
时间:2012-06-01 06:43:16
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Macbeth: A Tale of Ambition and Tragedy

Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, is a timeless play that explores the themes of ambition, power, and the consequences of one's actions. Upon reading this play, I was captivated by the complex characters, the intense plot, and the thought-provoking messages conveyed throughout. In this first article, I would like to discuss the theme of ambition and how it drives the tragic events in Macbeth.

From the very beginning of the play, ambition is portrayed as a powerful force that can both lead to success and downfall. Macbeth, a loyal and courageous soldier, becomes consumed by his ambition after encountering the three witches who prophesy that he will become the King of Scotland. This encounter ignites a spark within him, and he becomes determined to do whatever it takes to make the prophecy a reality. However, as Macbeth's ambition grows, so does his willingness to commit heinous acts. He betrays his closest friends, murders innocent people, and ultimately loses his sanity. Through Macbeth's character, Shakespeare illustrates the destructive nature of unchecked ambition.

Lady Macbeth, Macbeth's wife, also plays a significant role in the theme of ambition. She is depicted as a manipulative and ruthless woman who pushes Macbeth to commit murder in order to fulfill their ambitions. Lady Macbeth's ambition is so overpowering that she is willing to sacrifice her own sanity and wellbeing to achieve her goals. However, as the play progresses, we see the toll that Lady Macbeth's ambition takes on her. She becomes consumed by guilt and madness, unable to escape the consequences of her actions. Shakespeare warns us of the dangers of uncontrolled ambition through Lady Macbeth's tragic downfall.

In addition to Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, the play also presents other characters who are driven by ambition. Macduff, for example, seeks revenge on Macbeth for the murder of his family and the destruction of Scotland. His ambition to restore peace and justice fuels his determination to overthrow Macbeth's reign. Banquo, on the other hand, is a character who resists the temptation of ambition. Despite the witches' prophecy that his descendants will become kings, Banquo remains loyal and refuses to let ambition corrupt him. Through these contrasting characters, Shakespeare conveys the idea that ambition can be both a motivating force and a destructive one.

Overall, Macbeth is a haunting tale that explores the consequences of unchecked ambition. Through the characters of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and others, Shakespeare presents a cautionary tale about the dangers of letting ambition control one's actions. This play serves as a reminder that ambition, when not tempered with morality and self-awareness, can lead to tragic consequences. Macbeth's descent into madness and Lady Macbeth's guilt-ridden demise are reminders of the destructive power of ambition. As readers, we are left contemplating the balance between ambition and morality, and the importance of self-reflection in our own lives.

麦克白读后感英文版 篇三



After learning this drama during this semester, I learn a lot. And here I have some points to talk about.

The first one is that I am very impressed by the wittiness of Duncan’s two sons, Malcolm and Donalbain. When their father is murdered, the situation is a chaos. They don’t know who the murderer is and what their intentions are. They realize that they may be also in danger, as Donalbain says to Malcolm: “What should be spoken here, where our fate, hid in an auger-hole, may rush, and seize us? Let’s away; our tears are not yet brew’d.” So when Macbeth suggests all meet in the hall together, Malcolm says that”let’s not consort with them” and he goes to England and Donalbain to Ireland. As we can see, if they don’t flee, they may become the next persons to die, especially Malcolm, who is named by the king the Prince of Cumberland and will inherit the kingship after his father. As the old saying goes, revenge is a dish that should be eaten cold . The fact also proves that they make the rig

ht decision. Several years later, Malcolm comes back, fights with Macbeth and gains the kingship. What I want to say is not that we should revenge our enemies, but that we should keep in reason, keep calm. Think twice before you jump, especially in emergencies and disorders.

Another point I’d like to talk about is the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. At the very beginning, we can see that they have a very good relationship. Before he comes back home, Macbeth has already send a letter home to Lady Macbeth to tell her the success of the war and the three witches’ prophesy. When Macbeth hesitate if murder Duncan or not, Lady Macbeth scolds him as coward. All these indicate that they are in a good relationship. After Duncan is killed, in order to clear the way to become the king, Macbeth plans to kill Banquo and his son. But he doesn’t tell his wife. Their relation is going badly. We can infer that Macbeth doesn’t tell Lady Macbeth his plan to kill Macduff’s wife and children either. Because in Act Ⅴ Scene Ⅰ, when Lady Macbeth is sleep walking, she says: “The Thane of Fife had a wife: where is she now?” And finally when his wife is dead, he is very cold, just saying: “she could have died hereafter; there would have been a time for such a word.” How comes a loving couple of the old days becomes strangers! It’s the blood-thirsty ambition that counts. From this, I learn that sometimes ambition is not a good thing. And if you have a proper ambition, such as becoming a champion in a competition or getting the highest score in an exam, you should get it through proper means, such as practicing a lot and study hard but not through cheating. Also, I learn that wife is an important role in a family. She should always lead the husband to go the right way to get the right thing. Otherwise, she could be the one who is hurt mostly.


