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初中七年级英语上册全册教案设计 篇一

Unit 1-3

Lesson 1: Greetings and Introductions

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to greet and introduce themselves and others in English.

Warm-up: Play a game of "Simon Says" using greetings such as "Hello," "Hi," "Good morning," etc.

Presentation: Introduce the new vocabulary words for greetings and introductions. Use flashcards and gestures to help students remember the words.

Practice: Pair students up and have them practice greeting and introducing each other. Encourage them to ask follow-up questions like "How are you?" and "Where are you from?"

Production: Have students create a dialogue with a partner where they greet each other and introduce themselves. They can then perform their dialogue in front of the class.

Homework: Ask students to write a short paragraph about themselves, including their name, age, hobbies, and where they are from.

Lesson 2: Numbers 1-100

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to count from 1 to 100 in English.

Warm-up: Play a counting game where students have to say the next number in the sequence.

Presentation: Introduce the numbers 1-100 using a number chart. Practice pronunciation and have students repeat after you.

Practice: Have students work in pairs to quiz each other on the numbers 1-100. Encourage them to challenge each other by asking for random numbers.

Production: Give students a worksheet with missing numbers that they have to fill in. This will test their comprehension of the numbers.

Homework: Ask students to write down the numbers 1-100 in their notebooks and practice saying them out loud.

Lesson 3: Classroom Objects

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name common classroom objects in English.

Warm-up: Show a picture of a classroom and have students identify objects in the room.

Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words for classroom objects such as "desk," "chair," "book," etc. Use real objects or flashcards to help students remember the words.

Practice: Have students work in groups to label a picture of a classroom with the correct English words for each object.

Production: In pairs, students will take turns describing a classroom object to their partner who has to guess what it is. This will test their listening and speaking skills.

Homework: Ask students to take a picture of their own classroom and label the objects in English.

Unit 4-6

Lesson 4: Family Members

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name family members in English.

Warm-up: Have students draw a family tree with the names of their family members in English.

Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words for family members such as "mother," "father," "sister," etc. Use pictures and gestures to help students remember the words.

Practice: Students will work in pairs to quiz each other on the family members vocabulary. They can also practice using possessive pronouns like "my," "your," "his," etc.

Production: In groups, students will create a family tree poster using pictures and labels in English. They will present their family trees to the class.

Homework: Ask students to write a paragraph about their family, describing each family member and their relationship to them.

Lesson 5: Daily Routines

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their daily routines in English.

Warm-up: Show a picture of a daily routine (e.g. waking up, brushing teeth, eating breakfast) and have students describe what is happening.

Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words for daily routines such as "wake up," "brush teeth," "eat breakfast," etc. Use a timeline to help students understand the order of daily activities.

Practice: Students will work in pairs to create a daily routine for a fictional character. They will then act out the routine for the class.

Production: In groups, students will create a skit about a typical day in the life of a student. They will perform their skits for the class.

Homework: Ask students to write a diary entry about their own daily routine, using the new vocabulary words they have learned.

Lesson 6: School Subjects

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name common school subjects in English.

Warm-up: Play a game of charades where students have to act out different school subjects for their classmates to guess.

Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words for school subjects such as "math," "science," "history," etc. Use pictures and flashcards to help students remember the words.

Practice: Students will work in pairs to quiz each other on the school subjects vocabulary. They can also practice asking and answering questions like "What is your favorite subject?" and "Do you like math?"

Production: In groups, students will create a class schedule for a fictional student, including the names of their school subjects. They will present their schedules to the class.

Homework: Ask students to write a paragraph about their favorite school subject, explaining why they enjoy it.

Overall, these lessons are designed to help students build a solid foundation in English vocabulary and grammar while also developing their speaking and listening skills. By the end of the semester, students should feel confident in their ability to communicate in English in a variety of everyday situations.

初中七年级英语上册全册教案设计 篇二

Unit 7-9

Lesson 7: Free Time Activities

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their favorite free time activities in English.

Warm-up: Play a game of "Two Truths and a Lie" where students have to guess which free time activities are true and which are false.

Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words for free time activities such as "play soccer," "read a book," "watch TV," etc. Use pictures and gestures to help students remember the words.

Practice: Students will work in pairs to ask each other about their favorite free time activities. They can also practice using the present simple tense to talk about their routines.

Production: In groups, students will create a poster showcasing different free time activities. They will present their posters to the class and explain why they enjoy these activities.

Homework: Ask students to write a short paragraph about their favorite free time activity, explaining why they like it.

Lesson 8: Food and Drinks

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name common foods and drinks in English.

Warm-up: Play a game of "Guess the Food" where students have to describe a food or drink without saying its name, and their classmates have to guess what it is.

Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words for foods and drinks such as "apple," "pizza," "juice," etc. Use flashcards and realia to help students remember the words.

Practice: Students will work in pairs to quiz each other on the foods and drinks vocabulary. They can also practice ordering food and drinks in a restaurant setting.

Production: In pairs, students will create a menu for a restaurant, including pictures and prices for each item. They will then role-play ordering food and drinks from each other.

Homework: Ask students to write a shopping list for their favorite meal, including the ingredients they will need to buy.

Lesson 9: Weather and Seasons

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the weather and seasons in English.

Warm-up: Play a weather forecast game where students have to describe the weather in different cities around the world.

Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words for weather and seasons such as "sunny," "rainy," "winter," "spring," etc. Use pictures and videos to help students understand the concepts.

Practice: Students will work in pairs to quiz each other on the weather and seasons vocabulary. They can also practice using phrases like "It's hot today" and "It's snowing in the mountains."

Production: In groups, students will create a weather forecast report for a fictional city, including the current weather conditions and a 3-day forecast. They will present their reports to the class.

Homework: Ask students to write a short paragraph about their favorite season, explaining why they enjoy it.

Unit 10-12

Lesson 10: At the Market

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name common fruits and vegetables in English.

Warm-up: Show pictures of different fruits and vegetables and have students guess their names in English.

Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words for fruits and vegetables such as "apple," "banana," "carrot," "tomato," etc. Use realia and flashcards to help students remember the words.

Practice: Students will work in pairs to quiz each other on the fruits and vegetables vocabulary. They can also practice asking and answering questions like "Do you like strawberries?" and "How do you cook broccoli?"

Production: In pairs, students will create a shopping list for a healthy meal, including fruits and vegetables they will need to buy. They will then role-play buying these items at a market.

Homework: Ask students to write a recipe for their favorite fruit or vegetable dish, including a list of ingredients and step-by-step instructions for cooking.

Lesson 11: Places in the City

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify and name common places in the city in English.

Warm-up: Play a game of "Around the City" where students have to describe how to get from one place to another using prepositions and directions.

Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words for places in the city such as "park," "library," "restaurant," "post office," etc. Use pictures and maps to help students understand the locations.

Practice: Students will work in pairs to quiz each other on the city places vocabulary. They can also practice giving and following directions to different places.

Production: In groups, students will create a map of a city with labels for different places. They will then give directions to each other on how to get from one place to another.

Homework: Ask students to write a paragraph about their favorite place in the city, explaining why they enjoy going there.

Lesson 12: Transportation

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about different modes of transportation in English.

Warm-up: Play a game of "Transportation Charades" where students have to act out different modes of transportation for their classmates to guess.

Presentation: Introduce new vocabulary words for transportation such as "car," "bus," "bike," "train," etc. Use pictures and videos to help students understand the concepts.

Practice: Students will work in pairs to quiz each other on the transportation vocabulary. They can also practice asking and answering questions like "How do you get to school?" and "Have you ever ridden a plane?"

Production: In pairs, students will create a travel brochure for a fictional city, including different modes of transportation available. They will then present their brochures to the class.

Homework: Ask students to write a paragraph about their dream vacation, including how they would travel to their destination.

Overall, these lessons are designed to help students expand their English vocabulary and improve their speaking and listening skills in a variety of real-life situations. By the end of the semester, students should feel more confident in their ability to communicate effectively in English.

初中七年级英语上册全册教案设计 篇三




























































