Good Writing, Bad Writing ?【优质3篇】

时间:2017-05-03 09:48:34
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Good Writing, Bad Writing ? 篇一

Good writing is like a breath of fresh air, effortlessly guiding the reader through a journey of words and emotions. It is clear, concise, and engaging, leaving a lasting impact on the reader's mind. Good writing is not just about grammar and punctuation, but also about capturing the reader's attention and evoking their emotions.

One of the key characteristics of good writing is its ability to convey complex ideas in a simple and accessible manner. Good writers have a knack for breaking down complicated concepts into easy-to-understand language, making it easier for readers to grasp the main ideas. They use clear, concise language that is easy to follow, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may confuse the reader.

Good writing also has a strong sense of structure and organization. A well-written piece flows smoothly from one idea to the next, with each paragraph building upon the previous one. Good writers use transitions and logical connections to guide the reader through the text, helping them to stay engaged and interested in the topic.

In addition, good writing is also characterized by its ability to evoke emotions in the reader. Whether it's through vivid descriptions, powerful imagery, or heartfelt storytelling, good writing has the power to make the reader feel something. Good writers know how to tap into the reader's emotions, drawing them in and creating a connection that goes beyond words on a page.

On the other hand, bad writing is like a stumbling block, hindering the reader's progress and leaving them confused and frustrated. Bad writing is often characterized by poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and unclear ideas that make it difficult for the reader to follow along. It lacks structure and organization, jumping from one idea to the next without any logical progression.

Bad writing is also devoid of emotion and fails to make any meaningful impact on the reader. It is dry, boring, and lacks the ability to engage the reader on a deeper level. Bad writers often rely on cliches, cliched language, and tired tropes, making their writing feel stale and unoriginal.

In conclusion, good writing and bad writing are like night and day. Good writing is a joy to read, engaging the reader's mind and emotions, while bad writing is a chore, leaving the reader feeling uninspired and disconnected. As writers, it is important to strive for excellence in our craft, honing our skills and constantly improving our writing to ensure that we produce work that is engaging, impactful, and memorable.

Good Writing, Bad Writing ? 篇二

Writing is a powerful tool that can be used to convey ideas, share stories, and connect with others. Good writing has the ability to captivate the reader, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impact. On the other hand, bad writing can be confusing, boring, and uninspiring, failing to engage the reader and leaving them feeling disconnected.

Good writing is characterized by its clarity and conciseness. A well-written piece is easy to follow, with clear and coherent ideas that flow seamlessly from one paragraph to the next. Good writers use precise language and avoid unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may confuse the reader. They also pay attention to grammar and punctuation, ensuring that their writing is free of errors that may distract the reader.

In addition, good writing is also characterized by its ability to evoke emotions in the reader. Whether it's through descriptive language, vivid imagery, or heartfelt storytelling, good writing has the power to make the reader feel something. Good writers know how to tap into the reader's emotions, creating a connection that goes beyond words on a page.

On the other hand, bad writing is often characterized by poor grammar, spelling mistakes, and unclear ideas. Bad writers may struggle to convey their thoughts in a coherent manner, jumping from one idea to the next without any logical progression. Their writing lacks structure and organization, making it difficult for the reader to follow along.

Bad writing also fails to engage the reader on an emotional level. It is often dry, boring, and lacks the ability to make any meaningful impact. Bad writers may rely on cliches, cliched language, and tired tropes, making their writing feel stale and unoriginal.

In conclusion, good writing and bad writing are like two sides of the same coin. Good writing has the power to captivate, inspire, and connect with the reader, while bad writing can be confusing, boring, and uninspiring. As writers, it is important to strive for excellence in our craft, honing our skills and constantly improving our writing to ensure that we produce work that is engaging, impactful, and memorable.

Good Writing, Bad Writing ? 篇三

Despite the modern desire to be easy and casual, Americans from time to time give thought to the language they use, to grammar, vocabulary,and official languages. And, as on other issues, they pide into two parties. The larger, which includes everybody from the plain people to the professional writer, takes for granted that there is a right way to use words and construct sentences and many wrong ways. The right way is believed to be clearer,simpler, more logical, and hence more likely to prevent error and confusion. Good writing is easier to read; it offers a pleasant combination of sound and sense.

Against this majority view is the doctrine of an opposing minority, who make up for their small number by their great lear

ning and their place of authority in the school system and the world of scholarship. They are the professional linguists,who deny that there is such a thing as correctness. The language, they say, is what anybody and everybody speaks.Hence there must be no interference with what they regard as a product of nature. They denounce all attempts at guiding choice.

Within the profession of linguists there are, of course,fighting factions, but, on this conception of language as a natural growth with which it is criminal to interfere, they are at one. In their arguments one finds appeals to feelings of social equality (all words and forms are equally good) and inpidual

freedom. These beliefs further suggest that the desire for correctness, the very idea of better or worse in speech, is what is left over from noble and times. To the linguists, change is the only rule to be obeyed. They consider it to be equal with life and accuse their critics of being clock-reverses, enemies of freedom, menaces to"life".



Good Writing, Bad Writing ?【优质3篇】

