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三年级英语上册Recycle-1教案2 篇一

Title: Learning Vocabulary Through Games

In the second lesson of Recycle-1, students will be introduced to new vocabulary words related to animals and colors. To make the learning process more fun and engaging, teachers can incorporate games into the lesson plan.

One game that can be played is the "Animal Charades" game. In this game, students will take turns acting out different animals without speaking, while the rest of the class tries to guess the animal. This game not only helps students practice their vocabulary words, but also improves their listening and observation skills.

Another game that can be played is the "Color Matching" game. In this game, students will be given a set of colored cards and they have to match the cards with the corresponding colors on the board. This game helps students reinforce their knowledge of colors while also improving their memory and concentration.

By incorporating games into the lesson plan, teachers can create a more interactive and dynamic learning environment for students. Not only do games make learning more enjoyable, but they also help students retain information better.

In conclusion, using games to teach vocabulary words can be an effective way to engage students and enhance their learning experience. Teachers should continue to explore different game ideas to make learning fun and effective for their students.

三年级英语上册Recycle-1教案2 篇二

Title: Using Flashcards to Review Vocabulary

In the second lesson of Recycle-1, students are introduced to new vocabulary words related to animals and colors. To help students review and practice these words, teachers can use flashcards as a learning tool.

Flashcards are a simple and effective way to review vocabulary words. Teachers can create flashcards with pictures of animals and colors on one side, and the corresponding words on the other side. Students can then use these flashcards to quiz themselves and each other on the vocabulary words.

One way to use flashcards is to have students work in pairs or small groups to quiz each other. One student holds up a flashcard with a picture of an animal or color, while the other student has to say the corresponding word. This activity helps students practice their pronunciation and spelling of the vocabulary words.

Another way to use flashcards is to play a memory game. Students lay out all the flashcards with the pictures facing up, and then they have to match the pictures with the corresponding words. This game helps students reinforce their knowledge of the vocabulary words while also improving their memory and concentration.

In conclusion, flashcards are a versatile and effective tool for reviewing vocabulary words. Teachers should continue to use flashcards in their lessons to help students practice and retain new words. By incorporating flashcards into the lesson plan, teachers can create a more interactive and engaging learning environment for students.

三年级英语上册Recycle-1教案2 篇三


PEP第一册英语 ? Recycle 1 教案 ? 第二课时

课题:Recycle 1




1 教师和学生都准备各种颜色的蜡笔。

2 教师准备本单元所学文具的实物和一个书包。

3 教师准备Chant and find 和 Chant and colour 两部分的挂图和投影片。 4 教师准备本单元所学文具的图片及一个能装这些图片的大信封。

5 教师给每个学生准备一幅同书上一样的小丑图。


1 热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)


教师建议: T: Let’s do a game, OK? S: Great.

六至七人一组,做开火车的游戏。从第一个学生开始 Hi/Hello/Good morning, A . How are you? 第二个学生回答I’m fine./Fine, thank you. 并提问 How are you? 以此类推。(A代表学生姓名,内容以所学问候语为主)

(2)教师播放录音,师生共同拍手试唱歌曲 “Colour Song” 。



2 呈现新课 (Presentation)

(1)“猜一猜” 的游戏。

将学生学过的文具放入书包中,让学生摸一摸,猜一猜。教师同时问: What’s in the bag?


(2)教师拿出准备好的Chant and find 部分的挂图贴在黑板上,用一张纸遮住,告诉学生: This is a picture. What’s in the picture? 让学生跟读 picture 一词。然后让学生一点一点地看图,Look, look, look! 最后将覆盖着的纸撤掉,通过师生问答的形式找到图中的文具。(教师也可用第一单元第五课时的练习课件,引导学生在游戏中复习表示文具的单词。)

(3)教师让学生听 Chant and find 的录音,边听边在自己的课本上按听到的顺序指出找到的`文具,做到“眼到、手到、口导、心到”。

(4)出示Chant and find部分的投影片,先将投影片用纸覆盖,带领学生一起问:What’s in the picture? 之后,将纸拿开,带领学生说: Look, look, look! 让学生自己找投影片上的文具,边指边说:Pencil, ruler, bag, pencil-case, sharpener?


师出示Chant and colour 部分投影片,让学生说说小丑身体的各部位名称。强调一只脚是 foot ,两只脚是 feet 。之后做游戏:Point it please


(6)教师播放Chant and colour 部分的录音, 然学生听录音,涂颜色。注意此时的录音速度要放慢。

3 趣味操练 (Practice)

(1)游戏: I’m lucky.

教师拿出准备好的文具图片和信封,把图片放在信封中。将学生分为两大组,每次每组派2名选手到讲台前。A队底下坐着的同学指着 Chant and find 的图问:What’s in the picture?

B队台前的一个选手说出图中的一个文具,另一个选手从信封中找到此图,贴在黑板上,正确的加10分。之后,B队底下坐着的同学指着 Chant and find 的图问:What’s in the picture?由A队台前的选手回答。以此类推。

(2)教师将准备好的小丑图发给学生,让他们根据Chant and colour 部分这首歌谣,将小丑的身体各部分的颜色换成他们自己喜欢的,然后将改编的歌谣说给同桌听,让同桌按照听的歌谣涂色,有条件的可将作品在实物投影仪上展示。

4 课堂评价 (Assessment)

做活动手册本单元2 部分的练习。

5 扩展性活动(Add-activities)

让学生将自己画的小丑拿出,给学生办一个作品展示会。比一比,看谁的小丑最滑稽可笑。比一比,谁最会形容图上的小丑。评选出学生“最佳小画家”和 “最佳小解说”。 教案点评:

本课时通过Chant and find 和 Chant and colour两部分的活动复习前三单元表示文具、身体部位和颜色的单词。由于复习单元都是学过的内容,只有将复习的知识融入于活动、游戏之中,学生才不会感到复习过程的单调和枯燥乏味,才会保持对英语学习的兴趣。除了学唱教材上的两个歌谣,进行“找文具”,“涂小丑”的活动,本课时还精心设计了其它多个游戏来复习和巩固所学单词,符合小学生的心理和生理特征,有助于促进今后师生之间英语学习进一拉近师生关系。


