写爸爸的英语句子 篇一
My dad is my hero. He has always been there for me, supporting me through thick and thin. His words of wisdom have guided me through life's challenges and his love has given me the strength to keep going. Whenever I feel lost or unsure, I know I can always turn to my dad for advice and comfort. He is not just a father to me, but also a friend and a mentor. I am truly grateful to have him in my life.
Growing up, my dad taught me the value of hard work and perseverance. He always pushed me to do my best and never settle for mediocrity. He showed me the importance of being kind and compassionate towards others, and to always lend a helping hand to those in need. His selflessness and generosity have inspired me to be a better person and to always strive to make a positive impact in the world.
My dad has a great sense of humor and never fails to make me laugh, even on the toughest of days. His laughter is infectious and his smile lights up the room. He has a way of making even the most mundane tasks fun and enjoyable. Whether we're working on a project together or just spending quality time as a family, my dad always knows how to make the most of every moment.
I am so lucky to have a dad like mine. He is my rock, my role model, and my biggest supporter. I will always cherish the memories we've shared and the lessons he has taught me. No matter where life takes me, I know that my dad will always be there, cheering me on every step of the way. I love you, dad.
写爸爸的英语句子 篇二
My dad is a man of few words, but his actions speak volumes. He may not always express his love in words, but I can feel it in every hug, every smile, and every sacrifice he makes for our family. He is a pillar of strength and a silent guardian, always watching over us and ensuring that we are safe and happy.
My dad is the epitome of resilience and determination. He has faced numerous challenges and obstacles in his life, but he has never given up. His perseverance in the face of adversity has taught me the importance of never backing down, no matter how tough the circumstances may be. He is a true example of courage and resilience, and I am proud to call him my father.
One of the things I admire most about my dad is his unwavering dedication to his family. He works tirelessly to provide for us and never complains about the sacrifices he has to make. He puts our needs above his own and always makes sure that we have everything we need to succeed. His selflessness and unconditional love are qualities that I strive to embody in my own life.
Despite his busy schedule, my dad always makes time for us. Whether it's a family dinner, a movie night, or a weekend outing, he cherishes every moment we spend together. He values the importance of family bonds and always goes out of his way to make us feel loved and appreciated. His presence brings warmth and joy to our home, and I am grateful for the love and support he gives us every day.
In conclusion, my dad is my rock, my inspiration, and my greatest role model. His love and guidance have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am forever grateful for all that he has done for me. I may not always say it, but I love you, dad, more than words can express. Thank you for being the best father a child could ask for.
写爸爸的英语句子 篇三
1. 硬核男人,爸气十足。
2. Hehasbigeyesandsmallnose.
3. 田家元日 (唐)孟浩然 昨夜斗回北,今朝岁起东;我年已强壮,无禄尚忧农。桑野就耕父,荷锄随牧童;田家占气候,共说此年丰。TianGu YuanRi (tang) meng haoran Last night, fights back to north, now aged up east, I already strong, no eloth in is sorrow farmers. SangYe will plow father, lotus hoe with cowboys, TianGuZhan climate, total said it in abundance
4. 爸爸的肩膀,是我人生的第一辆车。
5. 父爱如山,让爱回响。
6. i never get jealous when i see my ex with someone else,because my parents always taught me to give my used toys to the less fortunate. 我从来不会因为看到前任和别人在一起而生气。因为我父母一直教导我要把玩过的玩具给那些不幸的人。
7. mydadandi--weknowthescore
8. love your parents. we are too busy growing up yet we forget that they are already growing old. ——多关心一下自己的父母吧,我们总忙着自己成长,却忘了他们也在变老。
9. once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents、 we had to go off to our grandparents house for our annual christmas dinner、 as we drove down the highway through town, i noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station
10. 爸爸是dad,是我的天,是我的地,是打也打不倒的王大力,爸爸是father,是mother的靠山,是baby的港湾,是family的桨和帆,祝愿爸爸happy every day开心每一天!
