
时间:2015-03-01 01:27:38
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A Tale of Two Cities - Reflections on the Power of Sacrifice

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is a remarkable novel that explores the themes of love, sacrifice, and redemption. Set against the backdrop of the French Revolution, it tells the story of two cities, London and Paris, and the lives of their inhabitants. After reading this novel, I was deeply moved by the power of sacrifice and its ability to bring about profound change.

In the novel, sacrifice is portrayed as a selfless act that can transform both individuals and society. The character of Sydney Carton embodies this idea. At the beginning of the story, Carton is depicted as a cynical and disillusioned man. However, through his love for Lucie Manette and his ultimate sacrifice for her happiness, he finds redemption and meaning in his life. Carton's sacrifice not only saves Lucie's husband, Charles Darnay, from the guillotine but also serves as a catalyst for the revolution to come to a peaceful resolution. His act of selflessness demonstrates the power of sacrifice to bring about positive change and redemption.

Furthermore, sacrifice is also portrayed as an act of love and devotion. The character of Dr. Alexandre Manette exemplifies this idea. Dr. Manette sacrifices his own freedom and sanity to protect his daughter, Lucie. He endures years of imprisonment in the Bastille, yet his love for Lucie gives him the strength to survive. Through his sacrifice, Dr. Manette demonstrates the unconditional love and devotion he has for his daughter. His sacrifice also inspires the love and loyalty of those around him, such as Sydney Carton, who ultimately sacrifices his own life for Lucie's happiness. This portrayal of sacrifice as an act of love highlights the transformative power it has on individuals and their relationships.

Moreover, the novel also explores the collective sacrifice of the French people during the revolution. The peasants and common folk are depicted as sacrificing their lives for the greater good. Through their sacrifices, they overthrow the oppressive ruling class and bring about a new era of equality and justice. This collective sacrifice highlights the power of unity and the willingness of individuals to give up their own lives for the betterment of society.

In conclusion, A Tale of Two Cities is a compelling novel that showcases the power of sacrifice. Through the characters of Sydney Carton, Dr. Manette, and the collective sacrifice of the French people, the novel demonstrates how sacrifice can bring about redemption, love, and social change. It serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of selflessness and the importance of putting others before oneself. A Tale of Two Cities has left a lasting impact on me, reminding me of the power of sacrifice in our own lives and the world around us.

A Tale of Two Cities - An Exploration of Resilience and Redemption

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is a timeless classic that delves into themes of resilience and redemption. Set against the backdrop of the French Revolution, the novel follows the lives of characters who endure immense suffering and hardship, yet find redemption and hope in the face of adversity. After reading this novel, I was deeply moved by the resilience displayed by the characters and the redemptive power of their actions.

Throughout the novel, the characters face various trials and tribulations, yet they persist in their pursuit of redemption. One such character is Lucie Manette, who endures the loss of her father, the imprisonment of her husband, and the threat of violence during the revolution. Despite these challenges, Lucie remains a pillar of strength and acts as a source of hope and comfort for those around her. Her unwavering resilience and unwavering love for her family serve as a beacon of light in the darkest of times.

Similarly, the character of Sydney Carton undergoes a remarkable transformation throughout the novel. Initially portrayed as a disillusioned and cynical man, Carton finds redemption through his love for Lucie Manette. His ultimate sacrifice for her happiness not only brings about his own redemption but also serves as a catalyst for positive change. Carton's resilience in the face of his own shortcomings and his determination to make amends showcases the power of redemption and the capacity for change within oneself.

Furthermore, the novel explores the theme of collective redemption through the French Revolution. The revolution serves as a means for the oppressed to rise up against their oppressors and fight for a better future. The characters in the novel, particularly the peasants and common folk, demonstrate immense courage and determination in their struggle for freedom and equality. Their resilience in the face of adversity and their willingness to risk their lives for a just cause highlight the transformative power of collective action and the possibility of redemption for society as a whole.