The great writer Maxim Gorky once said: "the book is the ladder of human progress." indeed reading can cultivate sentiments, reading can broaden our horizons, the book from the ocean for drip sentiment, hone their own, improve oneself, one of Shakespeare's four tragedies" Mike white" rich life philosophy, I see Mike White's tragedy, also discusses the social tragedy.

In sixteenth Century in England, all kinds of social contradictions increasingly apparent, the war with France, Scotland and Spain strained relations, chaotic, and relaxation, financial constraints, the price expensive, particularly troublesome is the sharp religious sect conflict, from the physiocracy to mercantilism market economy transition and because the enclosure movement caused serious the refugee problem in social environment, extreme inpidualistic malign expand, and the author for the " good" the harmony between person and person, love, peace, human nature and moral responsibilities of the ideal life is completely draw further apart, in Mike White's era, society is not peaceful, although he and Norway did not openly joint, but his treason felony is his own confession, and have proved, that he ruined. Mike white superego attempts and self-indulgent, magnifying self realization value, and finally to torture yourself, self-reflection sin means to achieve self salvation of soul and self purification. Right desire driving force the binding is often greater than the superego, Mike white and lose all standing and reputation, but bring trouble to oneself, not to accept the influence of witch.

But she is a bad fall into a wrong path, murder is Mike white, who was the victim of Duncan became Mike white killings direct accomplice, direct reasons, forced Mike to white Dutch act other than, but Duncan himself. If Duncan is not on the issue of succession to Mike white with a desperate fight Gong Yan, not before leaving their action for Mike white manufacturing attack conditions, Mike white and the witch is incapable of action, and Mike white lady represents the most arrogant character in Mike white, the hardest part of it, she can do to kill their sons and daughters, so cruel extreme means to confirm Mike white the murder was determined, Mike White's tragic fate already cannot avoid. In to help her husband to usurp the throne in the process, she showed a B will, B personality, calm mind, extraordinary talent and courage, in lust with love, she would love to return for the desire for power, showing how she cruel and inhuman. Many reasons lead to the Mike White's murder, step by step toward the abyof evil, witch, ghosts and gods, dark fantasy, Mike White gave himself up completely at the mercy of supernatural inextricably bogged down in, show Strong fatalism, man's fate seemed entirely in the hands of the nether world, but also by the desire for power completely devoid of human ambition.

The tragedy of the entirety is not limited to personal destiny, but the feudal ruling clainner palace struggle, the common law court contradiction, the author reveals the desire to destroy the power at the same time, the profound description of the tyrant, the tyranny of the destruction, to the society, the people have brought disaster, it shows the people of disaster, the ill-fated, through bold revealed miserable, Horror Picture of society and social atmosphere to reflect the essence of the times, the author exposes extreme inpidualism and the life path of anti-humanity, anti human essence, also criticized the existing in the real world of lust, affirmed the humanist principle of beneficence, affirmed the conscience, revealing ambition and love be irreconcilable opposed to, the feudal autocratic monarchy, Bly condemned the tyranny of the autocrat and traitor to the people, people have the right to overthrow the tyranny of affirmative, have the right to destroy the tyrant, the authors advocate the principle of beneficence, call and affirmed the " conscience", points out that ambition with benevolence be irreconcilable opposed to, love is human nature, cruel against humanity, he once for the ideal fight, just because the ideal ambition to become metamorphic for most evil murderer, with Mike white as a representative of the feudal ruling clain the pursuit of power The extinction of human brutality careerist.

His tragedy reflects the personal ambition infinite development inevitable result, the social attributes of the decision. In between man and nature, people are afraid of the mystery of nature and immense power, only to follow nature 's mercy, to jump out the nature of the palm. Desire is terrible, if not restrained, it will make a person become the villain, which leads to the small self destruction, will harm the country and the people. So we college students to do some meaningful things by their example of discrimination, to better improve themselves, not on the basis of previous more corrupt. We are influenced by the higher education. From various points of view, we are soberly aware. In the era of the development of our speciality, for national construction makes contribution. Promote positive advanced thought, in twenty-first Century, the real college students style let the world praise.



