外研社Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B教案【优选3篇】

时间:2016-09-03 04:45:27
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外研社Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B教案 篇一

In Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B, students will be exploring the theme of "My Hobbies" and learning vocabulary related to different leisure activities. This unit aims to help students expand their knowledge of hobbies and interests, as well as provide opportunities for them to practice speaking and listening skills.

The lesson begins with an introduction to the topic of hobbies, where students will be encouraged to share their own interests with their classmates. This will help create a positive and engaging learning environment where students feel comfortable expressing themselves and interacting with their peers.

Next, students will be introduced to new vocabulary related to hobbies, such as "reading", "painting", "playing musical instruments", and "dancing". Through various activities and exercises, students will have the opportunity to practice using these new words in context, helping them improve their vocabulary retention and usage.

In the following lessons, students will participate in speaking activities where they will discuss their favorite hobbies and why they enjoy them. This will not only help students practice their speaking skills, but also encourage them to think critically about their interests and express themselves more confidently.

To further enhance their learning experience, students will also engage in listening activities where they will listen to conversations about different hobbies and answer questions based on the information they hear. This will help students improve their listening comprehension skills and develop their ability to extract important information from spoken language.

Overall, Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B provides students with a comprehensive and interactive learning experience that will help them expand their vocabulary, improve their speaking and listening skills, and deepen their understanding of different hobbies and interests. By the end of this unit, students will have a greater appreciation for the diversity of leisure activities and the importance of pursuing hobbies that bring them joy and fulfillment.

外研社Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B教案 篇二

Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B focuses on the theme of "My Hobbies" and encourages students to explore their interests and passions through a variety of engaging activities. This unit is designed to not only expand students' vocabulary related to leisure activities, but also provide opportunities for them to practice their speaking and listening skills in a supportive and interactive learning environment.

One of the key objectives of this unit is to help students develop their ability to talk about their favorite hobbies and interests in English. Through guided discussions and group activities, students will have the chance to share their personal experiences and preferences with their classmates, fostering a sense of community and collaboration in the classroom.

In addition to speaking activities, this unit also includes listening exercises where students will listen to conversations and dialogues about different hobbies. By listening to native speakers discuss their interests, students will be exposed to authentic English conversations and improve their listening comprehension skills.

To reinforce the vocabulary learned in this unit, students will participate in various vocabulary-building activities, such as word games, flashcards, and matching exercises. These activities are designed to help students retain new words and phrases related to hobbies, making it easier for them to incorporate this vocabulary into their everyday conversations.

Furthermore, Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B includes opportunities for students to practice their speaking and listening skills through role-playing activities, pair work, and group discussions. These interactive exercises will not only help students improve their English language proficiency, but also enhance their confidence and fluency when communicating in English.

By the end of this unit, students will have a deeper understanding of different hobbies and interests, as well as the language skills necessary to talk about their own leisure activities in English. Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B sets a strong foundation for students to continue expanding their vocabulary and improving their speaking and listening skills in future units.

外研社Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B教案 篇三

外研社Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B教案

Instructional Design for Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B Topic: I have breakfast at seven o’clock. Grade: Grade Three I、教材分析 教学目标 1.知识技能目标: a)能听懂、会读、会说句型:I have breakfast at eight.并能正确分清它与汉语的语序; b)能听懂、会读、会说动词词组 have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, go to school, go home ,go to bed; c)能用所学句型陈述自己的作息时间 。 2.情感态度: a)通过学习用英语介绍自己的作息时间,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立学习的自信心。 b)通过与同学交流一日作息时间的活动,加强与同学间的友谊。 3、学习策略: 乐于参与各种实践活动,养成敢于用英语与他人交流的学习习惯。 教学 重点 能用所学句型陈述自己一日的作息时间。 教学 难点 区别have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner的用法。 任务设计 用英语向同学介绍自己一日的作息时间。 教具 多媒体课件,单词卡片,挂图 板书 设计 Module 3 Unit 1: I have breakfast at seven o’clock. 图 图 挂 图 have breakfast have lunch have dinner 图 图 go to school go home go to bed II、教学过程结构流程图: 1. Warming up CAI 1)Say the chant 2) Greetings 2) Do listening work 2. Revision 1) Review the time Present the task: Watch the video 3. CAI Recorder CAI 4. Ask a question according to the task 5.Learn the new phrases CAI 1&3) Look, listen and repeat 2) Say the phrases according to the teacher’s cue 6.Consolidation 1)

