
时间:2019-07-06 02:40:21
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我的弟弟英语周记 篇一

Last week, my little brother started writing his English weekly journal for school. He was excited to share his thoughts and experiences in English, and I was happy to help him with any unfamiliar words or phrases.

On Monday, he wrote about his visit to the zoo with our family. He described the different animals he saw, such as lions, tigers, and monkeys. He also talked about how much he enjoyed watching the elephant show and feeding the giraffes. His excitement and joy were evident in every word he wrote.

Tuesday's entry was about his first day back at school after the weekend. He talked about his favorite subjects, like math and science, and how he played football with his friends during recess. He also mentioned how he was looking forward to the upcoming science fair and was already brainstorming ideas for his project.

Wednesday's journal entry was about a funny incident that happened at home. He shared how he accidentally spilled his milk during breakfast and how our dog quickly came to lick it up before anyone noticed. He wrote about how he and our dog ended up having a mini food fight, which made him laugh so hard that he couldn't stop.

Thursday's entry focused on his new hobby of painting. He talked about the colorful landscapes and abstract designs he created with his watercolors and how he felt calm and relaxed while painting. He also mentioned how he planned to surprise our parents with his artwork by displaying it in the living room.

Friday's journal entry was about his plans for the weekend. He wrote about his upcoming soccer game with his team and how he was determined to score a goal. He also mentioned how he wanted to spend Sunday at the park flying kites with our family and having a picnic.

Overall, reading my brother's English weekly journal made me proud of how much he has improved in his writing skills and how he is becoming more confident in expressing himself in English. I look forward to helping him with his future entries and witnessing his growth as a writer.

我的弟弟英语周记 篇二

This week, my little brother continued writing his English weekly journal for school. As his older sister, I have been impressed by his dedication to improving his English skills and his creativity in expressing himself through writing.

On Monday, he wrote about his experience participating in a charity walk with our family. He described the excitement of walking alongside other participants and raising money for a good cause. He also talked about how proud he felt to be able to contribute to helping those in need.

Tuesday's entry focused on his favorite book that he had recently read. He shared his thoughts on the characters, plot, and themes of the book, and how it had inspired him to think about the world in a different way. He also mentioned how he was eager to discuss the book with his classmates during book club.

Wednesday's journal entry was about his cooking adventure with our mom. He talked about how they had made homemade pizza from scratch, including kneading the dough, adding toppings, and baking it in the oven. He also mentioned how much fun he had working together with our mom in the kitchen and how delicious the pizza turned out.

Thursday's entry was about a school field trip to a local museum. He described the fascinating exhibits he saw, such as dinosaur fossils, ancient artifacts, and interactive displays. He also talked about how much he enjoyed learning about history and science in a hands-on way.

Friday's journal entry was about his reflections on the week and his goals for the future. He wrote about how grateful he was for the experiences and opportunities he had had, and how he was determined to continue improving his English skills and exploring new interests. He also mentioned how excited he was for the upcoming school talent show, where he planned to perform a magic trick.

Reading my brother's English weekly journal this week, I am amazed by his growth as a writer and his ability to express his thoughts and feelings in a clear and engaging way. I am proud of his hard work and enthusiasm for learning, and I look forward to seeing what he will write about in the weeks to come.

我的弟弟英语周记 篇三


  I remember my brother as a sweet baby, bringing much fun and delight to the family with his pleasant gabbles of nonsense. He was a very likable chubby little thing, always on his feet climbing up and down, chasing after insects, birds, and me.

  I do not recall him ever having any white clothes since he started school. He was extremely untidy, He used to come home with a face of smudges, an inkspattered shirt, a pair of dirt-bedraggled pants.

  He did not care much for ready-made toys, and was very anxious to break them into bits, to satisfy his childish curiosity. But he treasured his sell-made toys, such as the slingshots which he used to break the glasses on the windows, and had receivedpunishments time and time again.






