小学英语pep第六册教案Recycle 1【优质3篇】

时间:2012-09-09 08:16:39
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小学英语pep第六册教案Recycle 1 篇一

Today's Lesson: Recycling and the Environment

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the importance of recycling and how it can help protect the environment.

Warm-up: Begin the lesson by showing students pictures of a polluted environment and a clean environment. Ask students to describe what they see in each picture and discuss why it is important to keep our environment clean.

Presentation: Introduce the concept of recycling to students, explaining that it is the process of turning used materials into new products. Show examples of items that can be recycled, such as paper, plastic, and glass. Discuss the benefits of recycling, such as reducing waste and conserving natural resources.

Practice: Divide students into small groups and give each group a set of recyclable materials. Ask students to sort the materials into different categories (paper, plastic, glass) and discuss why each item should be recycled. Encourage students to come up with ideas for how the materials can be reused or turned into new products.

Production: Have students create posters or presentations about the importance of recycling and how it can help protect the environment. Encourage students to be creative and use their own ideas to promote recycling in their community.

Closure: End the lesson by reviewing the key points about recycling and the environment. Ask students to share what they have learned and how they can make a difference by recycling at home and school.

Homework: Assign students to keep a recycling journal for one week, documenting the items they recycle and how it helps protect the environment. Encourage students to share their findings with the class in the next lesson.

By teaching students about the importance of recycling, we can help them develop a sense of responsibility for the environment and empower them to make a positive impact on the world around them.

小学英语pep第六册教案Recycle 1 篇二

Today's Lesson: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the three R's of recycling (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) and how they can apply them in their daily lives.

Warm-up: Begin the lesson by discussing with students the meaning of the three R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Ask students to give examples of how they can reduce waste, reuse items, and recycle materials in their everyday routines.

Presentation: Introduce the concept of reducing waste by using less packaging and buying products with minimal packaging. Show students examples of reusable items, such as water bottles and cloth bags, and discuss how they can help reduce waste. Explain the importance of recycling materials to create new products and conserve natural resources.

Practice: Divide students into pairs and give each pair a set of items to sort into categories of reduce, reuse, or recycle. Encourage students to discuss why each item belongs in its respective category and how they can apply the three R's in their own lives.

Production: Have students create a mini recycling project by using recycled materials to make a craft or artwork. Encourage students to be creative and think of ways to repurpose items that would otherwise be thrown away.

Closure: End the lesson by reviewing the three R's of recycling and how students can make a difference by incorporating them into their daily routines. Ask students to share one thing they will do differently to reduce waste, reuse items, or recycle materials.

Homework: Assign students to conduct a waste audit at home, identifying items that can be reduced, reused, or recycled. Encourage students to come up with a plan for implementing the three R's in their household and share their ideas with the class in the next lesson.

By teaching students about the three R's of recycling, we can empower them to make sustainable choices and become responsible stewards of the environment.

