
时间:2016-07-02 03:50:45
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小学六年级英语上册复习模块教案 篇一

Title: Review Module Lesson Plan for Grade Six English Textbook


This lesson plan is designed for students in the sixth grade to review the key concepts and topics covered in the first semester of their English textbook. The goal is to reinforce their understanding of the material and prepare them for upcoming assessments.


1. To review vocabulary words and phrases from previous units.

2. To practice grammar structures and sentence patterns.

3. To improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

4. To engage students in interactive activities and games to make learning fun and effective.


- English textbook

- Whiteboard and markers

- Flashcards

- Worksheets

- Audio recordings for listening exercises

- Computer or projector for multimedia presentations

Lesson Plan:

1. Warm-up (10 minutes)

- Review previous lessons by asking students questions about vocabulary, grammar, and reading passages.

- Play a quick game or do a fun activity to get students excited about learning.

2. Vocabulary Review (15 minutes)

- Use flashcards to review key vocabulary words from each unit.

- Have students practice spelling, pronunciation, and usage of the words in sentences.

3. Grammar Practice (20 minutes)

- Review grammar structures such as tenses, prepositions, articles, and conjunctions.

- Give students exercises to complete individually or in pairs to reinforce their understanding.

4. Listening and Speaking Activities (15 minutes)

- Play audio recordings of dialogues or short passages for students to listen and answer questions.

- Have students practice speaking by role-playing scenarios or discussing topics in pairs.

5. Reading Comprehension (15 minutes)

- Provide students with a short reading passage and ask comprehension questions.

- Encourage students to summarize the main ideas and identify key details.

6. Writing Practice (15 minutes)

- Assign a writing prompt or creative writing task for students to complete.

- Provide feedback on grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary usage.

7. Review Game (10 minutes)

- Play a review game such as Jeopardy, Bingo, or a quiz show to test students' knowledge and retention of the material.

8. Wrap-up and Homework (5 minutes)

- Summarize the key points covered in the lesson.

- Assign homework assignments to reinforce learning at home.


This lesson plan provides a comprehensive review of the key concepts and topics in the sixth-grade English textbook. By engaging students in interactive activities and games, teachers can make learning fun and effective. With practice and reinforcement, students will be well-prepared for future assessments and exams.

小学六年级英语上册复习模块教案 篇二

Title: Engaging Activities for Reviewing Grade Six English Textbook


In this lesson plan, we will explore engaging activities and games to review the key concepts and topics covered in the first semester of the sixth-grade English textbook. These activities are designed to make learning fun, interactive, and effective for students.


1. Vocabulary Charades:

- Divide students into teams and give each team a set of vocabulary words.

- One student from each team acts out a word while the rest of the team guesses.

- The team with the most correct guesses wins a point.

2. Grammar Tic-Tac-Toe:

- Create a tic-tac-toe board with different grammar structures in each square.

- Students take turns answering questions or completing sentences using the grammar structures.

- The first team to get three in a row wins the game.

3. Reading Relay Race:

- Prepare a set of reading passages with comprehension questions at the end.

- Divide students into teams and set up stations with a passage and questions.

- Students race to read the passage, answer the questions, and pass the baton to the next team member.

4. Listening Treasure Hunt:

- Hide audio recordings of dialogues or passages around the classroom.

- Give students a worksheet with questions related to the recordings.

- Students listen to the recordings, find the hidden clues, and answer the questions to uncover the treasure.

5. Writing Speed Round:

- Give students a writing prompt and set a timer for a short period of time.

- Students write as much as they can in the given time frame.

- The student with the most words or best content wins a prize.

6. Review Jeopardy:

- Create a Jeopardy-style game with categories related to vocabulary, grammar, reading, and writing.

- Students take turns choosing a category and answering questions to earn points.

- The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.


By incorporating engaging activities and games into the review process, teachers can make learning fun and effective for students. These activities not only reinforce key concepts and topics but also promote collaboration, communication, and critical thinking skills. With a variety of interactive learning opportunities, students will be well-prepared for assessments and exams in the sixth-grade English curriculum.

小学六年级英语上册复习模块教案 篇三


Review module 第二课时 教学目标: 复习have got / has got…句型以及它们的运用。 教学重点: 复习本册中学习过的重点句型: have got / has got… 教学难点: 能正确运用have got / has got句型。 教学设计: Step 1 introduce (教师出示一张中国邮票) 教师询问:What is this? 学生回答:It is a stamp。 教师指着这张邮票说:This stamp is from China 。 教师继续询问:Have you got any stamps from China ? 学生作答: 教师接着询问:Have you got any stamps from america ? 学生作答:No,I haven’t。 教师出示一张美国邮票,说:But I have a stamp from America。This stamp is from my friend。 Have you? 让学生用have got 句型描述他的特征。 Step 2 Presentation 出示图中的八福图片,让学生尝试描述每幅图。例如: In picture one,the boy has got blue eyes and black hair 。He has got a yellow cap 。He has got a dog 。He is very tall。 In picture two,the girl has got black hair 。She has got

a red bag。She is short。 …… 让学生选择一个孩子作为自己的笔友,并用has got 句型描述他的一个特征,请其他同学猜测他是谁。请猜对的同学再选择自己的笔友,其他人再猜。如果猜对了,则由他将游戏继续下去。 Step 3 Practice 让学生列出自己的.玩具清单,让学生在小组内介绍自己有哪些玩具。例如: A :Have you got …? B :Yes,I have./ No,I haven’t. 或者: A :I have got a …?Have you got a …? B :No,I haven’t. C : Yes , I have. 做完几组后,学生可以根据记忆总结别人或是自己都有哪些玩具。(用have got/ has got句型) Step 4 Fummary(小结) Step 5 Homework 拿一张最好的朋友的照片,用have got/ has got句型向家人描述他的相貌、衣着、家庭情况等,例如:He has got big eyes.He has got short hair .He has got a red toy car .He has got four little dogs .等。

