
时间:2017-02-05 04:23:40
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Pride and Prejudice - Afterthoughts

Article One: Appreciating the Timeless Themes in Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a classic novel that has captivated readers for centuries. Set in the early 19th century, the story revolves around the Bennet family and their pursuit of love and happiness. After finishing this remarkable novel, I was left with a deep sense of appreciation for the timeless themes it portrays.

One of the central themes in Pride and Prejudice is the societal expectations placed upon women during that era. The novel highlights the limited options available to women, who were primarily expected to marry for financial security rather than love. Through the character of Elizabeth Bennet, Austen challenges these expectations by portraying a strong, independent woman who refuses to settle for a loveless marriage. Elizabeth's refusal of Mr. Collins' proposal and her eventual love for Mr. Darcy not only defy societal norms but also emphasize the importance of personal happiness and fulfillment.

Another theme that struck me while reading Pride and Prejudice is the destructive nature of pride and prejudice. The title itself hints at the significance of these traits in the story. Characters like Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth initially judge each other based on their first impressions, leading to misunderstandings and conflicts. However, as the story progresses, both characters learn to overcome their prejudices and let go of their pride, ultimately finding true happiness together. This serves as a powerful reminder that judgment and prejudice can hinder personal growth and prevent meaningful connections.

Furthermore, Austen's portrayal of marriage in Pride and Prejudice sheds light on the importance of compatibility and mutual respect. The novel explores various types of marriages, ranging from convenient, loveless unions to passionate and genuine connections. The contrast between the failed marriages of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and the successful union of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy demonstrates the significance of shared values, understanding, and emotional compatibility in a relationship.

Lastly, Pride and Prejudice offers a satirical commentary on the social hierarchy and class distinctions prevalent during Austen's time. The stark contrast between the wealthy and arrogant characters, such as Lady Catherine de Bourgh, and the more modest and humble characters like the Bennets, highlights the absurdities and flaws in society's obsession with status and wealth. Austen's wit and humor in portraying these characters provide a thought-provoking critique of the social norms of the time.

In conclusion, Pride and Prejudice is a literary masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers of all generations. Its exploration of societal expectations, the destructive nature of pride and prejudice, the importance of compatibility in marriage, and the satire of the social hierarchy make it a timeless classic. Jane Austen's ability to capture the complexities of human relationships and her astute observations of society make this novel a must-read for anyone seeking to delve into the depths of human nature.

Article Two: The Enduring Appeal of Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is a novel that has stood the test of time, captivating readers across generations. Upon finishing this remarkable work, I was struck by its enduring appeal and the relevance of its themes even in the present day.

One of the reasons for the novel's continued popularity is its relatable and well-developed characters. Each character in Pride and Prejudice possesses distinct personalities and flaws, making them relatable and human. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist, is a strong-willed and intelligent woman who challenges societal expectations. Mr. Darcy, initially portrayed as arrogant and aloof, undergoes significant character development, ultimately winning the hearts of readers. These complex and multi-dimensional characters allow readers to connect with their struggles, emotions, and personal growth.

Another aspect of Pride and Prejudice that contributes to its timelessness is its exploration of love and relationships. Austen's depiction of love is not limited to romanticized ideals but delves into the complexities and realities of human emotions. The obstacles faced by Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, their misunderstandings, and eventual reconciliation resonate with readers who have experienced the challenges and complexities of love firsthand. Furthermore, the novel's exploration of different types of relationships, such as the failed marriages of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, provides valuable insights into the importance of compatibility and mutual respect in a partnership.

Furthermore, the themes of societal expectations and gender roles in Pride and Prejudice remain relevant even in contemporary society. While the expectations placed upon women have evolved over time, the pressure to conform to societal norms and find financial security in marriage still persists in various forms. Elizabeth Bennet's refusal to adhere to these expectations and her pursuit of personal happiness serve as an inspiration for women today, encouraging them to challenge societal norms and prioritize their own fulfillment.

Lastly, Austen's wit and satire in Pride and Prejudice continue to entertain and engage readers. Her keen observations and humorous portrayal of social conventions and class distinctions provide a refreshing perspective on the absurdities of human behavior. The novel's satirical elements not only entertain but also prompt readers to reflect upon their own biases and prejudices.

In conclusion, Pride and Prejudice remains a timeless masterpiece that continues to captivate readers with its relatable characters, exploration of love and relationships, examination of societal expectations, and satirical commentary on social norms. Jane Austen's profound understanding of human nature and her ability to craft a compelling narrative make this novel a classic that will continue to be cherished for generations to come.

傲慢与偏见读后感英文 篇三

  Pride and Prejudice is my favorite novel, which impresses me for a long time. It describes a love story mainly between Elisabeth, who I like the best, and a rich and proud man, Darcy.

  The story began with the arrival of a crowd of rich men who rent a house near the Bennet. In a ball, Elisabeth gave such a bad impression on Darcy’s first pride that she refused Darcy’s first proposal. Darcy was so surprised by Elisabeth’s refusal that he loved Elisabeth more deeply. And Elisabeth’s antipathy made Darcy realize his shortcomings. He was not angry about Elisabeth’s censure, but also he changed his previous proud attitude. During Elisabeth’s travel in Darcy’s manor. Darcy was very nice to her uncle and aunt, different from previous proud attitude. When one of Elisabeth’s sisters ran away with Wickham, Darcy helped Elisabeth find her sister and prevent her sister from the loss of reputation, with nobody knowing that it was he who helped the Bennet. So many changes in Darcy eliminated Elisabeth’s prejudice. At last it end with their marriage.

  Taking the daily life as its material, this story reflected the life and love in a conservative你 and blocking England town. It reflected the author’s view about marriage that it is fault to marry for property, money and status and it is also foolish to take these elements into account. In fact Darcy’s pride manifested the gap between their statuses. Since his pride existed, there is no ideal marriage between Elisabeth and Darcy. Fro


