英语教学小故事 篇一
The Magic Paintbrush
Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Tim who loved to draw and paint. One day, Tim's grandfather gave him a very special gift - a magic paintbrush. Tim was amazed by the beautiful brush and couldn't wait to try it out.
As soon as Tim dipped the brush into the paint, something magical happened. Whatever Tim painted with the brush would come to life! Tim was overjoyed and decided to paint all the things he had always dreamed of - a flying dragon, a talking bird, and a sparkling castle.
Tim's paintings were so amazing that people from all over the world came to see them. They marveled at the magical creations and praised Tim for his talent. Tim's paintings brought joy and wonder to everyone who saw them.
However, one day, a wicked sorcerer heard about Tim's magic paintbrush and decided to steal it for himself. The sorcerer sneaked into Tim's house while he was sleeping and took the brush. The sorcerer planned to use the brush to create an army of monsters to take over the kingdom.
But as soon as the sorcerer tried to paint with the magic brush, nothing happened. The brush refused to work for him because it could only be used by someone with a pure heart. The sorcerer was furious and tried everything to make the brush work, but it was no use.
In the end, Tim woke up and realized that the brush was missing. He knew that the sorcerer had taken it, so he set out on a journey to retrieve his magic paintbrush. With the help of his friends and the magical creatures he had painted, Tim defeated the sorcerer and reclaimed his brush.
From that day on, Tim continued to paint amazing creations with his magic paintbrush. He used his gift to bring happiness and wonder to the world, and his paintings became famous throughout the land. Tim's story spread far and wide, inspiring others to follow their dreams and never give up on their talents.
And so, the magic paintbrush remained in Tim's hands, a reminder of the power of creativity and the magic that lies within each of us.
英语教学小故事 篇二
The Lost Key
In a small village nestled among the rolling hills, there lived a young girl named Lily. Lily was always curious and loved to explore the world around her. One day, while playing in the forest, Lily stumbled upon a mysterious key lying on the ground.
The key was made of silver and had intricate designs engraved on it. Lily was intrigued and decided to keep the key as a treasure. She wore it around her neck on a chain and admired its beauty every day.
One evening, as Lily was walking home from the forest, she heard a faint voice calling out to her. "Help me, please! I am trapped," the voice cried. Lily followed the sound and discovered a hidden door in the side of a hill. The key she found fit perfectly into the lock, and the door swung open.
Inside the door, Lily found a magical garden filled with sparkling flowers and talking animals. The garden was a secret world that only those with a pure heart could enter. Lily was amazed by the beauty of the garden and the wonders that lay within.
As Lily explored the garden, she came across a wise old owl who told her the story of the lost key. The key was the key to the heart of the garden, and whoever possessed it had the power to unlock its secrets. The owl explained that the garden was a place of healing and peace, where all creatures could live in harmony.
But one day, an evil enchantress stole the key and locked the garden away from the world. The enchantress wanted to keep the garden's magic for herself and prevent anyone else from experiencing its wonders. The animals and flowers in the garden were trapped and longed to be free.
Lily knew she had to help the garden and its inhabitants. With the guidance of the owl, she set out to confront the enchantress and reclaim the key. The enchantress tried to stop Lily with her dark magic, but Lily's pure heart and bravery prevailed.
In the end, Lily defeated the enchantress and unlocked the garden for all to enjoy. The animals and flowers were freed, and the garden once again flourished with life and beauty. Lily was hailed as a hero and protector of the secret garden.
From that day on, Lily visited the garden often, tending to its needs and enjoying its wonders. She shared the magic of the garden with others and taught them the importance of kindness and compassion. The lost key had brought Lily on a journey of discovery and transformation, showing her the power of love and courage.
And so, the secret garden remained a sanctuary of peace and harmony, thanks to the brave and curious girl who had found the key to its heart.
英语教学小故事 篇三
这个学期我授教的是三年级,对于三年级的学生来说,英语是新奇的。所以,在英语课上我会设计很多学生感兴趣的活动来抓住学生的眼球。多媒体的确是不错的教学手段,活灵活现的动画,美丽的图画都无疑地会为课堂增色不少。但是,我总想让英语课回归到它的原汁原味,能够脱离掉多媒体的束缚,给学生更多的想象空间,也给自己更多的发挥的余地。在教学第三单元的色彩的时候,在书中有着彩虹图片的提示,于是,我就利用彩虹图片来让学生说说颜色,更是让学生发挥想象画出心目中的`美丽彩虹。看着学生们一个个踊跃举手的样子,我知道孩子们对此乐此不疲。可是,总不能一味地说彩虹啊,学生的兴趣是关键,于是,我又琢磨着能和颜色教学挂钩的教学材料。翻看教材,在小故事中的花朵似乎给我了一些灵感,“花朵,颜色”,对了,可以利用花朵来让学生画出心目中的“七色花”,在设计中我又给每一瓣花朵赋予了与课文相关的动作词组。通过让学生挑选喜欢的颜色并猜猜花瓣背后的动作,从而教学了书中的Let’s do。有时候,灵感就来自于我们的生活,来自于教材。其实在制作教具的过程中,不仅可以很好地