11. 对于每场单一游戏。
12. 生活的欢悦,大都来自您的付出。
13. parents know that a caring attitude can not only save you a small fortue, but also even make you feel good about being tightfisted and offering more care than presents
14. 纵使是丹青高手,也难以勾勒出父亲您那坚挺的脊梁:即使是 文学 泰斗,也难以刻画尽父亲您那不屈的精神;即使是海纳百川,也难以包罗尽父亲您对儿女的关爱。
15. 他知道我的意思
16. experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. 经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。
17. respecting and honoring our parents are top priorities.世界上最不能等的莫过于孝敬父母。
18. 有一个人,文言称家尊,口语喊爸爸,英文是father,港台叫爹地。他就是我们的父亲,喊法不同,爱却一样,你的生日到了,祝父亲们生日快乐!
19. 但他始终待我如一。
20. love your parents. we are so busy growing up, we often forget they are also growing old.爱你的父母吧,我们忙着长大同时,常会忘记,他们也渐渐老去。
21. 父爱是冬天的阳光,温暖如春。
22. 因为,我们有一个共同的母亲——中国!
23. 我们只能在父亲面前,得进寸尺。
24. 一株茉莉也许没有沁人心脾的芳香,但它永远会让你感到清新,感到幽雅,父爱就是这样,犹如茉莉一样静静地开放。无论你在何方,父亲那慈爱的眼睛定会伴随你一生。
25. orfixabrokenchairortwo
26. 父爱无崖,父爱如海。父爱伴我终生。如果说母亲是水,那么父亲就是一座山,高大,威武……也许有时候我们并不需要很多,也许有时候我们会觉得厌烦,但父亲始终会在那里,静静地等我们回家。
27. 写我的爸爸的英语作文篇三
28. 爸爸是dad,是我的天,是我的地,是打也打不倒的王大力,爸爸是father,是mother的靠山,是baby的港湾,是family的'桨和帆,祝愿爸爸happy every day开心每一天!
29. most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without anydefect、 however the truth is most people are having the glass-likelove-same transparent but easily broken
30. 父爱是一四季度开花的树,花香四溢。
31. i have faith in you、/i have confidence in you
32. most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love—pure without any defect、 however the truth is most people are having the glass-like love-same transparent but easily broken、
33. the woods arose in folds, like drapery of awakened mountains, stately with a depth of awe, and memory of the tempests. autumn’s mellow hand was upon them, as they owned already, touched with gold and red and olive, and their joy towards the sun was less to a bridegroom than a father.
34. is the thankless position of the father in the familythe provider for all and the enemy of all j august strindberg
35. 这句谚语强调母亲的重要性。
36. 在朦胧的月色下,我把父亲完整地默读了一遍,梦中见他微笑地望着我,他背后的背景是,一棵大树,在****中,保护着一棵脆弱的小树……
37. 教我们挺胸的人,为我们弯腰的人。
38. industrious勤劳的、decent体面的、dependable可信赖的
39. obtained from the parents as small as possible to obtain the less the better society; obtained from the book the more the better, wisdom request more the better.向父母索取愈少愈好,向社会索取愈少愈好;向书中索取愈多愈好,向智慧索取愈多愈好。
40. Myfatherisastrongman.Hehasashorthair.Helikessports.Heisgoodatsinging.Ilovemyfather.Heusuallycheermeupsometimes.Weoftenswimonvacation.Thatisall.
41. once we got home, there was barely time to enjoy our presents、 we had to go off to our grandparents’ house for our annual christmas dinner、 as we drove down the highway through town, i noticed that the family was still there, standing outside the closed gas station、
