阿森纳球队队歌:Song Of Arsenal(推荐3篇)

时间:2011-03-03 02:48:32
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阿森纳球队队歌:Song Of Arsenal 篇一

阿森纳足球俱乐部是英格兰伦敦的一支知名足球队,而他们的队歌《Song Of Arsenal》也成为了球迷们的共同情感象征。这首队歌是由球迷们在比赛中高唱的,旋律简单而激昂,歌词充满了对球队的热爱与支持。


阿森纳队的队歌《Song Of Arsenal》不仅是球迷们的心灵纽带,也是球队在比赛中的精神支柱。每当球迷们高唱这首歌时,整个球场都会充满激情与动力,为球队带来无尽的力量。

阿森纳球队队歌:Song Of Arsenal 篇二

阿森纳队的队歌《Song Of Arsenal》不仅在比赛中能够激发球员们的斗志,也在球迷们的心中留下了深刻的印记。这首歌曲传达了球迷们对球队的热爱与支持,让他们在比赛中感受到团结和力量。

《Song Of Arsenal》的旋律简单朗朗,歌词朴实真挚,让人不由自主地跟着一起唱和。这首队歌不仅是球队的象征,更是球迷们共同的情感纽带,让他们在比赛中感受到彼此的团结与支持。

无论球队成绩如何,阿森纳队的队歌《Song Of Arsenal》始终伴随着球队和球迷们,成为了他们共同的精神符号。在球场上高唱这首歌曲,不仅能够激励球员们战胜对手,也能够让球迷们感受到团结与力量的力量。

阿森纳球队队歌:Song Of Arsenal 篇三

阿森纳球队队歌:Song Of Arsenal


Started out the season - nothing stopped us

Everything was going Wright Wright Wright!

Walking in a Bergkamp Wonderland, when Parlour was our Ray of light

Gunner see the Arsenal playing some Hot Stuff!

Let's see the Arsenal showing them how!

Come on you Arsenal - yeah you are the Hot Stuff

Keep telling us we are boring - we will just keep on scoring now!

The Arsenal...Come on you Arsenal...the Arsenal!

We were on the march with Arsenal's army

With Tony, Martin, Nigel and Lee

And vivent les Francais, Rami, Gilles and Patrick

Et tu es magnifique mon Petit

We got Matthew and Luis playing some Hot Stuff

Christopher and Nicolas showing them how

Give a shout for Platty, Hughesy, Bouldy and Alex

Keep telling us we are boring - we will just keep on scoring now!

The Arsenal...Come on you Arsenal...The Arsenal!

One nil to the Arsenal sang the Gunners by April it was all Over-mars

England's number one came back a hero

And goals were coming hard and fast,

Gunner see the Arsenal playing some Hot Stuff

Got the red and whites all showing them how

Come on you Arsenal, yeah you are the Hot Stuff

Keep telling us we are boring - we will just keep on scoring now

阿森纳球队队歌:Song Of Arsenal(推荐3篇)

