smack that中文歌词 篇一
近年来,流行音乐界兴起了一股“嘻哈”风潮,许多歌手都尝试着融入这种风格,其中一首备受瞩目的歌曲就是《smack that》。这首歌由美国歌手阿肯(Akon)和埃米纳姆(Eminem)合作演唱,以其强烈的节奏和引人入胜的旋律而备受欢迎。
歌曲以嘻哈风格为主打,加入了一些R&B元素,让听众在欣赏的同时也能跟着节奏摇摆。歌词中的“smack that”一词被译为“狠狠打”,表达了一种强烈的节奏感和冲击力,让人不禁想起舞蹈热辣的场景。
总的来说,《smack that》这首歌曲是一首充满活力和激情的嘻哈作品,让人感受到音乐的力量和魅力。无论是在派对上还是在家中,只要播放这首歌曲,都会让人感到无比兴奋和愉悦。
smack that中文歌词 篇二
《smack that》这首歌曲不仅在流行音乐界取得了巨大成功,还在年轻人中广受欢迎。这首歌曲的旋律动感热情,歌词简洁直接,让人听了之后忍不住跟着节奏一起摇摆。
歌曲中“smack that”一词被翻译为“狠狠打”,表达了一种强烈的力量和冲击感。这种直白的表达方式正是吸引年轻人的原因之一,他们可以通过这首歌曲释放内心的热情和活力。
总的来说,《smack that》是一首充满活力和激情的歌曲,让人感受到音乐的魅力和力量。无论是在派对上还是在家中,只要播放这首歌曲,都能让人感到愉悦和兴奋,让生活变得更加有趣和多彩。
smack that中文歌词 篇三
smack that中文歌词
Smack That 打屁屁
Hey, Convict
嘿 犯人
You got a name, cop?
怎麼称呼阿? 警官
Jack Gates
I need your help finding a witness
What make you think I wanna help you?
Matter a fact what for me
24 hour release from this place
Wanna see an old friend?
So when do we get started?
Shady 痞子
Konvict 犯人
Up front 站出来
Akon 阿肯
Slim Shady 痞子阿姆
I see the one 看清楚啦
cuz she be that lady 就是这位小姐
I feel you creepin', I can see you from my shadow.
我感觉你在偷看 我从暗处瞄到你
Wanna jump up in my Lamborghini Gallardo.
巴不得跳上 我的林宝坚尼
Maybe go to my place and just kick it, like Taebo
可以到我家去 来一段有氧拳击
And possibly bend you over.
Look back and watch me
smack that, all on the floor,
打屁屁 趴在地上
smack that, give me some more,
打屁屁 再多几下
smack that, 'till you get sore
打屁屁 直到你累
smack that, oooh.
打屁屁 喔~
smack that, all on the floor,
打屁屁 趴在地上
smack that, give me some more,
打屁屁 再多几下
smack that, 'till you get sore
打屁屁 直到你累
smack that, oooh.
打屁屁 喔~
Up front style. Ready to attack now.
秀出自己 准备出招
Pull in the parking lot slow with the lack down
把车停好 慢动作进行
Konvicts got the whole thing packed now.
Step in the club. The wardrobe in tact now.
走进舞厅 穿得最称头
I feel it, on a crack now
感觉对了 放纵一下
I see it all that back now
I'm gonna call her, then I put the mack down
我点这一位 跟我来跳舞
Money? No problem. Pocket fulla that now
要钱? 没问题 别的没有钱最多
Ooh! Looks like another club banger.
喔 又来一首嘻哈大舞厅
They better hang on.
When they throw this thing on.
Get a little drink on. They goin' flip for this Akon s***
喝口酒 满嘴肯定叫阿肯
You can bank on it.
Pedicure, manicure, kitty cat claws
手指 脚指 小猫咪爬阿爬
The way she climbs up and down them poles.
爬上爬下 钢管像她家
Lookin' like one of them Potty Cat Dolls
看上看下 小野猫当家
Tryna hold my woody back through my draws
坐怀不乱 把自己关在家
Steps off stage, didn't think I saw
走下舞台 假装没看到
Creeps up behind me and she's like “your”
慢慢接近 看她快靠近
I'm like I know let's cut to the chase.
就算知道 废话不用说
No time to waste. Back to my place.
何必罗唆 赶快回我家
Plus from the club to the crib is like a mile away.
Or more like a palace, shall I say.
容我说 请到我“宫殿”
And plus I got a pal. Every gal is game.
我的`好兄弟 美眉玩玩而已
In fact he's the one singing the song that's playing! (Akon!)
我兄弟就是 这首歌主唱 阿肯!
Eminem's rollin', D an' them rollin'.
阿姆一晃 全场翻过去
Boo an' O Marvelous them rollin'.
在场的 一起摇下去
Women just hoin'.
Big booty rollin'.
Soon I be all in them an' throwin D
立刻 我就跳下去
Hittin' no less than 3.
Block royal style like We.
Girl, I can tell you want me, 'cause lately.
美眉 我知道你要我 因为最近