三年级英语上册教案 1--18

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三年级英语上册教案 1--18

Lesson 1 Teaching aims: 1、Sentences : Hello! Hi! I’m … 2、Words: cat monkey 3、Sing “Hello” Main and difficult points: Learn and use:Hello! I’m… Teaching aids: Pictures a recorder and masks. Teaching procedure : 1.Warm-up :Play the tape,listen to the song “Hello”. 2.Presentation: a.Say “hello” to the students and help them to answer , then practice. b.Learn and practice “ Hello, I’m… ”. c. Show the picture and ta;k about it d. Play the tape , students listen and read after it. 3、Practice: Game: Find friends. 4、Homework:  Listen to the tape. 5. Blackboard writing: Lesson 1 cat monkey Lesson 2 Teaching aims: a、Can ask and answer “ What’s your name?” b、Words :dog , duck。 c、Let’s sing: What’s your name? Main and difficult points: a、Ask and answer “ What’s your name?”. b、dog , duck Teaching aids:Pictures and a recorder. Teaching procedure: A、Revision a、Play the tape , What’s your name? b、Sing: Hello. c、Introduce. B、Presentation a、Teacher say : My name is … , and repeat several times.Then point to a student and adk : “ What’s your name?”Help him answer : My name is…. Then practice with other students. b、Show the picture and talk about

