
时间:2019-04-08 04:15:42
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  tom: darli

ng, why you looks so unhappy?two hours ago you went to attend the class party in high spirits. 亲爱的,为什么你看起来不高兴呢?两个小时之前你欢欢喜喜的出去参加同学聚会了啊。

  gina: don’t mention it! 别提了!

  tom: tell me, what happened? 告诉我,发生了什么事?

  gina: do you remember james? 你还记得james吗?

  tom: of course, he is your classmate & first lover. you dropped him after he dated with another rich girl. 当然了,他是你的同学, 也是你的初恋情人,在他和另一个有钱的女孩约会后你甩掉了他。

  gina: yes. today he also came, showed off his car and big house all the time. worst of all, he hinted that it was a big mistake i missed him. 是的,今天他也来了,一直炫耀他的车和大房子。 最可恶的是,他还暗示我错过了他是个大错误。

  tom: sweet heart, don’t pay any attention to his words. he is such a parasite that always replies on his rich father-in-law. see, this is the car key, take it, i pay it for you with my own bonus. 甜心,不要理会他的话。他是个寄生虫,只会依靠他的岳父。看,这是车钥匙,拿着,我用自己的奖金买了它送给你。

  gina: wow, you are so great! 哇,你太棒了!


