射箭术语之二中英对照 篇一
1. 弓(Bow):用来发射箭矢的装备,通常由弓臂和弓弦组成。
Bow: The equipment used to shoot arrows, usually consisting of a bow limb and a bowstring.
2. 箭(Arrow):射击时射出的飞行物,通常由箭杆、箭簇和羽毛组成。
Arrow: The projectile shot during archery, usually consisting of an arrow shaft, arrowhead, and fletching.
3. 瞄准(Aiming):对准目标并使弓瞄准器与目标对齐的过程。
Aiming: The process of aligning the bow sight with the target.
4. 靶(Target):用于射箭训练或比赛的标靶,通常有不同的环和得分区域。
Target: The object used for archery training or competition, usually with different rings and scoring zones.
5. 扳机(Release):用于放箭的机械装置,使射手可以准确地释放箭矢。
Release: The mechanical device used to release the arrow, allowing the archer to shoot accurately.
6. 羽毛(Fletching):箭矢尾端的羽毛或塑料翼,用于稳定箭矢的飞行。
Fletching: The feathers or plastic vanes at the back end of an arrow, used to stabilize its flight.
7. 弓瞄准器(Bow Sight):安装在弓上的辅助装置,帮助射手瞄准目标。
Bow Sight: An auxiliary device mounted on the bow to help the archer aim at the target.
射箭术语之二中英对照 篇二
1. 瞄准线(Aiming line):指射手眼睛、脑袋和弓上瞄准器之间的直线。
Aiming line: The straight line between the archer's eye, head, and the bow sight.
2. 弓手(Archer):进行射箭的人,也称为射手。
Archer: The person who shoots arrows, also known as a bowman.
3. 瞄准器(Sight):用于帮助射手瞄准目标的装置。
Sight: The device used to assist the archer in aiming at the target.
4. 风向(Wind direction):指风吹来的方向,对箭矢的飞行轨迹有重要影响。
Wind direction: The direction from which the wind is blowing, which can greatly affect the flight path of the arrow.
5. 右手射手(Right-handed shooter):用右手拉弓的射手。
Right-handed shooter: An archer who pulls the bowstring with the right hand.
6. 左手射手(Left-handed shooter):用左手拉弓的射手。
Left-handed shooter: An archer who pulls the bowstring with the left hand.
7. 手臂(Arm):用于拉弓的手,通常是非惯用手。
Arm: The hand used to pull the bowstring, usually the non-dominant hand.
射箭术语之二中英对照 篇三
amber light:琥珀灯光(计时信号)buttress:靶
anchor:(拉满弓后的.) 固定姿势
anchor point:弦手固定点
address the taret:侧身向靶瞄准
aquatic target:水中靶
animal picture target:动物形象靶