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人教课标版五年级数学上册教案 篇一

Title: Exploring Multiplication and Division in Fifth Grade Mathematics

In the fifth grade mathematics curriculum, students will delve into the concepts of multiplication and division. These fundamental operations are essential for building a strong foundation in mathematics and are used in a wide range of real-life situations.

To introduce multiplication, teachers can start by explaining the concept of repeated addition. Students can practice solving simple multiplication problems by adding groups of numbers together. For example, they can understand that 3 x 4 is the same as adding 3 four times: 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 12. Using visual aids such as arrays or manipulatives can help students grasp the concept of multiplication more easily.

Once students have a solid understanding of multiplication, they can move on to division. Division is the inverse operation of multiplication, and students can see how the two operations are related. Teachers can demonstrate division using the concept of sharing equally among a certain number of groups. For example, dividing 12 by 3 means sharing 12 items into 3 equal groups, resulting in 4 items in each group.

Practicing multiplication and division can be made more engaging through games and activities. Students can play multiplication bingo, where they solve multiplication problems to mark off numbers on their bingo cards. They can also work on division puzzles or use online resources to practice their skills.

It is important for teachers to provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge of multiplication and division in real-world contexts. For example, students can solve word problems involving equal groups or sharing situations. This helps them see the relevance of these operations in everyday life and reinforces their understanding of the concepts.

By exploring multiplication and division in the fifth grade mathematics curriculum, students can develop a strong foundation in these essential operations. With practice and application, students can master these concepts and build the skills needed for more advanced mathematical concepts in the future.

人教课标版五年级数学上册教案 篇二

Title: Discovering Geometric Shapes and Measurement in Fifth Grade Mathematics

In the fifth grade mathematics curriculum, students will explore geometric shapes and measurement. These topics help students develop spatial awareness, problem-solving skills, and an understanding of units of measurement.

To introduce geometric shapes, teachers can start by reviewing the properties of basic shapes such as triangles, quadrilaterals, and circles. Students can learn how to identify and classify these shapes based on their attributes, such as the number of sides or angles they have. They can also explore the relationships between different shapes, such as how a square is a special type of rectangle.

Once students are familiar with basic shapes, they can move on to more complex concepts such as area and perimeter. Students can calculate the area of rectangles and squares by multiplying the length and width of the shape. They can also find the perimeter by adding up the lengths of all the sides. Hands-on activities, such as measuring and drawing shapes, can help students visualize and understand these concepts.

In addition to geometric shapes, students will also learn about measurement in the fifth grade mathematics curriculum. They will explore units of measurement such as inches, feet, centimeters, and meters. Students can practice measuring objects using rulers and other tools, and they can learn how to convert between different units of measurement.

Practicing measurement can be made more engaging through real-world applications. Students can measure objects in the classroom or at home and record their findings. They can also solve word problems involving measurement, such as finding the perimeter of a playground or the area of a garden.

By discovering geometric shapes and measurement in the fifth grade mathematics curriculum, students can develop important skills in spatial reasoning and measurement. These concepts are essential for understanding the world around them and for solving real-life problems. Through hands-on activities and practice, students can deepen their understanding of geometric shapes and measurement and build a strong foundation for future mathematical learning.

