
时间:2012-05-07 09:11:33
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小学英语pep第六册教案unit1 篇一

Today in our English class, we will be focusing on Unit 1 of the PEPT6 textbook. This unit is all about introducing ourselves and learning how to greet others in English. It is a very important unit as it lays the foundation for further language learning.

To start off the lesson, we will begin by learning how to introduce ourselves. We will practice saying our names, ages, and where we are from. This will help the students become more comfortable speaking in English and build their confidence.

Next, we will move on to learning how to greet others. We will practice saying "hello", "goodbye", "good morning", "good afternoon", and "good evening". We will also learn how to respond to these greetings appropriately. This will help the students communicate effectively in different social situations.

After that, we will play some fun games and activities to reinforce the new vocabulary and phrases we have learned. This will make the learning process more engaging and enjoyable for the students.

To wrap up the lesson, we will review everything we have learned and give the students a chance to practice speaking with their classmates. This will help them consolidate their learning and feel more confident using the new language.

By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to introduce themselves and greet others in English with ease. I am confident that with practice and reinforcement, they will master the content of Unit 1 and be well on their way to becoming fluent English speakers.

小学英语pep第六册教案unit1 篇二

In today's English class, we will continue with Unit 1 of the PEPT6 textbook. Building on what we learned in the previous lesson, we will focus on expanding our vocabulary and practicing our speaking skills.

To start off the lesson, we will review the key vocabulary and phrases from Unit 1. We will practice saying them out loud and using them in different contexts. This will help reinforce the new language and improve the students' retention.

Next, we will learn how to ask and answer questions about personal information. We will practice asking and answering questions about names, ages, and where we are from. This will help the students engage in conversations and communicate more effectively.

After that, we will move on to learning how to express likes and dislikes. We will practice using phrases such as "I like..." and "I don't like...". This will help the students talk about their preferences and interests in English.

To make the lesson more interactive, we will engage in role-playing activities where the students will have to introduce themselves and have conversations with their classmates. This will give them an opportunity to apply what they have learned in a real-life situation.

To wrap up the lesson, we will have a group discussion where the students can share their thoughts and experiences using the new language. This will help them feel more comfortable speaking in English and build their confidence.

By the end of the lesson, the students should have a solid foundation in introducing themselves, greeting others, asking and answering questions, and expressing likes and dislikes in English. I am excited to see their progress and look forward to continuing to help them improve their language skills in future lessons.

