
时间:2017-07-09 03:25:29
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老人外貌英语句子 篇一

As I walked down the street, I noticed an elderly man sitting on a bench. His wrinkled face told the story of a life well-lived, with eyes that sparkled with wisdom and experience. His silver hair glistened in the sunlight, adding to his distinguished appearance. The lines on his face spoke of laughter, tears, and everything in between, each one a testament to the passage of time. Despite his age, there was a strength in his posture and a twinkle in his eye that hinted at a mischievous spirit still burning bright. The world may have changed around him, but he remained a timeless figure, a reminder of the beauty and grace that comes with age.

老人外貌英语句子 篇二

I sat across from an elderly woman on the bus, her delicate features a testament to the passage of time. Her eyes, though tired, still held a spark of curiosity and wonder, as if she was seeing the world anew each day. The lines on her face told a story of hardship and joy, of sorrow and triumphs, each one etched into her skin like a map of her life's journey. Her hair, once a vibrant shade of chestnut, now a soft silver, framed her face like a halo, adding to her angelic appearance. Despite her age, there was a grace and dignity in her every movement, a quiet strength that spoke volumes about the resilience of the human spirit. As I watched her, I couldn't help but be in awe of the beauty that comes with age, the wisdom and experience that only time can bestow.

老人外貌英语句子 篇三

1. 老人家那爬满核桃壳般的皱纹的脸上,写尽了岁月的苍桑。

2. 眼花缭乱,视物不清。走路蹒跚,腰弯背驼等等。诸如此类,皆是人老年迈的外在表现。劝君莫要厌人老,只是未到来日时!一定要关爱老人,让他们欢度晚年!

3. healthy(健康的)

4. “父亲忽然看见两位先生在请两位打扮很漂亮的太太吃牡蛎。一个衣服褴褛的年老水手拿小刀一下撬开牡蛎,递给两位先生,再由他们递给两位太太。”

5. 耳鸣失聪,和人对话打叉,时尔啼笑皆非。

6. 她眯起眼睛翻来覆去地看着玉云姐那张录取通知书,好像手里捧的不是录取通知书,而是一件稀罕的宝物。

7. 他矮墩墩的身材,胖乎乎的面孔,红茶色发亮的额头下面,两条弯弯的眉毛,一双细长的眼睛,那面相就像一尊弥勒佛。

8. He has two Wrinkled hands他有双满是皱纹的手

9. 老人的手每一根指头都伸不直,里外都是茧皮,整个看真像用树枝做成的小耙子,老人面色枯黄,突出的颧骨顶着一张沧桑的皮。

10. handsome(英俊的)-特别常用

11. 张奶奶拉


12. soft(柔软的)

13. 这位老汉的眉毛胡子都花白了。但脸膛仍是紫红色的,显得神采奕奕。他身穿崭新的青布棉袄棉裤,头上还包着一块雪白的毛巾。老汉蹲在地上,乐滋滋地抽着旱烟。

14. 外祖父是一位年过六旬的白发老人。在他那高高的颧骨上架着一副老花镜,堆满皱纹的脸上总是挂着慈祥的微笑。

15. beautiful(美丽的)-特别常用

16. cute(小巧可爱的)

17. 她微低着头,两手熟练地缠着纱布。