42. 善良的、勇敢的、努力工作的、无私奉献的、虔诚的、有爱心的
43. 父爱是一片汪洋的大海,浓郁而深远。
44. honest、loyal、prayerful、compassionate、patient、wise
45. 我的爸爸和我——我们也一起游泳
46. 父爱如海,是深邃而难懂。
47. 父爱无声,却响彻耳畔。
48. 甚至在我一句话都没说时
49. 父子不仅血肉至亲,更是灵魂相依。
50. Merry Christmas to the world\'s best parents!
51. 老爸,现在换我,做你的靠山。
52. a father is a treasure, a brother is a comfort, but a friend is both.父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。
53. 母亲的原型是一个特别好的例子。
54. 岁月侵染发鬓白,由自未改拳拳心。
55. there is a growing tendency for parent these days to stay at home to look after their children instead of returning to work earlier、现在,父亲或母亲留在家里照顾他们的孩子而不愿过早返回工作岗位正成为增加的趋势。
56. ”I watched a **all man with thick calluses on both hands work fif**** and six**** hours a day I saw him once literally bleed from the bottoms of his feet a man who came here uneducated alone unable to speak the language who taught me all I needed to know about faith and hard work by the simple eloquence of his example” Mario Cuomo
57. 我经常从我母亲那儿得到钱。
58. 有一个人,文言称家尊,口语喊爸爸,英文是father,港台叫爹地。他就是我们的父亲,喊法不同,爱却一样,父亲节到了,祝父亲们节日快乐!
59. greatest thing in family life is to take a hint when a hint is intendedand not to take a hint when a hint is not intended
60. happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and obedience of the children the submission to love. (francis bacon, british philosopher)幸福的家庭,父母靠慈爱当家,孩子也是出于对父母的爱而顺从大人。(英国哲学家 培根。f.)
61. 慷慨的、给予的、温柔的、体贴的、宽容的、无私的、
62. 他总是抽烟。我看着他暗黄的面孔,想着他的脸是否就是被烟给熏黄的。他的食指和中指夹着一根烟。有的时候是利群,有的时候是黄鹤楼,有的时候又是中华。他抽烟的姿势特别优美,拿着烟深深吸一口,然后缓缓的,仿佛品味这烟的味道一般,久久才吐了出来。那烟圈在空中的萦绕,是一种极为寂寞的弧度。
63. a placid parent makes a placid home
64. 他从不夸你有多棒,心里却骄傲地偷笑。
65. 田夫抛秧田妇接,小儿拔秧大儿插。笠是兜鍪蓑是甲,雨从头上湿到胛,唤渠朝餐歇半霎,低头折腰只不答。秧根未牢莳未匝,照管鹅儿与雏鸭。——杨万里《插秧歌》
66. orjustawindowpane.
67. Ilovemydad.Heiskind,smartandhard-working.
68. 有时他也会非常忙碌
69. i joined the united states air force in january of 19 whenever i would come home on leave, i would ask dad to play the mandolin. nobody played the mandolin like my father. he could touch your soul with the tones that came out of that old mandolin. he seemed to shine when he was playing. you could see his pride in his ability to play so well for his family.
70. doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who i remember he was anne ***ton
71. from your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other. 你从父母那里学到爱,学到笑,学到怎样走路。
72. 我们是无父的孤儿。我们的母亲好像寡妇。
73. Year by year ,Father ,you mean more and more to those who love you.
74. 父爱像一本厚重的书,耐人寻味。
75. love asks faith, and faith asks firmness、 ----herber
76. 我的爸爸和我——我们心有灵犀,
77. 型爸,发源地!
78. 随心所行,让爱不再沉重。
79. 每个女儿都是父亲的“掌上明珠”。
80. Heistallandhandsome.
81. clever、witty、sad、humble、passionate、tender、strong
82. 父爱,爱你在心口难开!
83. 我父亲喜欢运动而我母亲喜欢音乐。
84. generous、giving、gentle、caring、forgiving、selfless
85. 老爸给的关爱,总是满格信号。
86. 描述父亲的英文单词:
87. 每年一次,有时两次。
88. 有一个称谓,港台叫“爹地”,英语叫“father”,法语叫“monpere”,文言叫“阿爷”,书面叫“父亲”,这就是我们最可亲可敬的“爸爸”。今天8月8,祝福送给他:爸爸节日快乐!
89. who in the world would love us so deeply and relentlessly without asking for any repay? only our parents.爱心还有谁会这样笨拙固执,毫无心机地爱着我们? 只有我们的父母。
90. ”It doesn’t matter who my father was; it matters who I remember he was” Anne ***ton
91. 感恩父亲,是他教我做人的道理。
92. a father is always ****** his baby into a little woman and when she is a woman he turns her back again enid bagnold
93. 有榜样,更能劈开风浪,去闯。
94. 父亲的德行是儿子最好的遗产。
95. You can do it。There’s something about knowing that someone else has faith in you that revitalizes the faith you should have in yourself。
96. 守护不缺席,无论是现在还是将来。
97. happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affection, and of the
children the submission to love
98. 父爱如伞,为你遮风挡雨。
99. 聪明的、机智的、悲伤的、谦虚的、热情的、温柔的、坚强的
100. we love is home home that our feet may leave but not our hearts
101. 父爱如山,厚重而无言。
102. 感恩父亲,是他每天为我们默默祝福。
103. 儿时的靠山,长大后的背影。
104. 有一个人文言称家尊口语喊爸爸英文是father港台叫爹地他就是我们的父亲喊法不同爱却一样父亲节到了祝父亲们节日快乐!
