
时间:2016-04-01 08:20:22
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吵架的童话作文 篇一

Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of Fairyland, there were two best friends named Lily and Rose. They had been inseparable since they were little and did everything together. However, as they grew older, their friendship started to face some challenges.

One sunny day, Lily and Rose were playing in the enchanted forest. They stumbled upon a beautiful, sparkling crown lying on the ground. Both girls were instantly captivated by its charm and wanted to keep it for themselves. This marked the beginning of their first argument.

"I found it first, Rose! It should belong to me," Lily declared, her eyes shining with determination.

"No way, Lily! I saw it too, and it's only fair that we share it," Rose replied, crossing her arms in defiance.

Their voices grew louder as they argued over who should possess the crown. The once peaceful forest was now filled with their angry shouts. Their argument escalated, and they started to say hurtful things to each other.

As their fight intensified, a wise old owl named Oliver happened to fly by. He perched himself on a nearby branch and observed the commotion. Oliver was known for his wisdom and ability to solve conflicts, so he decided to intervene.

"Dear Lily and Rose, why are you fighting?" Oliver asked, his voice soothing and calm.

Lily and Rose paused, realizing the presence of the wise owl. They explained their desire to keep the crown and their unwillingness to compromise.

Oliver chuckled softly and said, "My dear friends, true friendship is not about possessions. It is about love, trust, and understanding. Instead of fighting, why don't you find a way to share the crown?"

Lily and Rose looked at each other, realizing the wisdom in Oliver's words. They understood that their friendship was more valuable than any material possession.

They decided to come up with a plan to share the crown. Lily would wear it on weekdays, while Rose would wear it on weekends. This way, both girls could enjoy the beauty of the crown without feeling jealous or possessive.

From that day on, Lily and Rose's friendship grew stronger. They learned the importance of compromise and understanding. They no longer fought over small things and cherished their friendship above all else.

The enchanted forest was once again filled with laughter and joy, as Lily and Rose continued their adventures together, always remembering the valuable lesson they had learned about the true meaning of friendship.


吵架的童话作文 篇二

Once upon a time, in the magical kingdom of Fairyland, there were two siblings named Jack and Emily. Despite their close bond, they often found themselves in disagreements and arguments.

One sunny afternoon, Jack and Emily were playing in the meadow near their house. They stumbled upon a shiny, golden key hidden among the flowers. Both children were immediately intrigued and wanted to use it to unlock the mysterious door they had discovered in the nearby forest. However, they couldn't agree on who should hold the key.

"I found it first, Emily! It should be mine," Jack insisted, his face turning red with anger.

"No way, Jack! I saw it too, and I deserve to have it," Emily replied, her voice filled with determination.

Their voices grew louder as they argued over the ownership of the key. The once peaceful meadow was now filled with their shouts and cries. Their argument escalated, and they started to say hurtful things to each other.

Just when it seemed like their fight would never end, a wise fairy named Sophia appeared before them. She had been observing the siblings from afar and decided it was time to intervene.

"Dear Jack and Emily, why are you fighting?" Sophia asked, her voice gentle and soothing.

Jack and Emily paused, realizing the presence of the wise fairy. They explained their desire to unlock the mysterious door and their unwillingness to compromise.

Sophia smiled warmly and said, "My dear siblings, true harmony can only be achieved through cooperation and understanding. Instead of fighting, why don't you work together to find a solution?"

Jack and Emily looked at each other, realizing the wisdom in Sophia's words. They understood that their bond as siblings was more important than any material possession.

They decided to take turns holding the key. Jack would keep it for a week, and then Emily would have it for the following week. This way, both children could have a chance to unlock the mysterious door and explore the secrets within.

From that day on, Jack and Emily's relationship grew stronger. They learned the importance of compromise and teamwork. They no longer fought over trivial matters and cherished their bond as siblings above all else.

The meadow was once again filled with laughter and joy, as Jack and Emily continued their adventures together, always remembering the valuable lesson they had learned about the true meaning of family.

吵架的童话作文 篇三