小学英语pep第六册教案Recycle 1 篇三

小学英语pep第六册教案Recycle 1

Recycle 1 第一课时 一、教学目标与要求 1、复习有关一天中的活动及活动时间的短语和句子。 2、填写或制作作息时间表。 3、培养合理安排时间及热爱劳动的观念。 二、教学重点、难点 重点与难点是综合运用第一单元的中心语言,对一天中的活动进行有条理地表达。 三、课前准备 1、教师准备Ask and answer 部分两张活动时间表的教学挂图。 2、教师准备第一单元的动词短语卡片。 3、学生制作自己的作息时间表。 4、准备本课时的录音带。 四、教学步骤 1、热身 (1)全班一起唱第一单元的歌曲“Weekend” (2)全班吟唱第一单元第二页Let’s chant 部分的歌谣。 2、预习 (1)教师放四年级下册第二单元A部分Let’s do 的录音,师生一起做TPR活动。 (2)音乐停止时,教师继续做几个动作来表示第一的动词短语,如:get up , go to school , climb mountians等,请学生来猜。学生每猜出一个,教师即于学生一起拼读该短语,并板书在黑板上。 3、新课呈现 Ask and answer (1)教师与学生进行快速回答,如:“When do you get up ? At 6:30 in the morning . When do you eat breakfast ? At 7:00 in the moring .”等。教师把学生回答的时间写在黑板上相应的动词短语下面。 (2)教师将全班分成四大组进行“连锁问答”游戏。四个组同时进行,教师计时。声音最响亮、口齿最清晰、耗时最短的组获胜。 (3)教师出示本部分两张表格的挂图,示范一两次后请学生分别扮演Zhang Peng 和 Amy 进行Pair work 。 Listen and write (1)教师放Listen and write 部分的录音,学生静听一遍,听第二遍时填写Timetable . (2)校对。 4、巩固和延伸 (1)学生完成活动手册中的配套练习。 (2)学生向同学介绍自己的作息时间表。 第二课时 一、教学目标与要求 1、综合复习第二单元关于四季特征及相应活动的语言知识。 2、能够读懂Read and answer 部分的小短文,回答文后问题,并能模仿短文进行语篇写作。 3、能够在Write and say 部分用英语表达最喜欢的季节及在该季节的着装、进行的活动和该季节的天气特征等内容。 4、会唱歌曲“Song of the season ” 二、教学重、难点 1、重点:描述四季特征和最喜欢的季节及原因。 2、难点:仿照Read and anser 中的语篇写作小短文。 三、课前准备 1、准备有关四季风光、气候及人们的相应活动的图片或录像资料片。 2、学生就自己最喜欢的季节准备一段演说稿,可同时准备辅助演讲的物品。 3、本课时录音带。 4、小奖品。 四、教学步骤 1、热身 (1)教师放Let’s sing 部分的歌曲,使学生对歌曲旋律和歌词内容有大致的了解。 (2)教师放第二单元Let’s chant 部分的歌谣,全班吟唱。 (3)教师放歌曲“What’s Your Favourite Season ?”全班齐唱。 2、预习 教师出示有关春季的图片,学生观看后师生展开对话。(其他三个季节同) 3、新课呈现 Write and say (1)学生就板书内容对我们的四季特征及人们相应的活动进行综合描述。 (2)教师提问:Hello , boys and girls . What’s your favourite season ? 请几名学生回答并说出原因。 (3)学生翻开学生用书第40页,进行Pair work , 展开问答并填写表格。 (4)学生完成表格后,教师对全班学生的.favourite season 进行调查,并记录人数。 (5)演说比赛:喜爱春、夏、秋、冬的学生各一名,向全班同学进行演说。 Read and anser (1)教师表述说:Season in our country are different from those in Canada. What are they like in Canda ? Let’s have a look . 师生就挂图的画面进行描述,如: In summer , the weather is very hot , We can swim in summer. The flowers grow in spring . 等 (2)教师朗读短文,学生仔细听并努力记忆,然后回答教师提出的问题。学生翻开学生用书自行朗读课文,教师板书重要的句子。 (3)结合板书和挂图,学生模仿短文对我们的四季特征进行描述。教师与一两名学生示范后全班展开Group work ,再由各组挑选一名代表进行演讲。 (4)学生演讲过程中如果说出有创意的句子,教师及时写在黑板上,供学生在短文写作时选用。 4、巩固与延伸 (1)学生完成活动手册中的配套练习。 (2)学生朗读Read and answer部分的短文。 第三课时 一、教学目标与要求 1、复习第三单元具体日期的表达法。、 2、复习重点句型:When is …’s birthday / Children’s Day ? It’s in June . 等。 3、能够说出中外重要节日及部分中外名人的生日所在月份或所在季节。 4、能够吟唱Let’s chant 部分的饿歌谣。 5、能够听懂Listen and number中的短文并完成排序练习。 二、教学重、难点分析、 教学重点与难点是问答中外重要节日及部分中外名人的生日所在月份或所在季节。 三、课前准备 1、教师准备相关节日及部分中外名人的图片。 2、教师课前依照Let’s find out 2的配图画好春、夏、秋、冬四个方框。 3、本课时录音带。

四、教学步骤、 1、热身 师生同唱歌曲: When Is Your Birthday ? 2、预习 Let’s chant (1)教师播放该部分的歌谣,学生听一遍后跟唱。 (2)教师出示带有各个月份特征的单词卡片。学生看图说出各月份并一起拼读其缩写形式。 3、新课呈现 Let’s find out 1 教师出示中外名人,并进行师生问答。 Let’s find out 2 (1)教师接着学生的话题,如:Eindtein’s birthday is in March . 继续说: March is in spring . so Einstein’s birthday is in spring . 自然过度到月份与四季的联系。 (2)教师用图片或资料片展示各节日的画面,填好方框。 Listen and number 教师放录音,引导学生看图并根据在录音中出现的前后顺序为句子标出序号。 4、巩固和延伸 (1)学生完成活动手册中的配套练习。 (2)学生复习第三单元内容并朗读课文给家长听。
小学英语pep第六册教案Recycle  1【优质3篇】