小学英语pep第六册教案unit1 篇三


Unit 1 This is My Day 第一课时 一、教学目标与要求 1、能够听、说、读、写以下动词短语:eat breakfast , do morning exercises , have English class , play sports , eat dinner . 2、能够听懂问句:When do you do morning exercises/……并能用所学动词短语替换句型“I usually …at…”中的关键词回答问句。 3、能够理解并说唱Let’s chant 部分的歌谣。 4、能够了解Good to know 部分的内容。 二、教学重点、难点 1、重点是掌握A部分中的五个动词短语,并能用这些回答询问作息时间的问题。 2、难点是exercises , ususlly 的发音。 三、课前准备 1、录音机和相关的录音带 2、五个动词短语的教学卡片 四、教学步骤 1、热身 (1)对话练习:询问时间What time is it now ? It’s …… (2)复习五年级第一学期所学的一些动词,如:cook the meals , wash clothes 等。 2、新课呈现 (1)游戏:Guess! What am I doing ? 引出新动词词组:do morning exercise , have English class , eat breakfast , eat dinner , play sport ? (2)利用chant 对学生进行巩固练习 What can you do ? I can do morning exercises . What can you do ? I can …… (3)在黑板上画一口钟,标出时间。教师:I do morning exercises at 7:00 . What about you ? (4)让学生根据自己的时间,对刚刚所学的动词短语进行练习。 (5)教师在学生口述的时候,可以不失时机地加问:When do you ……? (6)介绍新单词:usually ,并运用到句子中:I usually …… (7)组织学生模仿Let’s learn进行对话。 Let’s play (1)学生二人一组配合表演动词短语,一人表演,艺人在他背后说出这个动作的名称,表演完毕后全班评选最佳拍档。 (2)学生再三人一组进行表演,第一人表演动作,第二人表演时间,第三人说出句子,如:I get up at 6:30…… Let’s chant 教师播放学生用书第二页Let’s chant 的录音,学生听录音、跟唱歌谣。教师请学生读单词sometimes , usually 。 Good to know 教师帮助学生理解本部分内容。引导学生在句子中猜测单词before的意思。 第二课时 一、教学目标与要求 1、能够听懂、会说句型:When do you get up/ eat breakfast/…?I usually…at…并能在实际情景中运用。能够针对具体情况正确使用usually , often , sometimes 三个频度副词。 2、能在Let’s find out 部分用本课时的目标语言询问同学的作息时间,并能对调查结果做简单的反思。 3、能够听懂Let’s try 部分的录音,完成听音找对应作息时间表的练习。 二、教学重点、难点 本课时的重点与难点是熟练使用句型:When do you get up / eat breakfast/…?I usually …at… 三、课前准备 1、录音机和录音带。 2、五年级上册第二单元及本单元A 部分Let’s learn的动词卡片。 四、教学步骤和建议 1、热身 (1)练习上一课时的 chant (2)看动作猜短语 2、预习 (1)Let’s try 教师放录音,学生完成书本上Let’s try 部分的作业。 (2)学生听录音,跟读A Let’s learn 部分并拼写动词短语。 3、新课呈现 Let’s talk (1)教师引导学生复习第一课时所学内容,用新学的短语替换句型中的关键词进行多组机械操练。 (2)教师板书:I get up at …I eat breakfast at…I go to work at …等五个句子。解释说:This is my timetable . Do you want to know the time ? 引导学生询问When do you get up/…? (3)教师放录音,学生跟度。然后教