Ss Listen and hold up the pictures pictures 2) Listen and point 7.Learn the new sentences 1) Watch the video then say CAI 2) Play a guessing game CAI Learn the new dialogue 8. Recorder b. Ss describe the daily schedule to each other 1) Finish the tables 9. Task-fulfilling : 10. Homework 上述符号所表示的含义: 媒体的使用 教师活动 学生活动 教师小结 III.教学过程结构与方法说明: Step 1: Warming up 1) Ss say the chant: Noodles and rice 2) Greetings Step 2: Revision 1) Review the time. T: Look! What’s the time, please? S: It’s 3 /6/ 9/ 12/8/10 …o’clock. (Do the actions) T: Now what’s the time? S: It’s 7:30/4:30/6:30/2:30/11:30/12:30 … Say the time as quickly as you can. 2) Listening work: Activity book P10 1. Listen and tick. Step 3: Present the task Watch the video. T: At first, let’s watch the video. And then tell me who she is and what she is doing. Now start. I get up at half past six. I have breakfast at seven o’clock. I go to work at ten past seven. I have lunch at 12 o’clock. I go home at half past five. I have dinner at seven o’clock. I go to bed at ten o’clock. Step 4: Ask a question according to the task T: Can you describe your daily life in English? 你们能像Miss Su那样用英语向你的同学介绍自己一日的作息时间吗?Of course you can. Now let me help you. At first let’s learn some new phrases. Step 5: Learn the new phrases 1) Look , listen and repeat. (Learn 3 phrases) have breakfast have lunch have dinner 2) Say the phrases according to the teacher’s cue. T: In the morning, I ( Ss: have breakfast). At noon, I (Ss: have lunch). In the evening, I (Ss: have dinner). 3) Learn the other 3 phrases. go to school go home go to bed Step 6: Consolidation-----Play games 1) T says the phrases and Ss listen and hold up the pictures quickly. 2) Listen and point. 请两组学生上台,其他学生根据老师的图片或提示说出以下词组,台上的学生根据同学所说的`词组快速指图,比一比谁的速度快。 have breakfast have lunch have dinner go to school go home go to bed Step 7: Learn the new sentences 1) Learn to say from CAI. Sam: I have breakfast/ have lunch/ have dinner at seven o’clock/... S1/2/3/4…:I have breakfast / have lunch/ have dinner at … I go to school/go home/go to bed at … 2) T: Let’s play a guessing game. 请同学们猜一猜Daming 的作息时间 T : Hello! Daming. What time do you have breakfast? S1/2/3/4…: I have breakfast at _______. (guess the time) (课件) Step 8: Learn the new dialogue Look, listen and repeat. Step 9: Task –fulfilling 1) Finish the tables. 2) Describe your daily schedule to your good friends or to the teachers. Step 10: Homework 1、听录音并跟读三遍。 2、用本课所学的词组,与小组成员共同设计一个游戏。 3、向你的家人用英语介绍自己一日的作息时间安排。 IV、学习情景创设: 1、学习环境 本课是信息技术与英语学科整合的尝试课,是多媒体环境下的课堂教学尝试,它借助多媒体课件,尽量为学生创设了形象生动的教学情景,便于学生掌握和识记所学知识,使学生在老师的帮助下,通过逼真有趣的多媒体课件来学习、展示和运用所学知识。 2、学习媒体资源设计 本课运用Director和Flash软件制作的课件包含有复习、学习新词组、新句式以及反馈等教学内容,通过用摄像机拍摄老师一日的作息时间来引出本课的任务,帮助学生更好地理解和完成任务。这些课件的灵活使用不但扩大了课堂的教学容量,而且对激发和保持学生的学习兴趣、培养学生的创新精神起了很大的作用,这也许正是其它教学手段所不能达到的效果。 V、教学探究与思考: 1、探究: 本课是在先学完Unit 2&Unit 3后再来学习Unit 1,在Unit 2时我们事先学习了时间的表达法,所以我将本课的重点放在解决句式:I have breakfast at seven o’clock.主要让学生能用今天所学的内容向他人介绍自己一日的作息安排,懂得合理安排作息时间,保障身心的健康。 2、思考:(教学后记) 1)、本课借助了多媒体电教手段,生动有趣的课件吸引了所有学生的注意力,学生始终保持着浓厚的兴趣,在课堂上他们积极思维,踊跃发言,有较强的探究精神和创新意识。 2)、本课设计的任务是向他人介绍自己一日的作息时间,在学完本课的内容后,老师先让学生在小组中用英语向小组成员介绍自己一日的生活,再让学生找好朋友或老师说,部分学生能非常高兴地向听课的领导和老师大胆介绍自己,大胆地展示自我,这种互动方式受到了听课老师的好评。 3)、本课的另一个特色是注意教学方式的多样化,从多方面、分层次地教授所学内容,既避免了单一的机械操练,又能充分展示学生的所学知识,能真正体现以学生为主体的理念。
外研社Module 3 Unit 1 of NSE 3B教案【优选3篇】

