
时间:2011-04-01 02:36:38
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雅思城市话题作文范文 篇一







雅思城市话题作文范文 篇二







雅思城市话题作文范文 篇三


Major?metropolises?around the world are experiencing?exponential growth. This essay outlines some of the major issues this causes for younger members of society and some ways to address?them.



Rapidly growing cities cause two major issues for young people. The most serious is the difficulty youths face to get employed in the competitive job market of a growing city. This is because of age?discrimination?in the labour market based on the?perception?that young people are?less competent?workers. The second problem is the feeling of?alienation. As the population increases, people tend to be less familiar with people in their community, and young people in particular often lack an established social network and start to feel?isolated?from society.


However, there are some ways to?alleviate?these problems. Firstly, the government can provide?subsidies?to companies that are willing to hire young people. These subsidies will make it more attractive for companies to hire young people and this will allow them to get experience so that they will be?more employable?in the future. This is translated by Laokaoya website. With regard to alienation, the best way to deal with this is to have?grassroots community organisations?that reach out and help young people. An effective way to do this is to have?public service advertising?for these types of organisations on?social media platforms?that young people often engage in.



In conclusion,?megalopolises?are negatively impacting the youths in many countries around the world by making it extremely difficult for them to get jobs and by often causing feelings of?social isolation. The best ways to tackle these problems are for the government to provide policies aimed at assisting youths to gain employment and for community organisations to help provide a support network for?at-risk inpiduals.


雅思城市话题作文范文 篇四


Many cities today are expanding upwards to accommodate surging urban populations. In my opinion, this can help preserve nearby land for other uses and is a better solution than encouraging urban sprawl.



Some would argue that tall cities present challenges for inhabitants and a spread-out city offers a better quality of life. Condensed urban areas with lots of tall apartment blocks, like in New York City or Shanghai, are famously difficult to live in due to the effects of overcrowding on sanitation, safety, and traffic conditions. In contrast, decentralised cities like Los Angeles and Nashville allow for the development of unique inpidual neighbourhoods, more space for residential construction and a reduction of the urban issues listed above. Inpiduals living in these cities often report greater feelings of satisfaction and many ‘transplants’ move to such cities because of the better living standards.



However, those in favour of taller buildings can logically point out the resultant benefits for the area around a city. It is often hard to check the growth of economically important cities and that can lead to massive urban sprawl, as is in the case around Mexico City and Tokyo. By building more skyscrapers, the surrounding area can be preserved or used in another way. Pristine natural lands can be designated as national parks. This is translated by Laokaoya webiste. If the city requires more food to feed its population, there could be proximately located farms with fast delivery times. This surplus land could also be turned into quiet suburban towns to give residents the choice of raising a family outside the city and still earning a good wage and having easy access to the cultural benefits of large metropolises.



In conclusion, horizontal cities facilitate some positive living conditions but taller cities make more sense in the modern world. It is, nonetheless, important to strike a balance and mitigate the issues caused by growing urban populations with quality infrastructure.


雅思城市话题作文范文 篇五

Describe a city/town you’ve visited that you like

You should say:

Where is it

When did you go there

What did you do their

And explain why you like it




Well, first of all, I should say that I want to present to you a beautiful city that named Ho Chi Minh. Actually, I have lived there for 2 months the last year and my initial point would be that I will come here to live all my life in the future.

All right, I really need to kick off with the point that Ho Chi Minh is the center of Vietnam’s southern. Of course, you know, I could say that this city takes the first position in the industrial system of the country and the southern especially. Actually, you may or may not be aware that in fact Ho Chi Minh is situated among many industrialized cities such as Binh Duong, Vung Tau, Dong Nai… and I shouldn’t forget to mention that it takes an important part of the domestic and the international circu

lation of Vietnam.

Also, I suppose I should really say that Ho Chi Minh posse a dynamic life style that attracts young people who want to build a brilliant social position. There are many reasons supporting my view that are an open atmosphere, a practical attitude, a mix culture, a rapid rhythm … Indeed, this city provides everyone so many chances to grow up our careers everywhere every time. Education and Formation, Arts and Entertainment, Commerce and Trade, Mechanic and Industry… every section is on the way of developing.

Another point which I could add is that you could visit many entertainment centers on the town, and if you need fresh air, it’s so simple to take a western tour in a few days or run along the beach, climb up on the mountain in some neighbor provinces. Something else that I need to comment on is that you will find your favor meal which is part of various special goods that come from everywhere in the country and in the world. After careful consideration of the above reasons, I personally agree that the most attracting thing of this city is its own life style that has been keeping for long times.



kick off with the point

posse a dynamic life style


I shouldn’t forget to mention that it takes an important part of the domestic and the international circulation of Vietnam.

Another point which I could add is that you could visit many entertainment centers on the town, and if you need fresh air, it’s so simple to take a western tour in a few days or run along the beach, climb up on the mountain in some neighbor provinces.

雅思城市话题作文范文 篇六

Some people think the vertical city is the best, where people live and work in tall buildings. Others think that “horizontal” city is better, where there are few tall buildings. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.