人教课标版五年级数学上册教案 篇三


一剑飘雪 收集整理 由于全册太多,所以这里只是节选了部分还因为图形和分数无法显示,如果需要编辑可下载WORD文档: 人教课标版五年级数学上册教案(全册) 下载地址:人教课标版五年级数学上册教案(全册) 如不清楚如何下载可点击:下载方法演示 第一单元 小数的乘法 教材分析 教学要求: 1、使学生理解小数乘、除法计算法则,能够比较熟练地进行小数乘、除法笔算和简单的口算。 2、使学生会用“四舍五人法”截取积、商是小数的近似值。 3、使学生理解整数乘、除法运算定律对于小数同样适用,并会运用这些定律进行一些小数的简便计算。 教学重点: 1、使学生掌握小数乘、除法的计算法则。 2、能正确地进行小数乘、除法的笔算和简单的口算,提高学生的计算能力。 3、能正确应用“四舍五入法”截取积是小数的近似值,并能解决有关的实际问题。 4、会应用所学的运算定律及其性质进行一些小数的简便计算。 教学难点: 在理解小数乘、除法的算理和算法的基础上,掌握确定小数乘法中积的小数点位置。 教学课时:小数乘法(9课时左右)(机动3课时左右) 1、小 数 乘 法 第一课时 课题:小数乘以整数 教学内容 :例1和例2、“做一做”,练习—第1~4题。) 教学要求: 1、使学生理解小数乘以整数的计算方法及算理。 2、培养学生的迁移类推能力。 3、引导学生探索知识间的练习,渗透转化思想。 教学重点:小数乘以整数的算理及计算方法。 教学难点:确定小数乘以整数的积的小数点位置的方法。 教学用具:放大的复习题表格一张(投影)。 教学过程: 一、引入尝试: 孩子们喜欢放风筝吗?今天我就带领大家一块去买风筝。 1、小数乘以整数的意义及算理。 出示例1的图片,引导学生理解题意,得出: ⑴例1:风筝每个3.5元,买3个风筝多少元?(让学生独立试着算一算) (2)汇报结果:谁来汇报你的结果?你是怎样想的?(板书学生的汇报。) 用加法计算:3.5+3.5+3.5=10.5元 3.5元=3元5角 3元×3=9元 5角×3=15角 9元+15角=10.5元 用乘法计算:3.5×3=10.5元 理解3种方法,重点研究第三种算法及算理。 ⑶理解意义。为什么用3.5×3计算? 3.5×3表示什么?(3个3.5或3.5的3倍.) (4)初步理解算理。怎样算的? 把3.5元看作35角 3.5元 扩大10倍 3 5角 × 3 × 3 1 0. 5 元 1 0 5角 缩小10倍 105角就等于10.5元 (6)买5个要多少元呢?会用这种方法算吗? 2、小数乘以整数的计算方法。 象这样的3.5元的几倍同学们会算了,那不代表钱数的 0.72×5你们会算吗?(生试算,指名板演。) ⑴生算完后,小组讨论计算过程。 板书: 0.72 × 5 (2)强调依照整数乘法用竖式计算。 (3) 示范: 0. 7 2 扩大100倍 7 2 × 5 × 5 3. 6 0 3 6 0 缩小100倍 (4) 回顾对于0.72×5,刚才是怎样进行计算的? 使学生得出:先把被乘数0.72扩大100倍变成72,被乘数0.72扩大了100倍,积也随着扩大了100倍,要求原来的积,就把乘出来的积360再缩小100倍。(提示:小数末尾的0可以去掉) ●注意:如果积的末尾有0,要先点上积的小数点,再把小数末尾的“0”去掉。 (5)专项练习 ①下面各数去掉小数点有什么变化? 0.34 3.5 0.201 5.02 ②把353缩小10倍是多少?缩小100倍呢?1000倍呢? ③判断 13.5 × 2 2. 7 0 (6)小结小数乘整数计算方法 l 计算 7 ×4 0.7×4 25×7 2.5×7 观察这2组题,想想与整数乘整数有什么不同? 怎样计算小数乘以整数? ① 先把小数扩大成整数; ② 按整数乘法的法则算出积; ③ 再看被乘数有几位小数,就从积的右边起数出几位,点上小数点。 l 专项练习 练习一 4 二、运用 1、填空。 4.5 ( ) 0 .7 4 ( ) × 3 × 3 × 2 × 2 ( ) 1 3 5 ( ) 1 4 8 2、做一做 书p3 2 三、体验: (1)今天我们学习了什么?(板书课题) (2)小数乘以整数的计算方法是什么? 四、作业: 练习一 1、2、3 五、板书: 小数乘整数1 3.5元 3 5角 × 3 × 3 1 0. 5 元 1 0 5角 例2 0. 7 2 扩大到它的100倍 7 2 × 5 × 5 3. 