《Look at me》说课稿【最新4篇】

时间:2014-07-08 08:12:34
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《Look at me》说课稿 篇一


Title: Developing Self-Confidence through "Look at me"


Hello everyone! Today, I am going to present a lesson plan based on the book "Look at me". This book is not only a delightful story but also a powerful tool for developing self-confidence in young learners. Through this lesson, students will have the opportunity to explore their emotions, express themselves creatively, and build their self-esteem. The target audience for this lesson is primary school students aged 7-9.

Key Vocabulary:

1. Self-confidence: Believing in one's abilities and worth.

2. Emotions: Feelings that can be expressed through facial expressions and body language.

3. Express: To communicate or show something.

4. Creative: Using imagination to come up with new ideas.

Learning Objectives:

1. Students will be able to identify and understand different emotions.

2. Students will practice expressing their emotions through facial expressions and body language.

3. Students will develop self-confidence by participating in creative activities.

Warm-up activity (10 minutes):

To engage students and activate prior knowledge, I will start the lesson with a warm-up activity. I will ask students to stand up and form a circle. One by one, each student should stand in the middle and act out an emotion while the rest of the class guesses what it is. This activity will help students to recognize and understand different emotions.

Reading and comprehension (15 minutes):

Next, I will read the book "Look at me" aloud to the students. As I read, I will emphasize the facial expressions and body language of the characters. After reading, I will ask questions to check their comprehension, such as "How did the character feel when...?" or "Why do you think the character reacted that way?" This will encourage students to think critically about the emotions portrayed in the story.

Expressing emotions (20 minutes):

To further develop their understanding of emotions, students will be divided into small groups. Each group will receive a set of emotion cards. They will take turns picking a card and expressing that emotion through facial expressions and body language. The other group members should guess the emotion being portrayed. This activity will allow students to practice expressing emotions and enhance their observation skills.

Creative activity (15 minutes):

To reinforce the concept of self-confidence, students will engage in a creative activity. They will be given art supplies and asked to draw a picture that represents a time when they felt proud and confident. After finishing their artwork, students will have the opportunity to explain their drawings and share their experiences with the class. This activity will boost their self-esteem and encourage them to reflect on their achievements.


Through the "Look at me" lesson, students will develop a deeper understanding of emotions, practice expressing themselves, and build self-confidence. By incorporating interactive activities and creative expression, this lesson will foster a positive and supportive classroom environment. Let's encourage our students to believe in themselves and embrace their unique qualities!

《Look at me》说课稿 篇二


Title: Enhancing Emotional Intelligence with "Look at me"


Hello everyone! Today, I am excited to present a lesson plan centered around the book "Look at me". This book is not only a captivating story but also an excellent resource for developing emotional intelligence in young learners. Through this lesson, students will learn to recognize and understand emotions, empathize with others, and develop effective communication skills. The target audience for this lesson is primary school students aged 7-9.

Key Vocabulary:

1. Emotional intelligence: The ability to recognize, understand, and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others.

2. Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of others.

3. Communication: The act of exchanging information or ideas.

4. Express: To convey or show something.

Learning Objectives:

1. Students will be able to identify and label different emotions.

2. Students will practice showing empathy towards others.

3. Students will develop effective communication skills.

Warm-up activity (10 minutes):

To engage students and activate their prior knowledge, I will start the lesson with a warm-up activity. I will distribute emotion flashcards to each student and ask them to find a partner. They will take turns showing their card to their partner and acting out the corresponding emotion. This activity will help students recognize and understand different emotions.

Reading and comprehension (15 minutes):

Next, I will read the book "Look at me" aloud to the students. As I read, I will pause at certain points to ask questions and encourage discussion about the emotions displayed by the characters. For example, I might ask, "How do you think the character felt when...?" or "What would you do if you were in that situation?" This will allow students to connect with the characters and develop their comprehension skills.

Empathy activity (20 minutes):

To further enhance their emotional intelligence, students will participate in an empathy activity. They will be divided into pairs and given a scenario card. Each pair will take turns reading the scenario and discussing how they would feel in that situation. This activity will encourage students to put themselves in someone else's shoes and develop their empathy skills.

Communication activity (15 minutes):

To reinforce effective communication, students will engage in a role-play activity. They will be given different emotion cards and instructed to act out the emotions while their partner guesses what they are feeling. Afterward, they will switch roles. This activity will help students practice expressing their emotions and improve their communication skills.


Through the "Look at me" lesson, students will develop their emotional intelligence by recognizing and understanding emotions, showing empathy towards others, and improving their communication skills. By incorporating interactive activities and encouraging discussion, this lesson will create a supportive and inclusive classroom environment. Let's empower our students to become emotionally intelligent individuals who can effectively navigate their own emotions and connect with others!

