
时间:2016-08-03 08:25:17
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哲理的心灵鸡汤小故事英文 篇一

The Old Man and the Sea

Once upon a time, in a small fishing village by the sea, there lived an old man named Santiago. He was known as the greatest fisherman in the village, but in recent years, his luck had been running out. Day after day, Santiago would venture out into the sea, only to return empty-handed.

Despite his failures, Santiago never lost hope. He believed that the sea still had something to offer him, and he was determined to prove it. One day, he set out on his boat earlier than usual, determined to catch the biggest fish he had ever seen.

Hours passed, and Santiago felt a tug on his line. He knew immediately that this was the fish he had been waiting for. For three days and three nights, Santiago battled with the fish, never giving up despite his exhaustion and pain.

Finally, the fish was caught. It was the most magnificent marlin Santiago had ever seen. But as he made his way back to the village, he faced another challenge. Sharks had caught the scent of the fish's blood and were circling around Santiago's boat, eager to claim their prize.

Despite his fatigue, Santiago fought off the sharks with all his might, determined to protect his catch. By the time he reached the shore, only the fish's skeleton remained. But Santiago was not defeated. He had proven his worth as a fisherman, and he had learned an important lesson about perseverance and determination.

From that day on, Santiago's luck changed. He continued to fish in the sea, and he never returned empty-handed again. The village hailed him as a hero, and he became an inspiration to all who knew him. Santiago's story taught them that no matter how difficult life may be, with faith and determination, anything is possible.

哲理的心灵鸡汤小故事英文 篇二

The Butterfly Effect

In a beautiful garden, there lived a caterpillar named Luna. She dreamed of one day becoming a butterfly and exploring the world beyond the garden. But as days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Luna began to lose hope. She felt trapped in her cocoon, unable to break free and spread her wings.

One day, a wise old butterfly named Aurora visited the garden. She saw Luna struggling in her cocoon and decided to offer her some words of wisdom. "Do not lose hope, little one," Aurora said. "For within you lies the power to transform yourself and the world around you."

Inspired by Aurora's words, Luna continued to push against her cocoon, determined to break free. And finally, one sunny morning, she emerged from her cocoon as a beautiful butterfly, her wings shimmering in the sunlight.

As Luna fluttered around the garden, she noticed how her presence brought joy and beauty to the flowers and trees. The other creatures in the garden looked up to her in awe, amazed by her transformation. Luna realized that she had the power to make a difference, no matter how small she may be.

From that day on, Luna soared through the garden, spreading happiness and positivity wherever she went. Her journey from a lowly caterpillar to a majestic butterfly taught her an important lesson: every action, no matter how small, has the power to create a ripple effect that can change the world.

And so, Luna lived happily ever after, knowing that she had the power to make a difference and inspire others to do the same. Her story became a symbol of hope and transformation, reminding everyone that even the smallest of creatures can have a profound impact on the world around them.

哲理的心灵鸡汤小故事英文 篇三



The past honor can only represent the past

A child is not very popular, not only he is very naughty, but in school meddlesome, fight.

But there is one exception, that is a female teacher called fila.

One day after school, and called out, said: "it is like this, the teacher recently encountered a problem, you can help the teacher to find out the answer?"

There are three candidates, they are respectively:

1, a little superstitious, two mistresses, smoking and vicious, alcoholic; 2, general love bed till noon, once smoked opium; 3, was a national hero of the battle, not smoking, occasionally drink beer, when young has never done anything illegal.

That said: "if God should choose a later can benefit mankind in one of these three men, then he will choose?"

Without thinking about it, he said, "of course, it's third people."."

"No." That shook his head and said: "do you know who is the third person? His name is Adolf Hitler, his crime was reviled by the people all over the world."

Staring blankly at Ferla, he could hardly take his ear.

"Well, you know the top two are who?" and paused, then said, "the first man named Franklin Roosevelt, is the only president in American history's four term. The second man, Churchill, is the most famous prime minister in British history." "," that touched the head and said, "you have just begun, and the past can only represent the past, let us start again, okay?"

With tears in his eyes, he nodded firmly.

Many years later, the name has been known to many people, his name is Robert - Harrison, he is the youngest person on Wall Street.


Not good-for-nothing lessons

There is a fisherman with a first-class fishing technology, has been called "fishing king". However, "Fisher King" was very upset when he was old, because his three sons had mediocre fishing skills.

So I often tell people the pain in my mind: "I really don't understand. I'm so good at fishing. Why are my sons so bad?" My ignorance since their fishing techniques taught to them, from the most basic things to teach, tell them how to weave the most likely to catch fish, how to row a boat

does not disturb the fish, how the net most likely to ask the fish into the urn. They grow up, I also teach them how to know the tides, distinguish between... All my years of hard work summed up the experience, I have unreservedly passed on to them, but their fishing technology can not catch up with the technology than my poor fisherman's son!"

A passer-by listened to him and asked, "have you been teaching them hand in hand?""

"Yes, I taught them very carefully and patiently in order to get them first class fishing skills."

"Did they follow you all the time?""

"Yes, in order to let them avoid detours, I always let them follow me."."

"In this way, your mistake is obvious," said the passer-by. You can only pass on to their technology, not to teach them a lesson, for in order, no lessons and have no experience, can make the person chengdaqi!"


20 year old baggage

We have a beautiful dream, but, in the vast sea, slowly in the journey, we will give them too easy or forgotten, when we repent, we dream has been lost in the journey of life.

Once upon a time, there were two brothers living on the 80 floor. One day, two people came back from the tour and found that the building elevator was out of power. Helpless, the two had to climb upstairs. All the way out of breath, to the 20 floor. First, the backpack was too heavy, so I left it on the floor.

To lay down their luggage, and feel a lot easier. Lightly climbed to the 40 floor, two people began to tired, and then accused each other why the other did not pay attention to the blackout notice.

Noisy, two people climbed to the 60 floor. When they have exhausted no blame mouth parched and tongue scorched, continue to force, then two people helped each other.

Climb to the 80 floor. Finally to the door, two people ecstatic, but suddenly found: key was thrown in the 20 layer of backpacks.

Isn't this building life?

Before the age of 20, we were dreaming and bouncing, although we were tired and unconscious. There are many ambitions waiting for us to come true.

At the age of 20, we want to plan early and plan life. So, with imagination, throw away too many dreams.

40 year old noisy and regret, 60 year old silence and open-minded, are not worth 80 years old, looking back the moment.

In a flash, it is life.

That moment, will find that the original dream of their own, the pursuit of a lot of things have been thrown at the age of 20.

I thought I had many choices, many dreams, but as each day grew, we found ourselves less and less. Until one day, I no longer have a choice.

Dreams are like our most important treasures, which are thrown away carelessly. We are accustomed to compromise, but do not know each compromise, is a destruction of the dream. Our dreams fall on the 20 floor when we shrink back from laziness, cowardice, and worldly wisdom.

Don't put your backpacks down easily. Don't throw away your dreams and hopes. No matter where we go, our dreams are the direction of our progress and the motive force of our efforts. Do not leave your dream at 20, for it is too precious to be buried without hasty.