6 0 3 6 0 缩小到它的1/100 六、课后反思: 第二课时 课题:小数乘小数 教学内容: P.4~5页的例3和例4、“做一做”,练习一第5—8题 教学要求: 1、掌握小数乘法的计算法则,使学生掌握在确定积的小数位时,位数不够的,要在前面用0补足。 2、比较正确地计算小数乘法,提高计算能力。 3、培养学生的迁移类推能力和概括能力,以及运用所学知识解决新问题的能力。 教学重点:小数乘法的计算法则。 教学难点:小数乘法中积的小数位数和小数点的定位,乘得的积小数位数不够的,要在前面用0补足。 教学用具:投影、口算小黑板。 教学过程: 一、引入尝试 1、出示例3图:孩子们最近我们社区宣传栏的玻璃坏了,你能帮忙算算需要多大的一块玻璃吗?怎么列式?(板书: 0.8 ×1.2) 2、尝试计算 师:上节课我们学习小数乘以整数的计算方法,想想是怎样算的? 师:是把小数转化成整数进行计算的。现在能否还用这个方法来计算1.2×0.8呢? 如果能,应该怎样做?(指名口答,板书学生的讨论结果。) 示范: 1. 2 扩大到它的10倍 1 2 × 0. 8 扩大到它的10 倍 × 8 0.9 6 缩小到它的1/100 9 6 3、1.2×0.8,刚才是怎样进行计算的? 引导学生得出:先把被乘数1.2扩大10倍变成12,积就扩大10倍;再把乘数0.8扩大10倍变成8,积就又扩大10倍,这时的积就扩大了10×10=100倍。要求原来的积,就把乘出来的积96再缩小100倍。 4、观察一下,例3中因数与积的小数位数有什么关系?(因数的位数和等于积的小数位数。) 想一想:6.05×0.82的积中有几位小数?6.052×0.82呢? 5、小结小数乘法的计算方法。 师:请做下面一组练习 (1)练习(先口答下列各式积的小数位数,再计算) (2) 引导学生观察思考。 ①你是怎样算的?(先整数法则算出积,再给积点上小数点。) ②怎样点小数点?(因数中有几位小数,就从积的最右边起,数几位,点上小数点。) ③ 计算0.56×0.04时,你们发现了什么?那当乘得的积的`小数位数不够时,怎样点小数点?(要在前面用0补足,再点小数点。) 通过通过以上的学习,谁能用自己的话说说小数乘法的计算法则是怎样的? (3) 根据学生的回答,逐步抽象概括出P.5页上的计算法则,并让学生打开课本齐读教材上的法则。(勾画做记号) (4)专项练习 ①判断,把不对的改正过来。 0.0 2 4 0.0 1 3 × 0.1 4 × 0.0 2 6 9 6 7 8 2 4 2 6 0.3 3 6 0.0 0 0 3 3 8 ②根据1056×27=28512,写出下面各题的积。 105.6×2.7= 10.56×0.27= 0.1056×27= 1.056×0.27= 三、应用 1、在下面各式的积中点上小数点。 0 . 5 8 6 . 2 5 2 . 0 4 × 4. 2 × 0 . 1 8 × 2 8 1 1 6 5 0 0 0 1 6 3 2 2 3 2 6 2 5 4 0 8 2 4 3 6 1 1 2 5 0 5 7 1 2 2、做一做:先判断积里应该有几位小数,再计算。 67×0.3 2.14×6.2 3、P.8页5题。 先让学生说求各种商品的价钱需要知道什么?再让学生口答每种商品的重量,然后分组独立列式计算。 四、体验 回忆这节课学习了什么知识? 五、作业 :P8 7、9题。P9 13题。 六、课后反思: 第三课时 教学内容:较复杂的小数乘法(P.3页的例3~例4和“做一做”,练习一第10—13题。) 教学要求: 1、使学生进一步掌握小数乘法的计算法则。 2、使学生初步理解和掌握:当乘数比l小时,积比被乘数小;当乘数比1大时,积比被乘数大。 教学重点:运用小数乘法的计算法则;正确计算小数乘法。 教学难点:正确点积的小数点;初步理解和掌握:当乘数比l小时,积比被乘数小;当乘数比1大时,积比被乘数大。 教学用具:小黑板或投影片若干张。 教学过程: 一、复习准备: 1、口算:P.5页10题。 0.9×6 7×0.08 1.87&t

imes;0 0.24×2 1.4×0.3 0.12×6 1.6×5 4×0.25 60×0.5 老师抽卡片,学生写结果,集体订正。 2、不计算,说出下面的积有几位小数。   0.4 0.11 0.35 3 5 1.5 2.4× = = 1.2× = 3、思考并回答。 (1)做小数乘法时,怎样确定积的小数位数? (2)如果积的小数位数不够,你知道该怎么办吗?如:0.02&a

