
时间:2019-04-09 08:21:40
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小学英语教育教学设计模板 篇一

Title: Fun Ways to Teach English Vocabulary to Elementary Students


Teaching English vocabulary to elementary students can be a challenging task, but it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. By using creative and engaging teaching methods, teachers can help students learn new words in an enjoyable way. This lesson plan will provide some fun ways to teach English vocabulary to elementary students.

Lesson Objective:

- To help students learn new English vocabulary words in a fun and engaging way

- To improve students' retention of new words through interactive activities

- To encourage students to use new vocabulary words in context

Materials Needed:

- Flashcards with pictures of different vocabulary words

- Whiteboard and markers

- Small prizes or rewards for students

Lesson Plan:

1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Start the lesson by playing a quick vocabulary game with the students. Show them flashcards of different words and ask them to guess the meaning of each word.

2. Introduction (10 minutes):

- Introduce the new vocabulary words to the students using flashcards. Show them pictures of each word and say the word out loud. Have the students repeat the words after you.

3. Vocabulary Activities (20 minutes):

- Divide the students into small groups and give each group a set of flashcards. Ask the students to match the words with the correct pictures.

- Play a game of charades where students act out the meaning of different words without speaking. The other students have to guess the word being acted out.

- Have a spelling bee competition where students take turns spelling out the new vocabulary words.

4. Practice (15 minutes):

- Give the students a list of sentences with missing words. Ask them to fill in the blanks with the correct vocabulary words.

- Have the students work in pairs to create sentences using the new vocabulary words. Encourage them to be creative and use the words in different contexts.

5. Review and Assessment (10 minutes):

- Review the new vocabulary words with the students by playing a quick quiz game. Show them flashcards of the words and ask them to say the meaning of each word.

- Assess the students' understanding of the new words by asking them to write a short paragraph using as many of the new vocabulary words as possible.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes):

- End the lesson by praising the students for their hard work and participation. Give out small prizes or rewards to the students who showed great effort during the lesson.

By using these fun and interactive teaching methods, teachers can help elementary students learn new English vocabulary words in an enjoyable way. This lesson plan can be adapted and modified to suit the needs and interests of different groups of students.

小学英语教育教学设计模板 篇二

Title: Incorporating Technology in Teaching English to Elementary Students


In today's digital age, technology has become an integral part of education. By incorporating technology into English language teaching, teachers can enhance students' learning experience and make lessons more interactive and engaging. This lesson plan will provide some innovative ways to use technology in teaching English to elementary students.

Lesson Objective:

- To utilize technology to enhance students' learning of English vocabulary and grammar

- To engage students in interactive and multimedia activities to improve their language skills

- To provide students with opportunities to practice English in real-life contexts through technology

Materials Needed:

- Computers or tablets with internet access

- Educational websites and apps for teaching English

- Interactive whiteboard or projector

- Headphones for students

Lesson Plan:

1. Warm-up (5 minutes):

- Start the lesson by playing a short video or song in English to get students excited and engaged. Ask students to listen carefully and try to identify any new words or phrases they hear.

2. Introduction (10 minutes):

- Introduce the topic of the lesson using an interactive whiteboard or projector. Show students a short video or animation related to the topic to grab their attention and generate interest.

3. Technology Activities (20 minutes):

- Have students work in pairs or small groups to complete online exercises or quizzes on grammar or vocabulary. Use educational websites or apps that provide interactive and engaging activities for students.

- Play a virtual vocabulary game where students have to match words with pictures or definitions. Use online tools such as Kahoot or Quizlet to create fun and interactive quizzes for students.

- Have students watch a short video or listen to an audio recording in English and then discuss the content with their classmates. Encourage students to share their thoughts and opinions using the language they have learned.

4. Practice (15 minutes):

- Ask students to write a short paragraph or story using the new vocabulary words or grammar structures they have learned. Have them type their writing on the computers or tablets and share their work with the class.

- Use online language learning platforms such as Duolingo or Rosetta Stone to provide students with additional practice and reinforcement of language skills.

5. Review and Assessment (10 minutes):

- Review the lesson content with students by playing a quick online quiz or game. Use interactive tools to assess students' understanding of the material covered in the lesson.

- Assign a digital project for students to work on at home, such as creating a multimedia presentation or recording a video skit using the language they have learned in class.

6. Conclusion (5 minutes):

- Conclude the lesson by discussing the benefits of using technology in language learning. Encourage students to continue practicing English outside of the classroom by using online resources and apps.

By incorporating technology into English language teaching, teachers can create a more dynamic and engaging learning environment for elementary students. This lesson plan demonstrates how technology can be used to enhance students' language skills and provide them with new opportunities for language practice and development.

小学英语教育教学设计模板 篇三



  1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:blackboard, desk, chair, schoolbag, between, beside

  2.学生能听懂、会说下列句子:Danny is between the desk and the chair. Jenny is beside Kim.













  Class opening and review

  问候Greeting。复习单词pen, pencil, pencil box, ruler, crayon, what, whose及句型Whose ____ is this?

  二、课文导入Lesson hook


  三、新概念New concepts

  1. My classroom 学习单词blackboard, desk, chair, schoolbag 利用教室内的课桌椅等实物学习新词。出示单词图片, 让学生跟读练习。

  Practice练习:Listen and touch!老师说单词,分组站起来用手摸一摸:blackboard, desk, chair, schoolbag

  2. Where are they? 学习方位词表达位置的句子。新方位词:between, beside

  (1)复习学过的方位词on, in, under 利用手势、画图或实物摆放等方法复习包含这些方位词的句子。 课件出示图3,分别指书包、书、蜡笔问: Where are they? 生:The schoolbag/book/crayons is/are on/in/under_____.

  (2) 学习新方位词:between, beside

  课件出示图1:看图回答:Where is Danny? 告诉学生“在两者之间”英语是:between 让学生试着回答:Danny is between the desk and the chair. (板书) 反复读两遍。再列举几个例子练习:___ is between ___ and ____.

  课件出示图2:看图回答:Where is Jenny/Kim? 告诉学生“在……旁边”英语是:beside 让学生试着回答:Jenny is beside Kim. Kim is beside Jenny.(板书)


  四、Let’s do it!

  实物投影:Look and write.让学生根据方格中物品的位置,完成填空。集体订正,并读一读。


  Class closing:Great work, class!

  Now you know how to say where something is.

  Good-bye, class!

小学英语教育教学设计模板 篇四



