英语教案-Can you spell it【优质3篇】

时间:2014-09-04 05:25:25
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英语教案-Can you spell it 篇一

Can you spell it? Yes, you can!


- Title: Can you spell it?

- Grade: 3rd grade

- Subject: English

- Time: 45 minutes


- Students will be able to spell common words correctly.

- Students will improve their spelling skills through interactive activities.

- Students will build confidence in their spelling abilities.


- Whiteboard

- Markers

- Flashcards with words to spell

- Spelling worksheets

- Timer


1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by playing a spelling bee game with the class. Call out words for students to spell out loud. Encourage participation and praise students for their efforts.

2. Introduction to spelling rules (10 minutes):

- Review common spelling rules with the class, such as silent letters, double letters, and suffixes. Provide examples and have students practice spelling words following these rules.

3. Spelling practice (15 minutes):

- Divide the class into small groups and give each group a set of flashcards with words to spell. Students take turns spelling out the words to their group members. Monitor and provide assistance as needed.

4. Interactive spelling game (10 minutes):

- Play a spelling game with the class using the whiteboard. Write a word on the board and have students take turns spelling it out loud. Time each student to see how quickly they can spell the word correctly.

5. Spelling worksheet (5 minutes):

- Hand out spelling worksheets to each student and have them complete the exercises independently. Collect the worksheets for assessment and provide feedback to students on their spelling skills.

6. Closing (5 minutes):

- Review the spelling rules and words covered in the lesson. Encourage students to continue practicing their spelling skills at home. Praise students for their hard work and improvement.


- Assess students' spelling skills through participation in the spelling bee game, group activities, and completion of the spelling worksheet. Provide feedback to students on their strengths and areas for improvement.

英语教案-Can you spell it 篇二

Spelling Success: Engaging Activities for 4th Graders


- Title: Can you spell it?

- Grade: 4th grade

- Subject: English

- Time: 60 minutes


- Students will be able to spell grade-appropriate words correctly.

- Students will practice spelling words with common prefixes and suffixes.

- Students will demonstrate their spelling skills through interactive activities.


- Word list with grade-appropriate words

- Whiteboard

- Markers

- Spelling puzzles

- Timer

- Spelling bee awards (stickers, certificates)


1. Warm-up (10 minutes):

- Begin the lesson by reviewing common prefixes and suffixes with the class. Write examples on the whiteboard and have students identify the base words and the added prefixes/suffixes.

2. Spelling bee challenge (15 minutes):

- Conduct a spelling bee competition with the class. Call out words for students to spell out loud. Award stickers or certificates to students who spell words correctly and encourage friendly competition.

3. Word puzzles (20 minutes):

- Divide the class into pairs and give each pair a spelling puzzle to solve. The puzzles can include missing letters, scrambled words, or word search activities. Monitor students' progress and provide hints as needed.

4. Spelling relay race (10 minutes):

- Organize a spelling relay race with the class. Divide students into teams and have them race to spell words correctly on the whiteboard. The team with the most correctly spelled words wins a prize.

5. Spelling review (5 minutes):

- Review the spelling words and rules covered in the lesson. Encourage students to continue practicing their spelling skills at home. Provide tips for improving spelling accuracy.

6. Closing (5 minutes):

- Praise students for their active participation and improvement in spelling skills. Award certificates or stickers to students who demonstrated exceptional spelling abilities during the lesson.


- Assess students' spelling skills through participation in the spelling bee challenge, word puzzles, and spelling relay race. Provide feedback to students on their progress and encourage continued practice to enhance their spelling abilities.

英语教案-Can you spell it 篇三

英语教案-Can you spell it【优质3篇】

