PEP三年级英语下册Unit 2 My family第一课时教案【优质3篇】

时间:2012-02-06 06:49:32
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PEP三年级英语下册Unit 2 My family第一课时教案 篇一

Title: Fun Family Activities for the First Lesson of PEP Grade 3 Unit 2


- To introduce and practice new vocabulary related to family members

- To engage students in interactive activities to reinforce learning

- To encourage speaking and listening skills in English


- Flashcards with pictures of family members (e.g. mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents)

- A large family tree poster

- Small stickers or markers for each student


1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

- Begin the lesson by asking students to share about their own families. Encourage them to talk about their parents, siblings, and any other family members they have.

- Introduce the new vocabulary for family members using flashcards. Pronounce each word clearly and have students repeat after you.

2. Family Tree Activity (15 minutes)

- Show students a large family tree poster with blank spaces for family members. Explain that they will be filling in the family tree with stickers or markers representing each family member.

- Call out the names of different family members and have students come up to the poster to place the stickers in the correct spots.

- Encourage students to use English phrases like "This is my mother" or "These are my grandparents" as they place the stickers.

3. Family Member Matching Game (15 minutes)

- Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a set of flashcards with pictures of family members.

- Have students take turns flipping over two cards at a time to try to find matching family members. When they make a match, they should say the name of the family member in English.

- Encourage students to help each other if they have trouble remembering the vocabulary.

4. Wrap-up (5 minutes)

- Review the new vocabulary with the class and ask individual students to share something they learned about their family during the lesson.

- Assign a simple homework task, such as drawing a picture of their own family and labeling each family member in English.

PEP Grade 3 Unit 2 My family第一课时教案 篇二

Title: Creative Family Portraits for PEP Grade 3 Unit 2


- To review vocabulary related to family members

- To encourage creativity and artistic expression in English

- To promote speaking skills through a fun and interactive activity


- Paper and colored pencils or markers for each student

- A variety of craft supplies (e.g. stickers, glitter, yarn) for decorating

- Examples of family portraits or drawings for inspiration


1. Warm-up (5 minutes)

- Begin the lesson by reviewing the vocabulary for family members with a quick flashcard game. Hold up each card and have students say the English word.

- Ask students to talk briefly about their own families, using English phrases like "I have a sister" or "My father is tall."

2. Family Portrait Activity (20 minutes)

- Explain to students that they will be creating their own family portraits using the materials provided. Encourage them to be creative and include all the family members they have.

- Show examples of family portraits or drawings to give students ideas for their own artwork.

- Allow students plenty of time to work on their portraits, moving around the classroom to provide assistance and feedback as needed.

3. Sharing and Speaking (10 minutes)

- Once students have completed their family portraits, have them share their artwork with a partner or small group. Encourage them to describe their family members in English and talk about any special details they included in their portraits.

- As students present their work, provide positive feedback and praise their efforts.

4. Wrap-up (5 minutes)

- Display the completed family portraits around the classroom for all students to see.

- Review the vocabulary for family members one more time and ask students to share something they learned or enjoyed about the activity.

- Encourage students to take their family portraits home to show to their families and practice discussing their artwork in English.

PEP三年级英语下册Unit 2 My family第一课时教案 篇三

PEP三年级英语下册Unit 2 My family第一课时教案

PEP三年级英语下册Unit 2 My family第一课时教案 一、教学目标 依据教材内容,结合学生特点及新课标对三年级学生能力的要求,本节课的教学目标确定如下。 【知识目标】听、说、认读单词woman man father mother, 句子Who’s that boy/girl/ woman/ man? She’s/ He’s…并能在情景中运用。 【能力目标】能通过询问知道一些人物是谁,能根据主题My family展开对话,并尝试模仿情景自编对话。 【情感目标】通过创设情景,增长课外知识,激发学生热爱自己家庭成员的美好情感。 【学习策略】注重观察、模仿、理解、想象。 二、教学策略 为了顺利完成教学目标,更好地突出重点、突破难点,我以创设情景,让学生在轻松快乐的氛围中学习英语为宗旨,设计了热身、预习、新授、练习、任务这五个井然有序的环节。教学不是简单的知识传授,为了不使教学变得枯燥无味,我采用多种教学手段,如比较形象明星图片,家庭相片等启发、引导学生思维,培养不同层次的学生大胆用英语交际的能力,让学生真正进入实际情景中去交流。 三、教学过程 1 热身(Warm-up) 播放第一单元Let’s do,让学生做TRP活动。接着同学生做free talk的谈话,让学生进入到英语课堂中。 2 预习(Preview) 张贴学生最爱的卡通人物喜洋洋,懒洋洋,美洋洋,灰太狼的背面,让学生用Who’s that?来猜,同时把学生分为喜洋洋,懒洋洋,美洋洋,灰太狼这四个组。这样不但提高了学生的兴趣,还为下面学习Who’s that?的句子打下基础。 3 新课呈现 (1)在猜完喜洋洋,懒洋洋,美洋洋,灰太狼这四个学生最爱的卡通人物之后,接着出示四川地震小英雄林浩的图片用Who’s that boy?来问学生,引导他们用He’s…来回答。同时也指着班上的男同学不断地用Who’s that boy?来问全班同学。然后又把boy换成girl,引导学生用She’s…来回答,为了加强学生对He’s , She’s 的区别,可以指着男同学,又指女同学,又指男同学,让学生用He’s , She’s大声说出来,教师先由慢到快,这样学生就很容易在愉快的氛围中

分清这两个词。 (2) 当学生能基本分清He’s , She’s时,再用That , that , that , who’s that boy? He’s , he’s, he’s , he’s Mike. That , that , that , Who’s that girl? She’s , she’s, she’s , she’s Amy.的Chant来巩固一下。然后把Mike, Amy换成学生身边的同学的名字。让学生不知不觉学会了。 (3 )用game把Who’s that boy? Who’s that girl? He’s… She’s…综合运用起来。请一个学生面向黑板,另一个学生改变语调跟他打招呼。全班同学用Who’s that boy/girl?来问。让面向黑板的学生用He’s… She’s…来猜。 (4)当学生热情高涨的时候,教师出示图片,引出woman, man,father, mother四个词。同时,利用受小学生欢迎的明星姚明,叶莉等来进一步运用句子Who’s that man/woman? She’s/ He’s… (5) 用教师事先收集的几张学生的全家照,出示其中一张问:Who’s family is this?引导该家庭的学生迅速回答:This is my family.然后让其他同学对照片中的人物发问,该生回答。 (6) 回顾上面的Chant. 并改变几个单词, 使其成为That , that , that , who’s that woman? She’s, she’s she’s my mother. That , that , that, who’s that man? He’s , he’s , he’s , he’s my father.让它成为学生脱口而出的顺口溜。 (7) 让学生取出自己的.家庭照片,以小组为单位,自编对话。 4 回顾课本,让学生打开书听录音p14 Let’s talk使他们知道自己在不知不觉中学会了今天的内容,使学生获得成就感。 5拓展延伸 发给学生每人一张图画纸,让学生以最快的速度画出自己的父母或好朋友的一个部分,以小组为单位,根据画的画做句子练习:Who’s that boy/girl/woman/man? He’s…She’s… 6 课后作业 听录音,有感情地朗读与表演课文,看看家人过去的照片,用所学句子询问家人相关的照片中自己不认识的人物。
PEP三年级英语下册Unit 2 My family第一课时教案【优质3篇】