105. 母亲打电报要儿子立刻回来。
106. 父亲是个坚强乐观的人,尽避父亲从前受过很多的磨难。我一直读不懂父亲的这份坚强源自何处,直到现在。
107. 我的爸爸——他真的非常棒。
108. you are a winter grass affection is the sun warm your cold body
109. once they settled in, my father looked back over his shoulder and asked the children if santa had found them yet. three glum faces mutely gave him his answer.
110. industry is the parent of success
111. 即使回家的路再黑,有他我都不怕。
112. 够强大,才能守护整个家。
113. Ilovemyfather.
114. 爱可能不善言表,但爱是一诺千金。
115. faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe、 it is not enough that a thing be possible for it to be believed
116. That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult.但我孩提时在夏天夜晚陪着我父亲走过几个街区曾感动过我,当我成人时。
117. heknowsjustwhatimean
118. Myfatheristall.Heisofmediumbuild.Hewearsapairofglasses.Mymotheristhinandhaslongblackhair.
119. there is an old saying______. itxxxs the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases eventoday.
120. 父亲的情似酒,任你陶醉。
121. 爸爸和我
122. mydadandi--wegoswimmingtoo,
123. Season\'s greetings to my dearest parents!
124. 父爱一直陪伴着我,无论我走到何方。
125. 我的爸爸,他是全世界最好的爸爸。
126. 雨余溪水掠堤平,闲看村童戏晚情。竹马琅锵冲掉去,纸鸢跋扈挟风鸣。三冬暂就儒生学,千藕还从父老耕。(识字粗堪供赋役,不须辛苦慕功名。——《观村童戏溪上》小短文
写爸爸的英语句子 篇四
1. 父亲的爱,是春天里的一缕阳光,和煦地照耀在我的身上;是夏日里的一丝凉风,吹散了我心中的烦热;是秋日里的一串串硕果,指引着我走向成功;是冬天里的一把火,温暖着我那颗冰冷的心。父亲的爱,无处不在。
2. 我在努力长大,请你慢慢变老。
3. 你是我最大的靠山,所以我不怕跌倒。
4. experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.
5. 我的母亲让我做点事情。
6. 父爱是被子,他使你感到温暖。
7. 父亲的肩似山,任你依靠。
8. 挡住风雨,沉吟不语。
9. 他理解的非常好。
10. buthetakesmejustthesame.
11. 很少有人会记得父亲节,更不会记得父亲的点点滴滴。因为母爱太慈祥了,掩盖了严肃的父爱。孩子们通常都不记得父爱也有伟大的时候。不管怎么说,希望天下的孩子能明白父亲那深沉的爱,为人父,方知做父亲的艰辛,然而,乐在其中。所以,有没有父亲节,有没有礼物,做父亲的都一样开心。全世界的爸爸:节日快乐!你们劳累了一辈子,也该好好歇歇了!
12. 辗转难眠的夜晚,到处都是你的影子。
13. kind、brave、hard-working、devoted、faithful、loving
14. “A man knows when he is growing oldbecause he begins to look like his father”Gabriel Garcia Marquez
15. I love smimming in summer、 So I always go swimming with my parents in the sea、 Sometimes, I like to play basketball on the playground with my friends if it’s not very hot
16. 和父亲一样醇厚,越品越有味道。
17. Mydadisagoodmanandheisagreatdadaswell
18. 她使我想起了我的母亲。
19. experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.经验是知识之父,记忆是知识之母。
20. 喝茶方知香浓,为父才懂爱深。
21. mydadandi--weliketofish
22. 母亲是对的,发现这个是在1932年,我刚从大学毕业。
23. a placid parent makes a placid home. 平和的父母创造温馨的家。
24. is the general rule that all superior men inherit the elements of superiority from their mother
25. Mydadismyhero.Fatherisanimportantpersonwhoiseverybodyintheworldshouldlove,suchasme:)Myfather,Januszis55yearsold.Hehasxxxs.He'squitetall,butabitshorterthan
26. hello,thisismyfather.