In conclusion, A Tale of Two Cities is a thought-provoking novel that delves into the themes of resilience and redemption. Through the characters of Lucie Manette, Sydney Carton, and the collective struggle of the French people, the novel demonstrates the power of resilience in the face of adversity and the potential for redemption in even the darkest of times. It serves as a reminder of the indomitable human spirit and the capacity for change and growth. A Tale of Two Cities has left a lasting impact on me, inspiring me to persevere in the face of challenges and seek redemption in my own life.

双城记英文读后感 篇三


Crazily,but truthfully,I finished reading the most part of the novel "A Tale of Two Cities" in just one day.Lost in the story,I felt like being together with the characters and experiencing the same exciting events.Soon it came to an end.To tell you my feelings,it's infinite sadneand a strong emotion that can drive me to cry.

The story is set in London and Paris at the time of the great French Revolution.It shows the causes of revolution and its effects on people's day-to-day lives.Before the revolution,the King and the aristocracy treated their people cruelly in France.The common people were extremely poor and miserable.The crops in the fields were poor as if even the land shared the misery of the people.And there were so heavy taxes that all the villagers had nothing to hand over at last.On the other hand,the aristocracy made their will as the law by using money and gold.There were no justice,no equality and no fairness.Just as what happened to Dr Manette,he wrote to the Minister to show the crime what Marquis Evremonde had done,resulting in himself being arrested and sent to the prison Bastille without any reason.

Then this situation of darknewas needed to be changed.As people such as the Defarges prepared and arranged,at length the Revolution came to break out.When the Bastille was captured and the King was tried and put to death as well as many other aristocrats,things didn't go on as what they had been expected.The sistuation stayed the same,or even worse.The prisoners from the Bastille were set free while more prisons were filled with people who had done no wrong ag

ain.People who once lived on the bottom of clatook the charge now and their heart had been full of evil.The only thing they wanted to do was to revenge.And these so-called "patriots" would like to see more and more innocent prisoners going to the guillotine and that's their joy.As the novel wrote,"In everything they did were merciless,for they had been hardened in the fires of suffering and the touch of pity could make no mark on them".

Equality and fairneis what people seek,which led to the French Revolution.As a consequence,neither equality nor fairnewas got after the revolution.And that's the tragedy of the history.I was heavyhearted when reading what Sydney Carton said before death and I burst into tears finally.


A tale of two cities is one of Dickens's most important representative works.The novel profoundly exposed the society contradiction before the French Revolution,intensely attacks the aristocratic social class is dissolute and cruel,and sincerely sympathizes with the depressed classes.The novel also described many magnificent scenes like the revolt people attacked Bastille and so on,which displayed people's great strength.

The novel has portrayed many different people. Doctor Manette is honest and kind but suffers the persecution actually , Lucie is beautiful and gentle ,Charles is graceful and noble,Lorry is upright and honest ,Sydney is semblance of indifferent, innermost feelings of warm,unconventional but also selfless and lofty,Miss Pross is straightforward and loyal,Evremonde brothers are cruel and sinister......The complex hatred is hard to solve, the cruel revenge has made more hatreds, loves rebirth in the hell edge,but take the life as the price.

As an outstanding writer,in Dickens's work,the language skill is essential.Each kind of rhetoric technique,like the analogy,the exaggeration,the contrast,the humorous,and the taunt are handled skillfully,and the artistry of the work is also delivered the peak.A tale of two cities has its difference with the general historical novel, its character and the main plot are all fictionalizes.With the broad real background of the French Revolution,the author take the fictional character Doctor Manette's experience as the main clue,interweaves the unjust charge, love and revenge three independences but also incident cross-correlation stories together,the plot is criss-crossed,and the clue is complex.The author use narrates,foreshadowing,upholstery and so many techniques,causes the structure integrity and strictness,the plot winding anxious and rich of theatrical nature,it displayed the remarkable artistic skill.the style A tale of two cities is solemnity and melancholy,fills indignantion,but lacks the humor of the early works.