it. Then teach “ dog and duck” . And introduce their names. c、Play the tape, students look listen and repeat. C、Practice a、Group work: Action. b、Pair work: What’s your name? e、Learn to sing : What’s your name? D、Homework: Listen to the tape, and make a survey : the name of your family members. E. Blackboard writing: Lesson 2 dog duck Lesson 3 Teaching aims: 1、Sentence: Good morning. 2、Words:panda, bear 。 3、Learn to sing: Good morning . Main and difficult points: Can use “ Good morning”. Teaching aids : Pictures, mask and a recorder. Teaching procedure : 一、、Warm-up 1、Play the tape: Good morning . 2、Sing: What’s your name ? 3、Chain game: A:My name is Li Yan . What’s your name ? B: My name is Peter. What’s your name ? C: My name is Micky. What’s your name ? … 二、Presentation: 1、Learn and practice: Good morning . 2、Then say: Good morning , boys and girls. Make sure they know the meanings of “ boys and girls”. 4、Teacher say: I’m Miss Chen,Make sure they know the meanings of “ Mr and Miss”. 5、Show the picture, revise the words that we learnt before. Then teach “panda and bear ”.After that, say: Look ,that’s Mr. Panda. Let’s say “Good morning., Mr. Panda .” 6、Play the pape, students listen and repeat. 三、Practice: Learn to sing: Good morning. 四、Homework: Listen to the tape, and speak in English with your friends. 五、Blackboard writing: Lesson 3 pander bear Lesson 4 Teaching aims: 1、Sentence:Good afternoon. 2、Words:pig, rabbit。 3、Let’s chant. Main and difficult points: 1、To use“ Good morning! Good afternoon!”. 2、Can say : pig, rabbit Teaching aids:Pictures and a recorder. Teaching procedure: A、Revision a、Sing: Hello. b、Greetings. c、Action. B、Presentation a、Leatn to say “ Good afternoon”. Then compare “Good morning”with“Good afternoon” b、Then practice “Good afternoon”. c、Teach Miss.Then compare “Mr” with “Miss” again. d、Show the pictures and revise the words that we learnt before.Then teach “rabbit and pig”. Point to the pig and say:Look, that’s Miss Piggy. Let’s say Good afternoon , Miss Piggy. e、Practice:Good afternoon. My name …. f、Play the tape, students listen and repeat. 三、Practice 1、Game: Find friends. 2、Show the pictures and talk about them morning or afternoon. 3、Action. 4、Play the tape, learn the chant. 四、Homework 1、Say “Good morning” and “Good faternoon” to your friends. 2、Play the tape, students listen and repeat. 五、Blackboard writing: Lesson 4 pig rabbit Lesson 5 一、Teaching aims. Language knowledge aims: a.Learn the greetings__“Good evening.”and””Good night” b. To learn the words:bird, mouse Language ability aims: a.Can say the words and sentences according to the situation. b.Can act out the dialogues according to the situation. Emotion and attitude aim(情感态度目标): Help them to be interested in listening speaking singing and chanting. The culture aim: Know the greetings of the western countries and let the students know they should be polite and love the parents. 二、Difficult and important point: 1.How to express“Good evening.”and“Good night.” 2.To make a new dialogue. 三、Teaching aids:Sticks masks pictures and a recorder. 四、Teaching steps: Step1: Warm up Sing a song “Hello, good morning, how are you?” Chant Step 2: Presentation . T: Look,I am a monkey. Let’s say“Hello”to monkey. S: Hello, Monkey. T: Who can act like a monkey? (Then revise cat ,duck, rabbit. ) T: Hi, I am a bird. bird/ bird/ T:Who’e likes birds?( Then write bird on the blackboard.) T: You are a lovely bird. Please sat “Hello”to others. S:Hello! I am a bird. T: Good evening, Bird.evening/evening/ Good evening! What’s the mesning? S:“晚上好!” T:Good evening, Mouse! mouse/mouse/(Put the picture on the blackboard and let them say “hello” to the mouse.)“ S: Good evening, Mouse! Good morning! Good afternoon...! T: Great!谁和你喜欢的`小动物打个招呼! S:Good evening, Mouse! Good morning! Good afternoon...! T:看,小动物们都累了,你们累了吗? Let’s have a rest.(做睡觉的手势)Good night! Good night! Good night! night/night\ Good night! T:Say “Good night” to the animals! S:… Step3: Learn the dialogues. Make sure they can compare “Good evening”and“Good night!”Show the picture and say:Look! This is a picture of Lisa’s family.The little girl is Lisa. The man is Lisa’s Dad. And the lady is Lisa’s Mum. Let’s say “hello” to them! S:Good evening! Good morning! Good afternoon...! T: Listen to the recorder. Step4.Summary and homework. Say “Good evening”and“Good night!”to your parents. 五、Blackboard writing: bird mouse Good evening,Miss Bird. Good evening, Mr. Mouse! 十一、教学反思 Lesson 6 Teaching aims: 1、Revise the words and sentences of the unit. 2、Let’s make. Main and difficult points: Revise the words and sentences of the unit. Teaching aids:Pictures and a recorder. Teaching procedure: 一、Revision 1、Sing: Hello . 2、Game: Touch and guess. 3、Revise the words by using the pictures. 二、Presentation 1、Look at the pictures and guess the meaning of the story. 2、Play the tape, students listen and repeat. 3、Action. 三、Practice 1)Make cards. 2)Action. 四、Homework: Listen to the tape, and make a new dialogue. Lesson 7 Teaching aims: 1、Sentence: This is … 2、Words: book bag 3、Sing: Glad to meet you. Main and difficult points: Can use:This is … , Glad to meet you . Teaching aids: Pictures, a recorder and real things. Teaching procedure : 一、Warm-up a.Sing and do. b.Guessing game: Words. 二、presentation a、Show the picture and play the tape. b、Ask someone “What’s your name ?” ,and help them answer “My name is… ”.Then teach and practice ‘ This is …”. c、Talk with a student like this: Hello, I’m Mr … ---I’m … Then say “Glad to meet you”, and help him answer “Glad to meet you.”Play the tape, students listen and repeat, then act. d、Teach bag and book by real things. 三、Practice: a. Learn to sing “ Glad to meet you .” b. Pair word: Sing and do “ Glad to meet you!” 四、Homework: Listen to the tape, and talk with your friends in English. 五、Blackboard writing: Lesson 7 bag book Lesson 8 Teaching aims: 1、Sentence: Nice to meet you. 2、Words : pen , pencil . 3、Let’s sing: This is Gao Wei. Main and difficult points: 1、Use“This is…” 2、Three kills: pen , pencil Teachin
三年级英语上册教案 1--18

