
时间:2015-04-07 05:42:24
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BOSS安排员工购买办公用品办公室英语 篇一

In many organizations, it is common for the boss to delegate the task of purchasing office supplies to the employees. This practice has both advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explore the benefits and drawbacks of this arrangement.

One of the main advantages of having employees purchase office supplies is that it can save the company time and effort. Instead of the boss having to personally go out and buy the supplies, they can rely on their employees to handle this task. This frees up the boss's time to focus on more important responsibilities, such as managing the team or dealing with clients. Additionally, employees may have a better understanding of the specific needs of their department and can make more informed decisions when purchasing supplies.

Another benefit of this arrangement is that it can empower employees and make them feel more involved in the decision-making process. By entrusting them with the responsibility of purchasing office supplies, the boss is showing trust and confidence in their abilities. This can boost employee morale and motivation, leading to increased productivity and job satisfaction.

However, there are also some drawbacks to having employees purchase office supplies. One potential issue is the lack of consistency and standardization in the supplies purchased. Different employees may have different preferences or may not be aware of the company's purchasing policies. This can lead to a lack of uniformity in the office supplies, which may affect productivity or create confusion among employees.

Another disadvantage is the potential for employees to misuse or abuse the purchasing power. Without proper oversight, employees may be tempted to buy unnecessary or expensive items, which can lead to waste and increased costs for the company. It is important for the boss to establish clear guidelines and expectations regarding the purchasing process to prevent such issues from arising.

In conclusion, while having employees purchase office supplies can save time and empower them, it also comes with potential drawbacks such as lack of consistency and potential misuse of purchasing power. It is important for the boss to strike a balance by providing clear guidelines and oversight to ensure the smooth and efficient procurement of office supplies.

BOSS安排员工购买办公用品办公室英语 篇二

In today's modern workplaces, it is increasingly common for bosses to delegate the task of purchasing office supplies to their employees. This practice has become popular for several reasons, including cost-saving measures and efficiency. In this article, we will discuss the reasons why bosses choose to have employees purchase office supplies and the benefits it brings to the organization.

One of the main reasons why bosses delegate the task of purchasing office supplies to employees is cost-saving. By allowing employees to directly purchase the supplies they need, the company can potentially save money by cutting out the middleman or third-party vendors. Employees can compare prices and look for the best deals, ensuring that the company gets the best value for their money. This can help reduce unnecessary expenses and contribute to overall cost-efficiency.

Additionally, having employees purchase office supplies can lead to increased efficiency. Employees are more familiar with their specific needs and preferences when it comes to office supplies. By allowing them to make purchasing decisions, the company can ensure that the supplies meet their requirements and are suitable for their work. This can help improve productivity and streamline processes, as employees have the necessary tools and materials to perform their tasks effectively.

Furthermore, delegating the task of purchasing office supplies to employees can promote a sense of ownership and responsibility. By entrusting them with this task, the boss is showing that they value their employees' input and trust their judgment. This can boost employee morale and motivation as they feel more involved in the decision-making process. Employees may also become more careful and mindful of their purchasing decisions, as they understand the impact it has on the company's resources.

However, it is important to note that this arrangement may not be suitable for all organizations. In certain industries or workplaces where strict compliance and standardization are required, it may be more appropriate for the boss or a designated procurement team to handle the purchasing of office supplies. This ensures consistency and adherence to company policies and regulations.

In conclusion, delegating the task of purchasing office supplies to employees can bring several benefits to the organization, including cost-saving measures, increased efficiency, and improved employee morale. However, it is important for the boss to assess the specific needs and requirements of their organization before implementing this arrangement. Clear guidelines and oversight should also be established to ensure that the purchasing process is efficient and aligned with the company's goals.

BOSS安排员工购买办公用品办公室英语 篇三


  michael: the boss has an errand for you.


  billy: what is my task, sir?


  michael: scope out the city's shopping malls and find out the best deals.


  billy: the best deals on what sort of items?


  michael: office supplies, of course.


  billy: i'm leaving now.



  michael: hold your horses. don't leave without finishing your report first.


  billy: fine, i'll finish, then go shopping!


  new words 新单词

  1) hold your horses(等一会儿, 别着急): relax, wait a moment

  hold you horses, miss, you can't go into the shopping center until 9am.


  2) mall(购物中心): an indoor multi-level shopping center

  kid who goes to the mall too much are called mall rats.


  3)office supplies(办公用品): items used in the workplace, pens, paper...

  i am off to the mall to buy some office supplies, do you want to come?


  4)run errands (跑腿,办点儿事): do tasks, finish a small project, go out and do something.

  i have to run a few errands at the post office, do you want to come along?


  5)quite a deal(一大把,很划算): a bargain, inexpensive

  1) you will usually only get 1/2 an hour.


  2) ask others if they want to share before you order a pizza.


  3) try buying a fun and colorful lunchbox, one that others will admire. i have a star wars lunchbox, and my coworkers are all



  4) if you eat at your desk, clean up the food very carefully. no one like bugs at their station.


  5) if you are going out to pick up fast food, ask if you can get any for your friends.



