汉英口译分类词汇—教育文化词汇 篇一
In the field of education and culture, there are many specific terms that are commonly used in Chinese-English interpretation. These terms are essential for interpreters to accurately convey the meaning of the original language to the target language. Here are some common education and culture vocabulary used in Chinese-English interpretation:
1. 教育 (Education)
2. 文化 (Culture)
3. 学生 (Student)
4. 教师 (Teacher)
5. 学校 (School)
6. 大学 (University)
7. 教育体制 (Education System)
8. 课程 (Curriculum)
9. 学位 (Degree)
10. 研究生 (Graduate Student)
11. 知识 (Knowledge)
12. 学习 (Study)
13. 教学法 (Teaching Method)
14. 艺术 (Art)
15. 历史 (History)
These are just a few examples of the education and culture vocabulary that interpreters need to be familiar with in order to accurately interpret between Chinese and English. By understanding and mastering these terms, interpreters can ensure that the message is accurately conveyed and understood by all parties involved.
汉英口译分类词汇—教育文化词汇 篇二
Interpreting in the field of education and culture requires a deep understanding of specific vocabulary that is commonly used in Chinese-English interpretation. These terms are crucial for interpreters to effectively convey the meaning of the original language to the target language. Here are some more education and culture vocabulary commonly used in Chinese-English interpretation:
16. 文学 (Literature)
17. 音乐 (Music)
18. 舞蹈 (Dance)
19. 传统 (Tradition)
20. 艺术家 (Artist)
21. 民俗 (Folklore)
22. 博物馆 (Museum)
23. 图书馆 (Library)
24. 文化遗产 (Cultural Heritage)
25. 研究 (Research)
26. 创意 (Creativity)
27. 教育政策 (Education Policy)
28. 文化交流 (Cultural Exchange)
29. 毕业生 (Graduate)
30. 学术界 (Academic Circle)
By familiarizing themselves with these education and culture vocabulary, interpreters can ensure accurate and effective communication between Chinese and English speakers in various educational and cultural contexts. Mastering these terms is essential for interpreters to provide high-quality interpretation services in the field of education and culture.
汉英口译分类词汇—教育文化词汇 篇三
(大学)代理校长 Acting President www.51test.net
(大学)副校长 Vice President www.51test.net
(大学)校长 President/Chancellor www.51test.net
(大学)专科 Major Types of Education in China short 2- to 3- year higher education programs www.51test.net
(大学的)研究小组;讨论会 seminar www.51test.net
(国家)助学金 (state)stipend/subsidy www.51test.net
(戏剧学院)表演系Acting Department www.51test.net
(系)主任 chairman; chairperson www.51test.net
(小学)校长 Head /Masterwww.51test.net
(职工)子弟学校 school for children of workers & staff memberswww.51test.net
(中学)校长 Principalwww.51test.net
爱国人士 patriotic personagewww.51test.net
爱国主义教育 education in patriotism www.51test.net
百分制 100-mark system www.51test.net
班主任Class Discipline Adviser/Head Teacherwww.51test.net
办学效益 efficiency in school management www.51test.net
半工半读学校 part-work and part-study school www.51test.net
半文盲 semiliterate; function
包分配 guarantee job assignments www.51test.net
被授权 be authorized to do www.51test.net