take revenge for the happiness and love he lost. Heathcliff gambled with Hindley who had been lost in alcohol after his wife’s death and tricked him out of money. In this way Heathcliff became the master of Wuthering Heights. Besides, when Heathcliff found Edgar’s sister Isabella was foolishly admiring his appearance and wealth, he deceived the poor girl and persuaded her to run away with him. Angry with a fight between Edgar and Heathcliff, Catherine went on a hunger strike and became ill. At that time she was already pregnant. Although Edgar looked after her extremely carefully, Catherine’s health condition just went from bad to worse. Finally, after she gave birth to a baby girl who was also named Catherine, she died in Heathcliff’s arms, wearing a smile. During the following 16 years, Hindley, Isabella and Edgar died in succession. Nevertheless, although he was for long soaked in the misery of losing Catherine, Heathcliff’s hatred did not fade. He turned to take revenge on the next generation. He taught Hindley’s son Hareton to be rude. He tricked Edgar’s daughter little Catherine into marrying his own son Linton Heathcliff, with the intrigue that since Little Linton suffered from constant illness and was dying, he would be in possession of Thrushcross Grange once his son died. At that time he would be able to do whatever he wanted and took revenge on anybody. But when the time came, he suddenly realized that revenge didn’t make him happier but more miserable. He lost the interest of destroying the next generation and approved of little Catherine remarrying Hareton. The two later lived a happy life together. In the end, on a cold and rainy night, Heathcliff ended his own life tragically. But it was said that after his death, people often saw two spirits haunting near Wuthering Heights. And the two spirits looked just like Heathcliff and Catherine.

  From my point of view, the theme of Wuthering Heights is stormy love and hatred, just as the book title suggests. It is beyond doubt displayed most thoroughly by the hero Heathcliff. On the one hand, He loved Catherine so much that she was the whole world to him. Losing Catherine equaled losing everything. He couldn’t free himself from misery for even a single minute after Catherine’s death. On the other hand, he hated Hindley and Edgar so much that seeing them suffering was not enough. He even felt like torturing the next generation. Another character with strong love and hatred was Hindley. Heathcliff once remarked that Hindley’s wife was the only person who loved Hindley. Apparently Hindley thought so and returned all his love to his wife. Thus, when his wife died in childbirth, he had nobody to love but everybody to hate, including himself. Unlike Heathcliff who expressed his hatred by taking revenge on others, Hindley poured the hatred on himself by indulging in alcohol. He even didn’t bother to continue hating Heathcliff and destroying him, he chose to bring himself to distruction. Both Heathcliff and Hindley were eventually devoured by their own strong love and hatred. As far as I am concerned, I do not appreciate the stormy love and hatred. The one I appreciate is Edgar, the man who also had deep love but expressed it like running stream. His love for Catherine was not necessarily less than Heathcliff’s and he was more sensible. He loved Catherine so he proposed to her, took good care of her, had a great fear of upsetting her and suffered greatly seeing his dear wife troubled. His love was like the gentle breeze that makes people feel comfortable and never smothered. Though he met the similar fate as Hindley, he never abandoned himself. He gave his love to their daughter, while never forgetting Catherine. Of course, Edgar also had hatred. He had a thousand reasons to hate Heathcliff, the person who got the true love of his wife, who deceived his naive sister, who indirectly led to his wife’s death. However, Edgar vented his hatred not even once. He did as he said: punishment of the wicked belongs to God, we should learn to forgive. We all have love and hatred in our heart, more or less, weak or strong. However, we should never turn them into devastating storm which will not only hurt others but ourselves. We may find the best way out by learning from Edgar to properly love, to forget hatred and to forgive.

呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇四

  The fascinating author of the novel take the reader to the wonderful land surrounding the Wuthering Heights through non-linear narration. Characters disappears, new faces shows up, circumstances tides up an down, lives toaround but, the basic emotion remain static: the violent passion as represented by the never changing stormy climate at Wuthering Heights.

  The life at Wuthering Heights opens up before the reader through third person narratives. The novel begins at the end of 1803, when the tenant Mr Lockwood of ThrushcroGrange, visits his landlord Heathcliff at Wuthering Heights. Lockwood has to stay back with the unwelcoming family of landlord due to the storm outside. At night he experiences a terrifying dream: the ghost of Catherine Linton, pleading to be admitted to the house from outside. Intrigued, Lockwood asks the housekeeper Nelly Dean to tell the story of Heathcliff and Wuthering Heights

  The novel leaves the reader awestruck for its wonderful imagination and powerful statements. Emily Bront? has skillfully blended the emotions of the characters with the gothic settings. This novel is a must read for anyone who has experienced the magic of love and passion in life.

呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇五

  After reading the masterpiece, Wuthering Heights, gave me a kind of depression and made me unable to understand what is love on earth. Everyone who read it would be touched and moved.

  According to his novel we can get conclusion that In material desires dominate society. Money is everything. There are no love friendship and relationship between people.

  This novel also reflected that what kind of social background the author suffered.Anyways, Wuthering Heights gave me a torment, you can’t see any warm scene in the book, all you see is the fierce wind howled, and wild moor. However, at the end, the combination between Hareton and Cathy seems a hopeful light in the darkness, and the break of the day finally coming!

  Many times in life, people leave our lives and then come back into them. However, we remember them, but they do not remember us. The same thing happened in Emily Bront's book Wuthering Heights. Linton, taken by his mother to London after his birth, never knew his father, then when things happened, he came back home. He had family fighting over where he was to live and whom he would be around. Not knowing part of your family until after you are fifteen is hard.

  Isabella took her son, after he was born, and moved to London away from Thrushcross Grange. At the same time, she moved away from her husband, Heathcliff. During the time that Isabella and Linton were gone, Isabella got sick and passed away. Right before her death, a letter came saying that she was dying so Hindley went to visit her. While he was there, she did passed on so he brought Linton back with him. Once back, everyone looked after him and made him feel at home.

  Heathcliff soon came to the knowledge that his son had returned to Wuthering Heights. He then sent someone to Wuthering Heights to get Linton. However, he did not know that Linton was already asleep so he did not get the boy that night. The next day the boy was taken to Heathcliff at Thrushcross Grange. The father and son were nothing alike, and Linton was intimidated by his father. He did stay, and meet some of his relatives that he had never seen, who helped him adjust to living there.

  Everyday in our lives we run into situations that we wish we had never been involved with. I relate to the characters of Linton and Heathcliff. I am like Linton because people know who I am, but I never remember meeting them, and am scared around them. I also feel the same as Hindly might have of. This is because I would want to see the person I did not know, but then I would not know how to cat around them. In time people come around, but others, as with Heathcliff and Linton, never come around. Everyday life is something we take for granted. No matter how you feel, you may never come to understand it, till you find someone else in the same situation. The above described situation only gives one instance of the many situations in Emily Bront's book, Wuthering Heights, were you could relate your life to someone else Wuthering Heights 's. This book gives the true facts about what family life is really like. Anyway,it's worth reading .

呼啸山庄英文读后感 篇六

  As we all know,wuthering height is only one of the novel of the emily bronte When i see the famous novel,i is deep inside in its plot atmosphere and other interesting story beyond your imagination so that i want to read the book one off .

  After you read the book, maybe you will think what terrible it is when a people change in his heart deeply .probaby you will show much sympathy for the man it is called heathcliff even mnch understanding.but when the story develop,you will rebel against the man ,you could not imagine what evil it is in his heart ,he can do whatever thing in order to avenge .for the sake of doposit the wealthy of the catherine ’s hushand —edgarlinton ,he sacrifice his son―little linton ,in my iponion ,he never regars his son as his famiiy just like a subjetct.his world is just full of the desire of vengeance incredible, the little sick linton marry with the daughter of .you see,the plan is suceed.but it just a funny part of the story.but i feel the most splendid scene is the ending.the novel ends with the scene"Mr lockwood discovered the three headstones on the slope next the moor:Edgar-linton is only harmonized by the turf and moss creeping up its foot,I lingered round them ,under that benign sky,watched the months fluttering among the health and harebell through the grass,and wondered how anyone could ever imagine unquiet slumbers for the sleepers in that quiet earth "that word is impress me . I always consider if they are all have a opportunity to choose ,what do they will to choose again.Like this or other way .if catherine

  did not scruple her vanity and ignorance ,the ending become different from now vary much .i can feel that they are in deep love .they may have a happy ending .the two houses is tragedy just because two leading actor did not have a happy ending. But after the heathcliff dead of his true love wait near the moor and his son is dead ,the daughter of catherine marry to the son of the haliton,i feel maybe that is only thing which is i glad to see .in a word ,it have so many wondered plot and it really excellent novel .

  From the novel and the tragedy ,I realized that the greatest source of misery and hatred in this world .the most importnt lesson i learn to be more tolerance ,wise and kind .not hark back to some event long gone .just remember keep a quiet heart.