27. 深沉如山,永远的超级英雄。
28. 当我来到这个世界,他就有了超能力。
29. 感谢你不是超人,却为我变成了万能。
30. 摘下最亮的星星,愿父亲天天开心。
31. Myfatherwaswearingapairofglasses,smalleyes,thinlips,becauseoverworkedwithwrinkles我父亲戴着一副眼镜,小眼睛,薄嘴唇,因为劳累有了皱纹
32. 曾经有你,未来有我。
33. 她照顾着她母亲。
34. 肩膀够硬,才挑得起家庭的重担。
35. Mydadisagoodmanandheisagreatdadaswell.Heisastrongmanwithblackhair.Heismorethanfortyyearsold.Heisanengineer.Heisstrictabouthiswork.Everyday,hegoestoworkearlyandcomesbacklate.Inhisfreetime,heoftendoesmanyinterestingthings.Helikesplayingfootball,swimmingandplayingthepiano.Healwaysplaysballgameswithmeeveryweekend.Heoftengoestoworkalldayandallnight,buthestillfindstimetohelpmewithmystudies.Heisstrictaboutmystudy,andheisstrictwithmeaswell.Ilovemydad.Heiskind,smartandhard-working.
36. 父爱如山,大爱无言。
37. 哀哀父母,生我劬劳。——《诗经》
38. 爸爸的关怀像一把伞,为我遮蔽风雨。
39. 父亲心灵的面积,是三室一厅!
40. 我的爸爸和我——我们喜欢钓鱼
41. 父亲,你无时无刻不在用你的爱包围我。
42. 父爱同母爱一样的无私,他不求回报。
43. 父亲的爱总在严厉中绽放出;父亲的爱总在你需要的时候才来临。父亲的爱总是让我们不得理解,但是我们完全理解时才知道父亲的良苦用心。
44. 诚实的、忠诚的、虔诚的、富有同情心的、耐心的、有智慧的
45. 我已经预约了,做你三生三世的小棉袄。
46. 我母亲是一位退休工人。
47. 每个老爸,都曾是一枚小鲜肉。
48. students attend a boarding school would cultivate their independence as apart from their parents、
49. 父爱是高山,即使在最困难的时候,也鼓励我挺直脊梁。
50. 你包容他的啤酒肚,他包容你的坏脾气。
51. 这份爱,余温太久,从未消退。
52. family is the rain take irri***** leaving Qingliang; affection is the wind blowing the sorrow stay happy; the family is the sun taking away the darkness leaving the light The family is the most great no matter you are happy frustration pain loss it will gently on your way quietly with your life
53. from what has been discussed above, we may safely draw a conclusion that, although the parents’ desire to look after children by themselves is understandable, its disadvantages far outweigh the advantages
54. 好好睡一觉吧,剩下的我来扛。
55. 我的爸爸和我——我们知晓所有分数
56. phyllisc.michael
57. 感谢你用尽一生,来诠释“爱”这个字。
58. 父爱是光,照亮迷茫的前方。
59. 父兮生我,母兮鞠我,抚我,畜我,长我,育我,顾我,复我。——《诗经》[由整理]
60. mydadandi--wethinkalike,
61. the family, is mulan for the father of story; affection, is this story; affection, is a bing the moon reflected in the melody.亲情,是木兰替父的故事;亲情,是孟母三迁的佳话;亲情,是阿炳二泉映月的旋律。
62. mydadandi--wedoeverything
63. orbuildamodelplane,
64. 忠实的、感激的、无畏的
65. eachyearandsometimestwice.
66. I don’t know who my grandfather was:I am much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.我不知道我的祖父是谁,我更加关心的是他的孙子将成为什么样的人。
67. 我们合起来就像是母亲。
68. faithful、grateful、fearless
69. 最深的海,不是太平洋,而是情深似海。
70. 我的爸爸和我——我们一起做每件事情。
71. 母亲是最本能的哲学家.