师把学生分成两组练习朗读对话。 (4)教师让学生两人一组根据该部分替换图片所提供的信息做替换练习,请几组学生在课堂上演示。 Let’s find out (1)同桌各自询问对方的timetable . 要求两人各问一次,完成调查表。 第三课时 一、教学目标与要求 1、能够听、说、读、写句型:When do you eat dinner ? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening . When do you get up ? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon . 2、能总结字母组合ai , ay , gr , gl的发音规则,并能朗读Pronunciation部分的例词。 二、教学重、难点 重点与难点是掌握四会句子:When do you eat dinner? I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening . When do you get up ? I usually get up at 12:00 at noon . 三、课前准备 1、录音机和录音带 四、教学步骤 1、热身 (1)播放A部分Let’s talk 的录音,学生跟度并表演对话。 (2)学生两人一组表演双簧,一人做动作,另一人躲在背后说句子,如:“I get up at 6:00”等,学生评出最佳组合。 2、预习 (1)演讲比赛:My Day . 学生两人一组一问一答互相配合,向全班表述自己的作息时间。 3、新课呈现 Read and write (1)游戏:What’s the truth ? 教师板书:I get up at 6:00 . I go to bed at 7:00…等五个句子,其中有三句符合真实情况,有两句不符合,让学生做出判断。教师也可让学生解释判断的依据。 (2)上一活动结束时,教师说:You’re right . I don’t go to bed so late . I go to bed before 11:00 , But some people really go to bed at 7:00 in the morning . Do you know why ? Who are they ? Let’s go and see . (3)教师播放本部分的录音,让学生听录音,看对话。 (4)询问学生,找出本部分中学生认为比较难以理解的句子进行讲解。 (5)学生完成作息时间表里的练习。 (6)学生两人一组表演和练习对话。 (7)教师选举几组同学进行表演。 Pronunciation 教师向学生展示该部分的内容,然后解释这几个字母组合在单词中的发音。领读学生。 第四课时 一、教学目标与要求 1、能够听、说、读、写本课时四会动词短语:climb mountains , go shopping , play the piano , visit grandparents , go hiking 。 2、能够说唱Let’s chant 部分的歌谣,并能理解其含义。 3、能够听懂并学唱歌曲“Weekend” 二、重点、难点 本课时的教学重点是四会掌握五个动词短语。难点是正确拼写单词mountain 和 grandparents 。 三、教学步骤 1、热身 Let’s sing (1)教师放C部分Let’s sing 的录音,学生跟唱,活跃课堂气氛。 (2)教师引导学生将歌词中的The weekend 换成Saturdays and Sundays , 再唱一遍歌曲。 2、新课呈现 Let’s chant 教师放B部分Let’s chant 的录音,学生跟唱,初步感知本课时的动词词组。 Let’s learn (1)教师出示自己父母的照片,告诉学生:They are my parents . I often visit my parents on the weekend . 教师领读动词visit , 然后提问学生:Do you often visit your grandparents ? (2)教师再出示自己grandparents的照片及动词卡片visit grandparents . (3)创设一些情景来引出新单词。 (4)让学生自己编chant 练习单词。 (5)游戏:拍卡片说句子。 教师快速的拍贴在黑板上的卡片,学生看到后马上用一句话叙述出来,如:on the weekend I go hiking . (6)教师放Let’s learn 部分的录音,学生跟读。 (7)学生两人一组练习对话,并用不同的`短语做替换练习。 (11)教师引导学生做拼读词组比赛,并在课堂上给学生时间书写词组。 第五课时 一、教学目标与要求 1、能够听懂、会说句型:What do you do on the weekend .? I usually / often play football . Sometimes I go hiking . 并能在实际情景中运用。 2、能在Let’s find out 部分用本课时目标语言询问他人周末的活动安排,从而找到能在周末共同活动的伙伴。 3、能够听懂Let’s try 部分的录音,完成听音写名字的练习。 二、重点、难点 1、重点是熟练运用句型:What do you do on the weekend ? I usually / often play football . Sometimes I go hiking . 2、难点是对频度副词的使用,以及对句型:Let’s …together next Sunday .的认读。 三、教学步骤 1、热身 (1)教师将全班学生分成两组,每组选派一名代表上讲台表演。教师向学生出示动词卡片,各组学生根据他的表演猜测他的动作名称,相同时间内猜对动作名称多的一组为胜。 (2)教师出示动词卡片,说:I go hiking /…on the weekend 同时板书该动词短语。然后提问学生:What do you do on the weekend ?How many of you go hiking /…? Please put up your hands .学生举手表决,根据人数的多少评出最受欢迎的周末活动。 2、预习 Let’s try 教师播放录音,学生听音练习。 3、新课呈现 Let’s talk (1)教师出示填写完整的let’s try 部分教学挂图,让学生表演。并向其他同学提问。 (2)教师提问全体学生:What do you do on the weekend ?让学生根据热身部分的表决结果来回答。 (3)教师播放Let’s talk部分的录音,学生跟读,然后学生分两组分角色朗读。 Let’s find out 学生四人一组,互相询问,并写下答案。 第六课时 一、教学目标 1、能够听、说、读、写本课时句型:What do you do on the weekend ? Usually I watch TV and go shopping . Sometimes I visit my grandparents . I often play football . Sometimes I go hiking 。 2、能够听、说、认读句子:The weather report says it’s going to rain tomorrow . I can’t play football in the rain . I can’t go hiking , either . 3、能够看懂Let’s play 部分的指示语,做chain talk 游戏。 4、能够完成Let’s check 部分填写作息时间表并选出周末活动的练习。 二、重点、难点 本课时的重点和难点是四会掌握句型:What do you do on the weekend ? Usually I watch TV and go shopping . Sometimes I visit my grandparents。 三、教学步骤、 1、热身 教师说一组句子,如:Usually I watch TV and go shopping . Sometimes I visit my grandparents . 要求学生立即说出句子中出现的频度副词,并指向教室墙上所贴该词的位置。 2、新课呈现、 Read and write (1)教师呈现本部分挂图,引导学生仔细观察五幅配图,提问学生:There are Zip’s weekend activities . Those are Zoom’s weekend activitie