《Look at me》说课稿 篇三


  大家早上好!我是郧县安阳镇居峪完全小学的龚丽。今天我说课的内容是小学英语三年级上册《Look at me》第二课时。下面我从以下几个方面来说这节课:


  本课内容是人民教育出版社出版的英语三年级上册Unit 2《Look at me》第二课时.这节课是单词教学,学习有关头部各部位的单词,通过TPR活动练习并应用所学的词汇。



  2、能力目标:能听懂Let’s do中的指令并做出相应动作.如Touch your head、Touch your eye…





  能正确认读六个单词。能听懂Let’s do中的指令,做出相应动作并能灵活运用。













  在这个环节我先与同学进行朋友式的会话。Hi ! Good morning Boys and girls. My name is Gong Li .What is your name?Nice to meet you. 教师就这样面带微笑,边说边走下讲台与同学握手问候。这不只复习了旧知识,还渲染了学习英语的良好气氛。然后老师说: It’s time for class. Are you ready ? Now, we are going to learn“Unit2. Look at me”然后板书课题。



  在热身的时候,首先让同学跟着节奏演唱歌曲:Hello, what’s you name。【点击光盘1】同学一边做动作一边跟节奏唱,这样使同学感到很轻松很愉快。然后老师导言:这节课我将和大家一起学习有关头部各部位名称的英语单词。我们分成三大组,看哪一组学的快,说的好,表示出色,一人次为本组获得一个智慧果,最后看哪个小组获胜。你有信心吗?



  教育家托尔斯泰说过:“胜利的`教学所必需的不是强制,而是激发同学的兴趣。因此,推动同学学习的强大动力,是同学参与教学活动的基础。根据这一理念出现新课前,我做好这样的导言:今天Saly在做一个漂亮的头饰,你们想去看看吗?因为同学对要学的内容发生了兴趣自然说:想。然后老师提出要求:在看Saly做头饰的同时还要仔细听Saly的发音,认真看Saly的口型,看谁学好。然后播放光盘学习Let’s learn局部单词教学。【点击光盘2】光盘中Saly正在做头饰。Saly指着头饰出示单词head,Saly范读/hed/,并指着自身的头读head,my head, 同学先听Saly的发音,看Saly的口型,然后通过Saly老师教读,同学跟读,学习头部的发音。接着在句型中学习单词head,head,This is my head. 接着教学第二个单词学。会单词发音后,让同学把学过的单词图片贴在头饰相应的地方。在这局部内容的教学中我充沛利用光盘资源进行教学。


  但光盘中其他几个单词的教法与第一个单词相同,并且六个单词教学时间很长,为了让同学更好的掌握单词,在教学时我采用每学完两个单词后选择暂停,我再出示单词卡认读,开火车读,在句型中练读,并把单词卡贴在黑板上。再通过同桌一个人说head,head,另一个人说This is my head,并触摸相应的部位来强化训练。然后播放光盘学习后四个单词。方法同上,每学完两个单词选择暂停。学完六个单词后光盘中是这样设计的【点击光盘3】通过句型This is my …巩固六个单词,谁能用这个句型把六个单词都说对,谁把一个部位图片贴在头饰相应的位置。我教学时让同学把这局部内容略看一局部,然后删除,在自身的课堂中进行同样活动。



  在操练时,我首先进行了一些机械的操练活动,如“Look and Guess”看口形、猜单词:老师不出声说单词,同学猜是

《Look at me》说课稿 篇四









  知识目标:能听、说、认读head 和五个有关五官的词汇:face,ear,nose,mouth,eye;听懂、理解句子look at me. this is my nose/eye/….;快速反应:touch your head /eye/…




  本课的教学重点是让学生能听、说、认读head和五个有关五官的词汇。教学难点是学生能将这六个有关人体部位的词汇运用到简单的英语句子中表达,突破重点和难点的关键是结合低年级学生喜欢跳跳、唱唱、画画,喜欢游戏的特点,通过let’s do快速反应,使单调的知识溶进生动的活动之中,让学生在听,做,动的过程中,掌握知识,并灵活地运用。










  1.上课一开始,现场一首英文歌《Hello》.然后让学生进行日常口语训练:教师先示范自我介绍good morning!/nice to meet you./hello!I’m Miss Du.What’s your name? 然后让学生进行自我介绍。


  1.教师出示Zoom头部图说:Look,this is our friend,Zoom.引导学生打招呼。教师假装侧耳听Zoom讲话:Zoom说他今天想教大家认识他的五官,你们愿意吗?

  教师依次出示head,face, ear,nose,mouth,eye这几个五官部位,结合身体语言,逐个呈现这几个新单词。然后分别采用升降调教师逐个带读这几个新单词,再指名让学生读一读。每教一个单词,教师都要示范拼读单词。

  2.单词巩固。Play a game“Which is missing?”从准备好的单词卡片中任意抽出一张,学生认读完单词,必须说出那个单词不见了,最快说出的学生将得到一个小奖品。


  1.教师指着自己的鼻子说:look at me. This is my nose。然后板书look at me。 This is my…,让学生一起读一读。接着问学生:where is your nose? can you tell me?引导鼓励学生试着说一说自己的五官look at me. This is my nose/eye/…。并强调my,your的含义。

  2.听录音,Let’s learn的词汇,要求学生指读,做到“眼到、口到、手到、心到”。

  3.let’s do教师发指令:open your mouth. close your eyes. show me your nose…让学生做一做,然后教师左手摸头的动作:Guess,What am I doing?教读“touch”,辅助动作加以理解。自然引入let’s do :touch your head/face/ear/nose/ mouth/eye。听录音,跟做相应动作。


  Make a chant.教师启发学生把单词编成儿歌来记忆,很好记又难忘,引导学生自编儿歌:头是head真聪明,耳朵ear听声音,眼睛eye看东西,鼻子nose闻气味,嘴巴mouth会说话,脸是face爱干净。



《Look at me》说课稿【最新4篇】