72. 爸爸的爱不智能,因为二十四小时常亮。
73. 父爱是风,把你的烦恼通通吹走。
74. 你母亲身体好吗?
75. Mydadisatallandhandsomemiddle-agedman.HehasbigeyesandaprettyRomannose.Heisstrictwithme,butwheni'vefinishedmyhomework,he'dbegladtobringmeouttoplay.Mostimportantofall,helovesmeandmomverymuch.Ilovemydad.
76. from your parents you learn love and laughter and how to put one foot before the other
77. 往后余生,你的健康快乐我来承担。
78. 不怕疼,只是爸爸的虚张声势。
79. ofeverysinglegame;
80. 我的父亲是个平凡的父亲,我也是个平凡的孩子,我的父亲就像每个平凡的父亲爱他们平凡的孩子一样爱我。我们之间没有许许多多感人肺腑的事迹,也没有什么催人泪下的惨痛现实。但,有一点它是事实:我爱我的父亲,我的父亲也爱我。
81. 写我的爸爸的英语作文篇二
82. 父爱如茶,细品醇香。
83. i like deep gratitude and travel alone women. know thank parents, but not blindly follow; know thank heaven and earth; but do not narcissism.我喜欢深存感恩之心又独自远行的女人。知道谢父母,却不盲从;知道谢天地;却不自恋;知道谢朋友,却不依赖。
84. 看水是水,看山是你。
85. there is no friend so faithful as a good book
86. 给父母们:要让孩子们从他们的父亲和母亲身上学习怎样彼此相爱是非常重要的–不是从学校,不是从老师那儿,而是从你们那里。
87. who trust us educate us t s eliot
88. 父亲,是男孩到男人的一门必修课。
89. 我的父亲和母亲是我的双亲。
90. 一个说她知道如何做一个母亲最正确的方法。
91. 通往幸福的路,我陪着你走。
92. 感恩父亲,是他让我读懂了父亲的含义。
93. if you mess up, it's not your parents' fault, so don't whine about our mistakes, learn from them.爱心如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,所以不要尖声抱怨我们的错误,要从中吸取教训。
94. 家是最大的财富,今天,一起炫“父”。
95. beforeievensayaword
96. there is an old saying______。 its the experience of our forefathers,however,it is correct in many cases even today.
97. wealwaysaskformantoinnocentaschild,butableasfather.我们总是要求男人有孩子一样的眼神,但要有父亲一样的能力。
98. 玛丽依偎著母亲,断断续续地打瞌睡。
99. do you have great faith: give it my all, in order to live more happy more beautiful
100. 人们常说父爱如山,可在我看来,我的父亲对我的爱,并非完全如山那样严峻,有时却如水那样温柔。
101. So is the will of a living daughter curb’d by the will of a dead father. (A Merchant of Venice 2)一个活生生的女人的意愿,却被过世的父亲的遗嘱所限。——《威尼斯商人》
102. 感恩父亲,愿您一生平安,幸福快乐。
103. 做你的小棉袄,冬暖夏凉。
104. so, perhaps, shall break upon us that eternal morning, when crag and chasm shall be no more, neither hill and valley, nor great unvintaged ocean; but all things shall arise, and shine in the light of the father’s countenance, because itself is risen.
105. 父爱,是传承,是一种永恒。
106. mydadandi
107. Beauty! Where is thy faith? (Troilus and Cressida 2)
108. love your parents. we are too busy growing up yet we forget that they are already growing old——爱多关心一下自己的父母吧,我们总忙着自己成长,却忘了他们也在变老。
109. family is shaping excellent personality life textbook is to stimulate the spirit of power source is the emotional rain nourishes the soul
110. we always ask for man to innocent as child, but able as father.我们总是要求男人有孩子一样的眼神,但要有父亲一样的能力。
111. sometimeshe'sreallybusy,too
112. 父爱是一道光辉,让你的心灵即使濒临与黑暗也能看见光明大道;父爱是一阵微风,父爱如山,高大而巍峨,让我望而生怯不敢攀登。
113. Two birds with one stone? Have you met my parents?一石二鸟?你碰到过我的父母么?